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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 91 KB, 650x462, Whoever-speaks-the-truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22570401 No.22570401 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know if it's just me, but doesn't anyone else think that the current clown economy is making it extremely difficult for someone to get ahead without compromising on morals and being outright dishonest?

I was raised in a Catholic household. My parents were never religious (agnostic at best) but they believed that the Bible and the teachings of Jesus (and especially the Catholic interpretation) were the key to living a wholesome and just life, and therefore I have always known both from what my parents taught me but also deep inside my conscious that lying and being dishonest are inherently evil actions and is not the kind of thing a righteous person should ever engage in. Yet I feel it is becoming increasingly difficult to get a good job and get ahead without bending the truth, because if you are honest about your flaws and past mistakes to a potential employer they will 9/10 times reject you and hire the other guy who was lying through his teeth but was a good salesman.

I was fired twice from extremely well-paying jobs in the in the past year and a half due to some personal issues and a struggle with borderline depression and some alcoholism mixed into it (classic young successful software engineer burnout). I've since gotten out of the rut that I was in, but if I were to go to an interview and if they asked about why I had two short job stints right after each other, being honest with them will almost always lead to an instant rejection. Let's also not forget the pure spite some wagecucks have for each other and the lengths they will go to sabotage someone elses career for their own benefit. I would never ever be able to sabotage an innocent man's career or life for my own benefit, but I have been in business environments where this kind of thing happens all the time.

Why is dishonesty and lack of integrity rewarded in clown world?

>> No.22570447


I should add that I am not some kind of communist or anti-capitalist. I just think capitalism is being morally corrupted at the moment and not through fault of its own, it seems like there are forces at play that are perverting our system and rewarding evil over good and while I can't explain it entirely I suspect it has something to do with fiat funny money.

>> No.22570640

>I suspect it has something to do with fiat funny money.
bingo. notice how these sorts of MBA/Patrick Bateman types only started to show up after 1971.

>> No.22570664

Consider the possibility of a line of work that doesn't lead to depression by being honest with yourself?

I used to be a robotics engineer and I eventually left for a similar reason. At the end of the day people liked me there, but I couldn't handle the stress of being given tasks with essentially none of the needed support. Nowadays I started my own company (which doesn't earn much yet), but I supplement my income with investments for the meantime.

>> No.22570673

You don't have to be honest or supporting or kind with bad people (especially if they are of dirty origin), they don't deserve it but righteous and principled deserve to get treated
with honesty and respect and only good intentions in mind. Times have changed and you have to adapt there is no way to survive when hordes of freeloader consciously head from the half of the world to prey on your kindness.

>> No.22570715
File: 73 KB, 719x768, 1521547417078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whoever speaks truth gives honest evidence, but a false witness utters deceit

>> No.22570770

This might help you:
>In the monumental Summa Theologiae, Thomas states the same position: “Therefore it is not lawful to tell a lie in order to deliver another from any danger whatever. Nevertheless it is lawful to hide the truth prudently, by keeping it back, as Augustine says” (II:110:3).

>> No.22570921

What is the best tips for starting your own company? Like what did you wish you knew before you started

>> No.22571092

do it in a country that doesnt bankrupt you with bureaucracy

>> No.22571375

>Why is dishonesty and lack of integrity rewarded in clown world?

Because of Talmudic influences!

>> No.22571465

i wonder why

>> No.22572018

Don't stake everything on it and become homeless if it isn't immediately successful. It will probably take a good deal of time and often you'll be working for free just to make your first retailers happy. That's normal in the beginning