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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 91 KB, 687x429, dump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22593428 No.22593428 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22593452

zoom out

>> No.22593503

zoom in

>> No.22593574

Damn zoomers

>> No.22593613

Fur real, I feel like such a cuck holding this pOS

>> No.22593796
File: 70 KB, 1470x778, chink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The recent hype wave was big. A lot of normies got trapped above 15$. LINK even did top daily volume on Coinbase a few days during that. This should already tell everything.

>> No.22593841

It shouldn't go DOWN in usd when btc and the entire market is going up.

Something is VERY fishy

>> No.22593872

It’s easy to understand, we dumped at 18/19 and now normies are bagholding.
Link is not decoupled anymore.

>> No.22593882

the team owns 70% of the supply. all of them are billionaires now and dumping millions every month. that's the explanation.

>> No.22593901

Fuck. I've been convinced. I'm selling LINK for XRP

>> No.22593903

>coin go down? impossibru

>> No.22593912

Look at the pic in Op, it is decouled, just in the wrong direction

>> No.22593919
File: 173 KB, 2092x368, YOUHAVEBEENTOLD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The standard trading platform.

>> No.22593936

Stop believing in muh manipulation, faggot.
This really was normie mania that happened and of August-early Sept.
It probably wont drop a lot further. If it does, it will start to be a buying opportunity. But it also probably wont outperform ETH and BTC in this run.

>> No.22593938

Many coins are going down, even the defi coins which are supposed to be the new hype.
Check out more charts, 99% of the time a coin goes parabolic it corrects strongly right after, it's called taking profits and there are many people who bought sub 1$.
If it's manipulated, it's in order to not crash it too hard so people don't panic sell and whales have time to unload.

>> No.22593959

meant for

>> No.22593984


Oh no no no it dropped from 5 to 8 it's over sell, sell for your lives !!!

>> No.22593990

>$̶3̶.̶4̶0̶ ̶s̶t̶a̶b̶l̶e̶c̶o̶i̶n̶
>$̶1 ̶s̶t̶a̶b̶l̶e̶c̶o̶i̶n̶
$0.25 stablecoin [you are here]
>$0.05 stablecoin
>XR what?

>> No.22594100
File: 2 KB, 125x123, 1575106416404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what? I should have sold instead of hold?

>> No.22594110

Im glad to see LINKtards lose all their gains. This is what happened to us XRP holders.

Like us, you will never see your fucking money again

>> No.22594156

Look at the serbian/jew speaking chinese japanese and english in this thread should say enough >>22589507

>> No.22594181

Memes aside, LINK has reached its peak and will now go up and down with the market. People might as well buy ETH or BTC, and as you can see, many oldfags did just that when it was around $15.
You can either lock in your gains, leave them in LINK knowing its days of outperforming the market are over, or play shitcoin roulette again and hope something else goes from position 200 to a top 10 coin. I'm bullish on pnk but pick your poison.

>> No.22594197

You guys are faggots.

You act all tough sitting on the sidelines while the real players are holding on for 4figure LINK.

>> No.22594262
File: 32 KB, 325x355, Link50EOY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We shall make them remember

>> No.22594264

And never comfier. Buying more and not in the few hundred dollars anymore. Throwing now thousands at it

>> No.22594323

The difference is we made 30x before the dump. You made -50% before the dump. I’d honestly rope if I were an xrp bagholder.

>> No.22594751
