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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22595914 No.22595914 [Reply] [Original]

one thing that is hilarious to me, is how biz is ignoring PRQ
thing right here is one of, if not the most undervalued coin in all of crypto
people here talk about all kinds of project without realizing they are in just for the money, so if we're being rational, the smartest thing to do is to go all in prq if you only want money
there is literally no other reason to invest in any other coin if you only want money

and the only real fud is "coin not needed" which is about to get btfo by the devs


>> No.22595998

Agreed. Guess the entire space would rather gamble their savings away on food ponzis. Seriously baffling to me. I'm not all in on PRQ but it's probably the token that I have the highest expectations for. Easy 10x in a year

>> No.22596019

yep. holding 200k and comfy as fuck

>> No.22596046

spoonfeed me a little to feed my curiosity anon

>> No.22596091

To begin, the only FUD biz had about this coin was the missing tokenomics // token not needed.
This is not true, but the team took that input and will make the coin even more needed to make the platform work.
Every single crypto company will use PRQ in 1-2 years. It's simply cheaper to use the already fleshed out product instead of building it yourself. I'm pretty sure that most exchanges will buy a nice stack of PRQ soon.

Parsiq is a blockchain info data aggregator, where if-then actionable decisions can be completed off-chain....
Parsiq acts inversly to Chainlink. It's value its in the billions.
Users can set up what they call a “smart-trigger” to be notified via telegram, email etc. when a txn occurrs in ledger wallets or a smart-contract/DeFi pool they are a part of. Moreover, businesses can use this to continually audit their pools/multisig wallets.
In this way, Parsiq acts inversely to Chainlink they bring on-chain data off chain, allowing businesses/3rd party apps and users to filter complex on chain data into clear and actionable information. The above use-case is incredibly simple compared to other more...
Complex and interesting examples such as risk management (ranking wallet addresses, esp useful in #DeFi), investment timing (reduce front running), auditing/accounting/compliance, security, pre-screening of txns to confirm appropriate recipient, fraud prevention/insurance..
More importantly Parsiq has integrations with multiple blockchains currently or in their pipeline (I.E.: BTC, ETC, SOL, ALGO). The also have output integrations in current accounting software, Google sheets, Slack etc.
If you’ve made it this far and are interested you can check their website out here: https://parsiq.io

>> No.22596273
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I'll be accumulating especially as long as this stays incredibly undervalued. Currently have a suicide stack of 10k, 100k is make it and 1mm is fuck you money