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22560694 No.22560694 [Reply] [Original]

A fair diluted value would be 2-5% of the entire crypto market based on how valuable uniswap is to the ecosystem.
>muh governance token has no value
What do you think STONKS are? They're corporate governance tokens retard! If you control the governance you can alter fees, etc. This is cryptos last stand, if CEXs get a hold of the governance it's GG, whales won't let that happen. Search within yourself, you know it to be true.

>> No.22560756

Never. Selling.

>> No.22560832
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>only 250k addresses got the airdrop
>only a few billion $ (stocks is in trillions btw)
>supply is quickly being aggregated by centralized exchanges
>futures in development and will be released asap
>token holders will ultimately add fees to be repaid back to themselves. even if they allotted 1% of fees for themselves, that would be $200M (as an example based off this last year's performance). if there are only 150,000,000 tokens at the time of that fee issuance (there will be more, there are 1,000,000,000 tokens allotted for the entire ecosystem), that means each token would be eligible for a reward of $.20.

yep. new paradigm woo woo!

>> No.22560838

i just bought 100k

>> No.22560914

Diluted valuation is a meme. Only total supply+Circulating supply with release schedule in mind matters.

>> No.22560959

>supply is quickly being aggregated by centralized exchanges
>futures in development and will be released asap

imagine thinking that's bullish

>> No.22561094

>governance holders can cripple the appeal of uniswap by making it expensive and taking a cut for themselves
Why would I use uniswap over loopring in this scenario

>> No.22561191

>shareholders can cripple a company if they buy that company's stock
Wtf I hate stocks now

>> No.22561267

>all shareholders have a company's best interests at heart
if it really is cz buying massive quantities, he has an active interest in burning uniswap to the ground. This is a governance token, and even the non-cz holders want free money. The idea of getting a cut of all transactions is a lucrative one and would probably get passed. The .35% cut suddenly becomes 1% and uniswap dies.

>> No.22561341

There are so many things that can go wrong with governance...First,cz can buy up a shitload and destroy Uniswap, but if he doesn't, greed and irrationality of holders can absolutely harm it.

>> No.22561436

There's *already* a proposal up to award .04% of all transactions to UNI holders. The dream is kill.

>> No.22561471

Fuck...individual or small groups of people can be intelligent, but in mass, we are as dumb as animals, if not worse.

>release governance
>product goes to complete shit

>> No.22561487

based sacrificial hydralamb

>> No.22562290

you do not add them you massive faggot.

>> No.22562586

token governance seems to be simply mob rule democracy - biggest holders win

there's a reason why there are not many mob rule democracies around - republics is a superior governance concepts

>> No.22562640

This is exactly how stocks work faggot. Welcome to the real world