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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22565391 No.22565391 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everyone talking about uniswap all of a sudden?

>> No.22565479

Fucking bronies. 4chan. I fuckin swear this place cannot help being itself no matter where you end up.

>> No.22565486

it is a more or less coordinated raid by multiple discords, lot of furies, pedophiles and criminal degens with cat and frog avatars

>> No.22565499

coordinated raids by trannies

>> No.22565505

It feels that way
I hardly even remember anything about this scamcoin desu

>> No.22565507

Token unlocked now 3rd worlders are trying to pump and dump.

>> No.22565527

interestingly enough, not many trannies among them

>> No.22565546

not third world. Most are US, Brazil, some Argentinians, and maybe a handful of SEA Niggers and Indians. Majority US

>> No.22565722

because everyone on this board buys shitcoins with uniswap. Then everyone just got a $1300 stimulus that had used uni before sept. I have 3 uniswap accounts I got 1200 uni for shit all

>> No.22565745

Fag attack

>> No.22565765

This board is almost entirely coordinated shilling now. The switch flipped sometime in the last couple months.

>> No.22565784

If "everybody" would buy it, there would be no need for the shilling. The dickscord degens buy them themselves, tell each other in their secrete private clubs where they think they are anon with the same usernames they use on plebbit, insta, twitter and so forth, tied to their private emails that lead to their personal facebooks with clear name and addresses, that those idiots on 4chan buy them while they dump on each other

>> No.22565829

whats the deal with uniswap now anyway?
why are they giving away gibs?
i used it on 3 different wallets to buy shitcoins for chump change and i stopped using it cos the gas fees are garbage right now
I thought sushi yoinked all their liquidity
the free bones are nice though

>> No.22565831

we let it happen
I hope I'm not the only one preparing a patebin

>> No.22565862

got my 400 uni this morning and immediately swapped them with link

>> No.22565868

fuck off
mods, off topic do your job and ban this loser
what is your fetish? Diaper furries, 13 year old naked asses, piss porn?

>> No.22565911

based schizo

>> No.22565940

Tell the twink faggot I said Hey

>> No.22565975

how is the usa and brazil not 3rd world?

>> No.22566045

youre a clown
everyone who used uniswap 3 weeks ago gets $1200 worth of shit
people are naturally talking about it and you think its a jewish/tranny psyop?
take your meds and get help, faggot

>> No.22566060

You are right, the US and Brazil still have capital punishment and an interesting legal code when it comes to financial crimes and fraud. Aslo where are all the aussies, usually those OPs have at least 1/4 aussies

>> No.22566063

Everyone bought PNK so now we got free money

>> No.22566122

It's not like I'm not among you and have the logger running. I'm not malicious, I just don't like malicious spamming, at least do it in a benign way

>> No.22566207

Only large us cities are third world (and some extreme rural areas as well but those places are often very safe despite poor).

>> No.22566313

It's where the money is in, it's a goldmine. I'm investing 300 billion into the top 500 coins and lots of the uniswap ones.

1.5 quadrillion market cap.

>> No.22566367
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>300 Billion

>> No.22566781

Oh and I made a decision
Alexander, Hug your mom and dad, tell your mom she has a fugly furnishing taste and enjoy the next years in a commiefornian cell

>> No.22567316
File: 981 KB, 706x530, ChainLink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>22565479. enjoy the influx of brony pr0n in the coming days.

>> No.22567471
File: 88 KB, 308x567, Xander Luciano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just call and ask for a refund
and give your regards to mlpol.net

>> No.22567537

more to follow btw, I had it with this commiefornian zoomers and their merry band of node.js "hackers"

>> No.22567609

I noticed this with the bsvjeets
Then the ripplejeets
And now this

Well thanks /biz/ for helping me find link but it looks like opportunities like that will never be found again

>> No.22567633

Fuck chainlink and fuck you

>> No.22567670

Its the new link.
Link is now dgb.
Its over.

>> No.22567726

When I'm done, they need to build a new prison
Consider it as a warning shot against the usual patsy

>> No.22567757

Do the needful

>> No.22567792

What does a sea nigger look like? Do they have fins?

>> No.22567798

And for all anons who want to make real money, not some fake internet monopoly money, short ADSK, they will get some bad press from this

>> No.22567845

South East Asia
They are the niggers of Asia

>> No.22567965

Yeah /biz/ has been almost my homepage for 3 years until about this years summer. Now about 90% are complete and utter coordinated threads, trying to trick newfags and low IQs into buying some worthless shitcoin with the OP being "Told you 2 days ago about this 100% pump, it's still early", "only X million mcap, legit team, etc", then some discord member or OP with VPN plays stupid and asks about it, a shill post gets posted and then multiple " 1 post by this ID" posters reply in agreement, or sshhhh, or thanks now buying posts. I don't browse /biz/ the most because of it and high quality link discussions have been dead for months.

>> No.22568117

It is scripts, not really humans
About a handful of zoomer webdevs that control a bunch of discords. Run with those fags for one and a half year. Scammy bunch that loves it to cannibalize each other

>> No.22568566
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And another thing, the Russian is a cool dude, doesn't speak much. He should look for another gang to run with.

>> No.22569486

It is so tiresome

>> No.22569513
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>> No.22569884

Bump. too much good info in the thread to have it slid

>> No.22569929

This desu makes me sad guess I shouldn’t be greedy I found link but the spam/coordinated stuff is really annoying

>> No.22569949
File: 287 KB, 960x965, 1 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You couldn't have put it any better. UpBots will be next to receive the big green candles, same shit happening with them. Low MC too

>> No.22570001

Not sure. They might have angered the wrong crowd. Not the first time, I remember the Sons of Kojima shit show. ED was the golden time

>> No.22570469

4 rows of 0 reply threads in the catalog, the sliding is unreal

>> No.22570529

lmao is this real? Also I know where that area codes from he's in FL

>> No.22570683

the phone number doesn't belong to the person in the picture, but the anon might be on to something

>> No.22570699

they gave me free money, Uniswap 1# dex.