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File: 129 KB, 1920x1080, Uniswap-Full-Guide-How-To-Make-Money-Yield-Farming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22586447 No.22586447 [Reply] [Original]

This is taxable.

>> No.22586462

nobody cares, go cope somewhere else

>> No.22586493
File: 446 KB, 860x1096, 1599414795500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>net positive gain of free money

>> No.22586510

No shit. IRS is coming for ya poorfags who sell

>> No.22586547

Are we really supposed to pay taxes just for claiming these?

>> No.22586552
File: 187 KB, 514x450, 4eikw3vgg2n41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck gives a shit? It's free, retard. Even if they take a cut, it's still a net gain. Holy shit you're stupid

>> No.22586606
File: 41 KB, 640x640, 1226441710381238243_account_id=1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck my balls

>> No.22586706

If the adress can't be tied to a real name then nothing is taxable anon.

1. Use Monero to get off KYC focused centralised exchanges.

2. Change Monero for ETH on small non-kyc exchange

3. Send them to a metamask wallet created 5 minutes ago and trade anonymously on Uniswap

If you idiots did this the whole time then the taxman will be fucked.

>> No.22586712

>paying taxes on crypto
ngmi jewslave

>> No.22586754

The big point here is to use monero to get off the centralized exchanges. I didn’t do that so I’ll probably get raped by taxes if I ever make it. Can’t file an amended return anymore so my cost basis is now 0.

>> No.22586889

is anything not taxable?
The fact you had to ask says you know it is.

>> No.22587324

like the irs monitors random metamask accounts.

>> No.22587811

if everyone is makng a loss then it doesn't matter. lol

>> No.22587832
File: 111 KB, 929x1175, fuck you faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only pay taxes when i realize gains
fuck you

>> No.22587836

there is literally no way for them to track metamask

>> No.22587996
File: 26 KB, 400x340, panama-papers-400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of that matters unless you have a tax efficient structure set up eg. LLC, LLP, S-corp etc
Whether KYC or non KYC, you owe taxes on any disposition of cyrpto/crypto to crypto

Any legit off ramp will hodl your funds when they see a large transfer or in-person deposit come in

>> No.22588215

no, this is a gift.

>> No.22588292

no gains no tax, simple as dat

>> No.22588308

LOL u new then

>> No.22588329

Who gets these tokens? And how do you claim them?

>> No.22588354

Not how it works in the US. You owe taxes on the fair market value of the tokens at the time you claim them. Most countries work this way.

>> No.22588526

>It's a gift your Honor!
Judge would laugh you out of tax court for this
It's an incentive payment
Luckily most NEETs can just use part of their standard deduction to make sure their Unibux are tax-free, assuming you haven't made too much on farm yields
>inb4 "imagine paying taxes"

>> No.22588550

uniswap? i barely even know her! Hahahaha

>> No.22588561
File: 49 KB, 468x294, seethecrigs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22588563

Wait....... was this whole thing a giant Tax sting operation?? Holly shit that is freaking brilliant

>> No.22588567

Move to Slovenia. You won't have to worry about any stupid taxes with crypto.

>> No.22588591
File: 24 KB, 409x409, e1a3791e9be96ee893175676800e13f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw live in a tax haven

I just keep on winning

>> No.22588764

Loser amerimutts think the world is about them
Get cucked faggots, israel needs a few more missile systems

>> No.22588787

for you

>> No.22588817

thats why you just wait until banks are legally setup and enforced to store the consumer's crypto, and dump it all in at once and watch as every teller has a squirting orgasm in unison from the size of your deposit

>> No.22588831

>who sell
They're coming for the ones who hold as well.

>> No.22588886
File: 1.01 MB, 566x642, image0-8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invent new shitcoin
>wash trade with myself to set the price to 1 million dollars
>air drop shitcoin to everyone
>pull liquidity immediately from dexs
>everyone now owes half a million in income tax

>> No.22588897

only if you trade it

>> No.22588904

Isn't getting monero involved at all a red flag when you do your other taxes? The trail goes cold and a logged dollar value has been traded for monero. Or is this only if you draw a short straw and get audited?

>> No.22588915

Wrong, receiving an airdrop is the same as receiving income or a gift, tax-wise.

>> No.22588985

>Most countries work this way.

Amerifag thinks he knows the world, kek.

>> No.22588991

exit tax. Most western countries have one. I guess if you paid your taxes owed on all property and renounced your citizenship, then they won't come after you.
If you make enough maybe $5-10 mill you might be able to talk to a swiss bank/private bank. They might be able to help you mitigate the $ amount of taxes. They probably have int'l tax lawyers and accountants on call. Im sure they will want you to become a client at their bank though

>> No.22589217

yes, it's normal income, like an airdrop.

>> No.22589262

>move to 3rd world shithole
>atleast no taxes
>also no basic infrastructure
>also in the EUSSR
>also on the front line against the moahmmedan invasion

>> No.22589272
File: 75 KB, 800x800, Buccaneer V2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tax, when you can't connect me to the event? Nice try.

>> No.22589307

a gift would be tax-free, income is what this is.

>> No.22589348

I'm not sure how retarded USA tax policy on this can be, but where I live it's just a common personal income tax case when you receive fiat.

>> No.22589354


You are the biggest faggot good goy Jew slave I've ever seen

>> No.22589376

Fuck of pajeet, nobody is buying your scam token.

>> No.22589420

selling stuff on craigslist/bartering doesn't create a permanent, public, digital trail. crypto is the jew's wetdream because it accomplishes their goal of complete control. but, if you're in early, you can ride the wave up and atleast be comfortable in the dystopia.

>> No.22589468

>Create token
>Pump it
>Airdrop it all to some people
>Price crashes to $0 because fake pump
>Too bad price was $1k at time of airdrop
>Now according to your rules they owe a shit load of tax


>> No.22589552

They could surely tie the Craigslist posting to you, which would be as difficult and as much footwork as it would be to tie my metamask wallet to my personal identity, which you seem to think they're going to do. So using your logic you better pay craigslist taxes or the irs will definitely find out

>> No.22589558

Why do you hate privacy? What alphabet luminescence are you working for?

>> No.22589747

Don't report it? Do you really think the IRS knows what's going on on etherscan?
Unless you turn it to FIAT and involve a legitimate bank, they don't know shit.

>> No.22589775

>paying taxes

lol, cringe

>> No.22589806

That's not how it works and whoever told you that is a lying nigger.

>> No.22589857

Rich people don't pay taxes, ngmi