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22562664 No.22562664 [Reply] [Original]

All newfags, Beware of uni token scam. The free tokens you get are a dusting scam similar to the hex scam of last year. Tons of anons have already lost everything in their wallets because of this. Dont listen to the shill army on this board, and DONT EVER ACCEPT "FREE" TOKENS. There is no such thing as a free lunch. If its too good to be true, it probably is.

>> No.22562675

shut the fuck up nonce

>> No.22562722

If this turns out to be a scam, im gonna fucking kms

>> No.22562739


>> No.22562748

its a dusting attack, anytime a thread like this pops up it gets immediately slid off the board by like 18 more shill threads. If its too good to be true, its too good to be true

>> No.22562756

I actually had all the tokens in my metamask disappear except for eth. I was freaking out. Then I restarted my computer and they were there again. I hope I don't get fucked.

>> No.22562773

Can i move everything to another wallet and just claim these 400?

>> No.22562790
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>> No.22562799

I'd do it with great haste, newfag. I cant believe how many people are falling for this.

>> No.22562840

I didnt claim them yet, am atm in wage cage, is there a deadline for claiming? I wont sell them anyway, maybe 100

>> No.22562889

the thing is, when you accept coins from a dusting attack its not just the wallet that is compromised but the entire device the wallet is kept on. So you can accept them, but once you do you dont know how far you will even get before they load their virutal console and have remote access to your shit. If you think risking everything on your laptop is worth 1000$ i say go for it, but who even knows if you'll get that far. The risk is up to you

>> No.22562908

What kind of FUD is this?

>> No.22562910


that is not how sending crypto tokens to a wallet or anything works. calm down schizo

>> No.22562931

This is actually hilarious. Well done.

>> No.22562936

try it then, smooth brain. see how far it gets you

>> No.22562938

5D chess right here.

>> No.22562940

based anon trying to put people off claiming their literally free money tokens to relieve selling pressure

>> No.22562967

Did I get infected with the cyber shanghai shivers? what the fuck

>> No.22562970

Vitalik would never allow this

>> No.22562987

thanks OP. I'll burn them.. do you have a burn address?

>> No.22562993
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, ---pls rember.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking tranny discord shills coming out of the woodwork now that their scheme is exposed. Anons, these people do not have your best interests at heart. Be careful and stay safe bros.

>> No.22562997

So if i move all from current wallet and go in library and claim this shit cypher suckers get btfo

>> No.22563041

The absolute state of the FUD

>> No.22563074

In order to burn safely, you need to first send at least 5$ worth of eth to this address
The more you send the faster it goes due to uniswap gas fees. After that your wallet should start the burning process within the next day.

It doesn't work like that, they can see the ip addresses the wallets are on and aren't going to fall for a trap like 90% of the people here on biz. Its always better safe than sorry

>> No.22563104

>price does a 1000%
you are braindead
you can't read code
you have never read bitcoin's code
just exit this market

>> No.22563109

thank you sir
how much is 5$ worth of ETH in rupees?

>> No.22563118

Then its ok, my isp has dynamic ip adress + hardware vpn il take the bet, ty anon safe trip

>> No.22563129

God speed. I'd love to see somebody get one over on these fuckers. If you pull it off let me know.

>> No.22563131

just imagine all the pajeets who have like $100 in their wallets that get 1k from free tokens
why wouldn't they?
what do you think they have to lose?
Also, having ip doesn't do shit you can't take control of wallets that way especially wallets on exchanges with 2 factor authentication

>> No.22563254

I cant say, I live in the US, but if you go to your local bank in india I know that they can usually help.

>> No.22563315

you can fucking read the code yourself dumbass

>> No.22563354

OP here I suck cocks and do it for free :d

>> No.22563442

Found the shmuck who didn't receive any UNI and is now trying to spread fud.

>> No.22563445

Is there a deadline for claiming? Im in wage cage for 5 hours more and need to go to bank first aaaaaaaa

>> No.22563449

Good larp, but we can see from the address you supplied that you claimed your UNI and still have AMPL.

>> No.22563600

Does dusting even work on Ethereum? I thought it was the whole UTXO thing that made it a problem on Bitcoin

>> No.22563641

the trannies are out in force tonight, to which I must simply say DIALATE

>> No.22563709 [DELETED] 
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>There are actual people on this board who will fall for this

>> No.22564638

wtf are u smoking schizzy boy

this isn't an attack it's called marketing dumb fucking curry monkey

>> No.22564694

it's sad reading threads like these and realising that 90% of /biz/ posters are complete newfags

>> No.22564776

HAHAHAHAHA. Someone's salty and stayed away from uniswap.

I got $40k this morning just because I used 50+ wallets.

Stay poor. Now I have 3x the make-it stack of DIA.

>> No.22565045

They're collecting gas money in exchange for tokens that are not even verified. It's one step smarter than give me 10 eth and I'll give you 100 but it's still such an obvious scam

>> No.22565192

just claimed and sent this shit to the burn address, fuck these pajeet scammers

>> No.22565538

>send money to this address
Didnt read
fuck off pajeet

>> No.22565603

don't listen to OP. dusting attacks are only effective if the hackers can see your open metamask. they can't see it though if you just unplug your monitor. you can use the enter key on your keyboard to confirm the transaction though, so if you turn off the monitor, then execute the trade and press enter....it should still go through.