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22571231 No.22571231 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22571263


>> No.22571261

BTC is worthless and it was hijacked by globalists
BSV is the original Bitcoin protocol

>> No.22571324

Depends what you define under 'making it', depends about which timeframe we're talking here. It could either be 500 BTC or one.

>> No.22571352

kek, autistic fag.

>> No.22571369


>> No.22571381


>> No.22571414

~1 if you can wait until 2035

>> No.22571427

Henri de Castries is a chairman of Bilderberg Group, he is also the CEO and chairman of insurance giant AXA. He used his venture capitalist firm, AXA Strategic Ventures, to invest $55M into Blockstream. Blockstream is the developer group behind Bitcoin Core (BTC, $10,000). Also, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Board Director Glenn Hutchins is a board member of Digital Currency Group, along with other kikes, one of whom was Treasury Sec of the Clinton Admin. MasterCard and banks are invested in DCG. DCG is invested in Blockstream.

Blockstream hardforked the original Bitcoin protocol into a new protocol, Bitcoin Core.
Blockstream crippled BTC with high fees, limited the block size at 1MB, and removed operational codes that allow Bitcoin to function properly, and kiked everything completely with Lightning Network and SegWit.

Bilderberg, Federal Reserve, MasterCard, other traditional banking sector companies ruined the original Bitcoin protocol and they've turned into something that they control and profit from.

They did this because an original Bitcoin protocol makes fractional reserve banking obselete

>> No.22571432

1 long term, 10 for this cycle

>> No.22571481

BTC boys seething

>> No.22571499


>> No.22571939

Hopefully 10 is enough to make it

>> No.22572047

kek, get a look at this Anon. No.

>> No.22572070

I'm so sick of waiting for 15k. Fucking thing sucks...

>> No.22572103

Take your meds

>> No.22572176

Any other anon know if this anon is full of shit? I just bought 2k usd worth of btc. Now shitting pants.

>> No.22572264

How about you verify the information presented before you, sheep?

>> No.22572291

filtering this pasta, bye tard

>> No.22572304

desu 3am and cbf’d

>> No.22572320

He's a copypasta Bitcoin Cash pajeet, anon. Do your research and you'll feel much better about your investment.

>> No.22572329

You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?

>> No.22572424

its not, but go check it anyway. BTC is bitcoin...crypto cant survive as an asset class without bitcoin. The Bitcoin experiment is an exercise in trying to invent digital scarcity. BCH or BSV is no different that a digi fiat just invented by a company. If BTC fails than the concept of digi scarcity is moot and the whole system is worth nothing and we stay with Fed controlled money.

>> No.22572481

BTC is Bitcoin Core, Pundaj

BCH, BTC, BSV have completely different protocols, mental midget

>> No.22572615

BCH and BSV are shitcoin forks / changes to the original protocol. Are you retarded?

>> No.22572651
File: 54 KB, 591x606, avaxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you may be late for it BUT it is still too early to get in AVAX train!!

>> No.22572654

And Bitcoin Core is a hardfork of the original Bitcoin protocol, you fucking ape.

BSV is a hardfork of BCH

>> No.22572680

BTC is a sound investment but it's true that Lightning and small blocks make Bitcoin more controllable. It's a bastardisation but it's the one that will ultimately prevail.

>> No.22572714

1 is enough to be comfy. 2 to never have to worry again. 3 and up is generational stuff. long as you hold m8s

>> No.22572758

How are your BSV and BCH investments going brainless anon?

>> No.22572866

Your feelings getting hurt?
Awww, poor little man, having someone present him with information he doesn't like to hear
Would you like to suck on my cock? Make you feel better?

>> No.22572934


>> No.22573021
File: 107 KB, 1000x1000, C01CB086-BD1A-4389-A88A-4BA9D5987C29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck, it that time of the year when ayre hires pajeets to shill his scamfork of a scam fork and trick noobs into this scam, just before coingeek circle jerking conference.
So consider the following

>> No.22573106

How the fuck do small blocks make bitcoin more controllable? It's literally the exact opposite

>> No.22573454



>> No.22573588


Small blocks are a scam to capture the network into systems that are controlled but are marketed as being the opposite to fool people. It's a way to bypass needing to honestly compete with other nodes.

>> No.22573598

Lol, shizoid retard

>> No.22573662

Unironically a likely prediction

>> No.22573696
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>> No.22574025

>>22573106Small blocks aren't bad, but SegWit 'solves' scaling issues via off-chain payments.
Everything should be on chain.

>> No.22574100

200k this cycle
1M next cycle
Buy however much you need to make it wherever you are

>> No.22574173


Big blocks are for poor people. Bitcoin is patrician only. Dont worry you can use a bitcoin bank as satoshi literally predicted

>> No.22574209


>Everything should be on chain

No. Only if you can pay for it. Limited space incentivizes efficiency, bloat reduction and price.