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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22567912 No.22567912 [Reply] [Original]

With the announcement of ICON 2.0, users will be able to collect fees in any currency (BTC, ETH, any degen defi), by becoming a relayer in the standard interoperability. This is huge news.

>> No.22568282
File: 2.05 MB, 750x1334, 51B71689-0580-4989-9064-E84C13AEDF8E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait hold up...link plz. When will this go live ? Pump incoming.

>> No.22568403
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I have never financially recovered from this.

>> No.22568467

I never sold my $4 bags. The WAN/ICX/AION meme fucked me hard.

>> No.22568522

It’s ready to go

>> No.22568552

This is going to pump so hard, I’ll be earning even more linkies

>> No.22568758

comfy af with 200k

>> No.22568879

You’re going to be set within the next week once the market has time to process this

>> No.22569039
File: 3.98 MB, 750x1334, 8F3311FE-0586-42F8-872E-90D30C04A43B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I think some Anon did the maths we can hit around $25 at the peak of the bull market. And there is a to of this steaked. Personally I’m taking profits if it hits $6-10

>> No.22569120
File: 547 KB, 750x1103, 405A9881-002E-47B8-986B-EB29B73C3896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy f it’s real

>> No.22569126

>we can hit around $25 at the peak of the bull market
you're fucking delusional

>> No.22569227

Nope because with the new network release, you have to stake to earn relay fees. There’s going to be close to no supply, and ICX will be deflationary because tx will skyrocket.

>> No.22569299
File: 3 KB, 112x125, 86C5A17D-357E-45BA-B24D-F200E36AECDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You where obviously not around in 2017...if you have any idea what a bull run looks like $25 is very realistic. Hell we can even do $50 at some point. If your not positioned I any good coin now your going to be left holding rope anon you lil zoomer..

>> No.22569845

>You where obviously not around in 2017
i was here in 2017 that's how i know ICX is the ultimate buttfuck coin. you're delusional if you think it'll ever be worth >$1 again.

>> No.22569907


>> No.22570056

Yup. ICX tends to pump later but in a more sustainable uptrend finding new supports.

>> No.22570157

>We will be supporting interoperability with other public blockchains in order to support cross-chain DeFi solutions.
This is the most interesting part to me, are there other blockchains that can talk to the btc/eth/whatever blockchain with smart contracts?
This seems huge, that they can take advantage of all the existing projects on eth, and any dapps running on icx will have fraction of a penny in fees (or no fees if the dapp creator staked icx with it), and that they can do this is all under the hood without the dev or user worrying about it means the UX won't be complete shit anymore, which has been the main drawback that prevents dapp adoption from growing.

>> No.22570208

Lol me neither
Bought 500 at $4

>> No.22570295

100% this. I believe that all major currencies will be supported via BTP relayers, POC has been our since early this year.

The fraction of network costs is super enticing.

>> No.22570330

ITT: emotional betas who don’t know 1) how to trade, 2) buy any opportunity and be impartial

>> No.22570573

I wouldn't be surprised if someone makes a DEX, with all these tools it would just be a matter of hooking everything up. I imagine it would be better than uniswap where people pay tons in fees and transactions fail.

>> No.22570825

What about VRA