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File: 131 KB, 1280x720, millenial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2259699 No.2259699 [Reply] [Original]

Are millenials the most fucked over generation since the ones which fought in WW1? Jobs require unrealistic amounts of experience, wages are shit, work hours are long etc.

Also fuck this guy

>> No.2259747 [DELETED] 

Yes and no.
If you're working for someone expecting a life-long job you will undoubtedly suffer in your life, if you're in on it just for the various experience (which you should be), it's all fine.
There was never this much opportunity to start your own business or work for yourself in today's age, this is the only path any millennial or generation Z should take, even if you believe you're "dumb" since you can virtually make money off anything, just go with your strengths.

>> No.2259764

>trade memecoins
>get rich

>> No.2259776

Why do so many startups fail then if that is true

>> No.2259777

Yeah, the world war spoils are long gone, there's nobody else to suck resources, welcome to real capitalism.

>> No.2259800

I'm so fucking tired of you faggots shilling that Simon Sinek cuckshit

the dude knows jackshit

and yea let's just casually bundle up an entire decade's worth of lives into a bunch of labels he chose arbitrarily, with roughly 0 actual statistics and research

does he mean millenials from the US?
from europe?
from western europe? or maybe eastern?
does he mean 25+ chinese females?
maybe those kids that made it alive over the age of 20 in Nigeria?


aaa but wait, he has the perfect content for retarded questions like OP's, now I get it, ok

>> No.2259814
File: 262 KB, 1688x949, millennials-taking-selfie-e1442002170319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>world war spoils are long gone
what did he mean by this

>> No.2259824

You fucking idiot, I wasn't shilling him I literally wrote "fuck this guy"

>> No.2259839

he's right though, "generations" are stupid

>> No.2259843
File: 28 KB, 482x480, 1496376900639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you upset friend

>> No.2259850

Yes I agree with him that's the entire point, I posted the video to mock him, not to shill for him

>> No.2259880
File: 66 KB, 650x650, filthy kike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this jew writes books about how to become a better drone for the overlords to dominate. he's just shilling how lazy millenials are so he can make more shekels.

>> No.2259900


Because they think everyone in the business needs a $3,000 Macbook for email and $8k iMacs for printing shipping labels and they treat Starbucks as a line item on their expense reports, and they spend a shit load of money on organic dog food for the office dog.

>> No.2259902

do you think we'll ever need to wageslave again or will this coin bubble last forever, anon?

>> No.2259918

They're the most deluded whinefags ever, thats for sure.

>> No.2259923

Personally think it will really catch on globally by 2030

>> No.2259940

Well I think its a bit simplistic saying startups are failing because people are stupid, ofcourse people are stupid, but people have always been stupid and it's not just a thing of this generation

>> No.2259948


That the slaves nazi scientists who put humans on the moon are dead, the FED is out of gold and China is going to put the world back into 1800.

>> No.2259983

I was born in 98', pretty red pilled and very econ frugal. accumulated lots of savings and shitcoins. How do i exploit my the blue pilled generation to achieve financial independence?

>> No.2259991

Step up the crypto trading game. Add me on Skype: CryptoAnna

>> No.2260021

Are you a girl

>> No.2260025

lol get off 4chan

you thinking you're superior because you're "redpilled" isn't going to bode well for your future

>> No.2260156

my apologies, I got mad before properly reading

I was ever so briefly upset yes
>mainly because I missed dat DGB train

>> No.2260188
File: 21 KB, 300x370, muhperfectgenes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh redpill muh bluepill muhgenes

>> No.2260249

please be true

>> No.2260261

get out there and pick lettuce you faggots

>> No.2260282

it's ok bro, I feel you