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22567702 No.22567702 [Reply] [Original]

So you can only trade at certain time,s around 6 hours and markets then close

What kind of clown world is this?Can buy Link and BTC whenever I want.

>> No.22568035

>What kind of clown world is this?
A clown world.

Stonks aren't even allowed to go down more than 7% before the whole market shuts off lol. You think this shit is actually legitimate and not manipulated? At least crypto is allowed to fail. Im a firm believer that companies should be allowed to fail, and we shouldnt be propping them up with massive subsidies and bailouts. Nothing should ever be too big to fail, and if it does, too fucking bad. We've probably set back innovation multiple decades at this point because of propping up boomer dinosaur companies with ancient business models that can't keep up

>> No.22568059

markets trading between 9:30 AM and 4:00 PM is a jewish trick so overnight traders can force the market to gap up or gap down.

>> No.22568082

>Stonks aren't even allowed to go down more than 7% before the whole market shuts off lol.

also another jewish trick. i watched GNUS get halted 10 times in one day for volatility, when it pumped and dumped several months ago. then i watched TSLA dump 15-20% in a matter of 20 minutes a few we after open and it was not once halted for volatility. pure kikery.

>> No.22568251
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This is pretty tinfoil, but I honestly think things like "working hours", "daytime", "bedtime", etc is all a huge psy-op to manipulate and take advantage of us. Every single actually succesful person I know or have even read about wakes up at like 3am (except Bezos who strolls into the office at 10 like a Chad, but I have a feeling this might even be lies and tricks). Yet google is pushing features like Google fucking (((bedtime)))?

Pic related, they're actually trying to trick the normies into sleeping all night regularly so they can pull off their scams while they're sleeping.

>> No.22568340

>Stonks aren't even allowed to go down more than 7% before the whole market shuts off lol.
If bot trading wasn't allowed then this wouldn't be needed. As it is, bots for large broker firms and whales with enough shares can bruise a stock for non-organic reasons. It's already bad enough dumb bullshit like futures are as heavy handed in the market as they are, let alone large sums of shares being traded away quicker than a human can react with no oversight.
>We've probably set back innovation multiple decades at this point
What a heeb talking point. Hypothetical tech gains has been a fucking strawman to use against regulation.

>> No.22568492


fuck the nwo and fuck the jews. cant believe they try to trick us into thinking that "daytime"(lol who even came up with that name) is anything but a jewish psyop to steal our money?

somehow using there jewish trickery they managed to make the sun go behind the earth every single day, and they steal our precious coins every time. And get this, because the earth is round that means a part of the earth isnt in daytime 24/7, SO THOSE PESKY JEWS ARE STEALING SOMEONE'S MONEY ALL THE TIME



>> No.22568544

canceling daytime would actually mean ifinite darkness dipshit.

>> No.22568573

>because the earth is round
Whoops! Nice try, kike!

>> No.22569166

no we need to cancel the rotation of the earth so the western hemisphere stays in the sun 24/7 that way there will be no more day time and night time, eternal heat and sunshine in USA. I have already written to Trump to get the ball rolling it is only a matter of time

the earth is not flat but the universe is trust me i am a physics professor at harvard

>> No.22569412

I can't even do 16/8 hr cyles while neeting.. I'm up like 18 then need 12 hours or I'll be up 14 or 16 and only need 6