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22572905 No.22572905 [Reply] [Original]

>reading of people who had more than 5 UNI addresses
>I never used uniswap
I haven't felt this sick in a long time

>> No.22572930

Same bro

>> No.22572935

Fuck whoever who memed me into going all in on LINK dr;ns blah fucking stupid niggers made me lose out on so much

>> No.22572957

Imagine if you tried to sell scam tokens and they gave you enough to retire on

>> No.22573088

it's not just that i missed out - it's that i missed out and the people that got rewarded are shittoken moonboys

there is a sort of hierarchy in the crypto world and people that actively seek out random tokens in order to "make it" overnight are definitely its stinky bottom

>> No.22573120

ive been holding chainlink for two years and these fucks are making more then me in a couple days. wtf is this clown ass world.

>> No.22573199
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You are the same idiots that do not read about statera and will make a similar thread after it hits $3 eoy.

For once, just look into it. I benefit because more demand and more word of mouth makes my statera worth more, BUT it doesn't mean we are wrong.


>> No.22573249

ITT: pajeets

>> No.22573950
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I am white

>> No.22573983

Absolutely bro sir, i will sell my link and buy the uniswap gem sir

>> No.22574028
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Thanks for whoever shilled me the Acid token. Lost 20 dollars on that. Gained 1100 dollars with UNI.

>> No.22574032

i used it even but says i have nothing to claim

>> No.22574033

post a picture with a piece of paper with the current time

you're probably a pajeet who cropped a picture of some white guy

>> No.22574036

did i miss something? what do people with 5 uni addresses get?

>> No.22574046

Apparently the first time I used uniswap was on sept 1st at 7:26am

>> No.22574093

Lost 20 ETH on uniswap shitcoins since sept 1st

Gained 3 ETH worth of this shitcoin


>> No.22574167
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>> No.22574202

What a bunch of crybabies. Take this shit to livejournal. You had a chance to even buy into the hype of uni and still profit. If you are too caught up in your emotions that you can't see a good opportunity when it arises, then you are a retarded faggot.

>> No.22574260

This, so based

>> No.22574290

sorry bro, only uniswap chads will make it

>> No.22574319

>own 5 uniswap addresses
>2000 free uni
I'm cashing out when it hits 32 eth. Never thought I'd get 32 eth but miracles really do happen.

>> No.22574358

90% of 'projects' shilled on this board are scams

>> No.22574371

It's even worse than that. Scammers have the most wallets. Millions of dollars given to third world scammers. Clown world.

>> No.22574382

I had 10 for LPing a coin that gave a base reward level for each wallet. Sucks you didn't join the revolution.

>> No.22574390

I used my ledger to try uniswap back in April and while it essentially broke the firmware and required a format, it did count as a use apparently and got 800 UNI in total

>> No.22574457
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fuck you btw

>> No.22574506
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>made like 3 burner wallets
>never fucking used them

>> No.22574517

same here brother, but this defi bubble may be coming to an end soon. Ranjesh will regret not selling his unicorn token at the top when the reality of the covid recession sets in and people who've been off work for months find out there are no jobs for them to go back to. Ranjesh and friends think that their internet unicorn token can withstand a global recession, fucking lol. And there are so many unemployed normans dumping their gubmint stimmy checks into stonks and crypto, when it starts crashing harder they will panic sell, driving the price down even faster. I've been a permabulltard since 2013 but I don't know if we'll make it back to 20k any time soon at this rate. Too many retards that need to be flushed out.

>> No.22574518

Who cares? Life is one grift after another. If you can't be bothered to learn the game, then don't expect any sympathy when you're constantly losing.

>> No.22574540

Made over 20 burner wallets. Didn't use all of them but used enough to make this this biggest goldmine of my crypto career. 5 years in never seen something like this. sold entire stack above $4 and rebought this morning at $2.50. I'M GONNA FUCKING MAKE IT

>> No.22574560

If you didn't buy PNK/BUIDL/STA on uniswap you 100% deserve it.

>> No.22574824

Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.22574845

you are here since 2015 and that was your biggest win yet?

anon... i ..

>> No.22574952

Same bro
To poor to use uniswap

>> No.22574996

cut those disgusting nails you le 56% subhuman faggot

>> No.22575028
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>> No.22575053

so just learn how to scam? k

>> No.22575101

Life is nothing but a scam. Unironically stay poor you gigantic pussy.

>> No.22575147

I'm 100% Italian you stupid fucking mutt

>> No.22575170

how much?

>> No.22575202
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>> No.22575208

>Life is nothing but a scam
absolutely red pilled

>> No.22575261


lmao I used uniswap to buy coomcoin for 50 bucks

>> No.22575262

but uniswap airdrop isnt. ok

>> No.22575398

got $2.5k today and felt absolutely nothing,

>> No.22576094

How long do we have to claim uni, my transaction isn't going through

>> No.22576147

Feelsbadman. Just started using it 5 days ago


>> No.22576192

>not a mutt
kek, deluded

>> No.22576419

>disgusting nails
>small feminine hands
>dirty walls
>poor furnishings
you're not a street shitter but you might as well be

>> No.22576497

do you fags eat your nails? lol

>> No.22577130

Just absolutely loadsandloadsamoney

>> No.22577428

newfag lurk moar

>> No.22577529
File: 5 KB, 388x413, 1588389074782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have only two addresses.