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File: 73 KB, 750x460, uniswap-review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22560688 No.22560688 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22560819

didnt read not selling

>> No.22560862

imagine getting 1,5k usd free money and not take it lmao

>> No.22560876

Hex technically started the DeFi bullrun. But yes, definitely not selling.

>> No.22560880

Imagine being poor enough that you think 1.5k is a lot and you would take that over a likely 5-10x from here

>> No.22560891

Should I sell half and keep the other half?

>> No.22560895

Imagine not being able to understand the concept of market cap, YFI and time.

>> No.22560907
File: 37 KB, 736x661, 1600155578679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the claim offer expire? If it doesn't, couldn't you theoretically wait and just swap it later once gas fees are lower?

>> No.22560915

and tron technically started blockchain... retard.

>> No.22560920

in what loony world will there be so much buy pressure that the price of a coin whose circulating supply was given to everyone for FREE will 5-10x BEFORE crashing

>> No.22560921

>when you use multiple eth addresses
>my example i used 2 and got 800
>sold 400 to ETH and will ride the rest to 0 if happens be
>free money kek
>have sex incel

>> No.22560923

Richard Heart was waaaayay ahead of most people in the crypto. He's a money grubbing genius.

>> No.22560927

thats what i did at 2.50. seemed like the safest play. i dont regret it because it could have just as easily dumped, and i still have half to ride. now i wont be mad if it goes to 100$ and wont be mad if it goes to .10c.

>> No.22560940

UNI is already valued x5 more than YFI retard. This is the most obvious exchanges PnD since curve.

>> No.22560941


>> No.22560944

Imagine getting $100k and settling for 1.5k

>> No.22560947


>> No.22560949

So is this super congested? My claim says 'submitted' in Metamask history. Tried to speed up but has been in that state for 30 min.

>> No.22560979

How many thousands of people wake up and realize they have FREE tokens and yet the market absorbs it like it's nothing. I no longer hold shit, i'm out of crypto so thanks for the free money.

>> No.22560988

Try not to be so biased.
Uniswap has been around for 2 years.
Hex put it on the map.
Richard is the one that told everyone to use Uniswap.
Uniswap popularized DEX's, but Hex popularized Uniswap and DeFi.
I appreciate Uniswap, but give credit where it's due.

>> No.22561002

i dont think the majority of this board understands things. they just see biases that they want to manifest, and then just parrot it in different threads. referring to this poster >>22560895

>> No.22561010

Reset metamask
Settings, advanced, reset

>> No.22561012

This is what I'm doing

>> No.22561022

Yeah, no

>> No.22561033

that fat scammer that rekt tons of people?

>> No.22561046

Dick Fart is a fraudster and a crank. A bathroom predator, even.

>> No.22561052
File: 97 KB, 644x942, clown face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in what loony world will there be so much buy pressure that the price of a coin whose circulating supply was given to everyone for FREE will 5-10x BEFORE crashing
What loony world indeed

>> No.22561079

Forks and airdrops always crash.

>> No.22561136

Even if you take the inflated supply it’s still less than half the MC of YFI. Wtf are you babbling about you schizo retard?

>> No.22561182

Dafuck? Coingecko gives yfi mcap over 10x that of uni.

>> No.22561201

Imagine imagining a 3rd world pajeet finding out that he has 1-2k usd for free. is he going to hold it? fucking think about it for a sec. every1 got their uni tokens at the same time. sell pressure is going to be insane.

>> No.22561206

Jesus you're retarded. Coingecko has CURRENTLY circulating coins, which will jump x6 in the coming days as more people get their coins.

>> No.22561226

Ghost probably started the bullrun.

>> No.22561227

yes, everyone is just paranoid, not because chuck e cheese tokens aren't valuable, but because there's always that hint of danger that the place will close and the night will end.

>> No.22561232

The shitskins will sell, the price will drop, we will accumulate, then we'll rain shit down on the poos from the moon.

>> No.22561247

so why are u not selling exactly?

>> No.22561262

It just clears your txn history, newfren

>> No.22561276

Which part of the word "already" was too hard for you to understand? "Already valued x5 more than yfi"

>> No.22561345
File: 114 KB, 506x818, 1581059075027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

traded the fuck out of uniswap since start of year
own multiple pairs of unisocks

got 2k UNIs
sold half
gonna get 2k UNIs LMing in the pools

let's go uniswap marines

>> No.22561348

because it's going to the moon

>> No.22561352

That's the one. The project where the only arguments against are ad hominem.

>> No.22561367

The mistake you make is thinking "it's free"
It's not free, first you have to pay the gas fee to claim and then you need to pay the gas fee to sell on uniswap or transfer to an exchange. You think Mr. Rakesh can afford 1000 gwei transactions? By requiring a claim instead of just airdropping the tokens they create an inherent limiter of how fast the tokens can be dumped due to claiming having a cost that scales with network usage.

>> No.22561386

whatever shitstain, check again in literally 48 hours.

>> No.22561389

it's not "the protocol" retard. token not needed.

>> No.22561403

That was a wild one. But it wasn't DeFi and was long after Hex.

>> No.22561445

yeah I didn't say De-Fi just it brought back a lot of people who stopped after 2017, including me.

>> No.22561460

What does holding this token even allow you to do? Governance tokens are meant to be dumped on idiots who buy.

>> No.22561482

>rakesh cant pay 20$ to get 1300$. how fucking stupid u sound. ofc he can afford it if he used uniswap before which is req for getting uni tokens anyway.

>> No.22561582
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>> No.22561632

That's some turbo lazy fud

>> No.22561665

You retard, the whales will buy it and adjust fees and shit to benefit them.
They need majority consensus to do so, so they will buy a lot of UNI tokens to achieve that.

>> No.22561724

they dont need to do that u brainlet. all they have to do is provide liquidity on uniswap just like they have been doing for months

>> No.22561731
File: 2.90 MB, 395x540, 1600289794140.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls I am not gonna make it I made my uniswap the 2 of september to buy statera I am not gonna make it pls UNI chads...


>> No.22561742


retards think printing 1 billion free money will pump lol

Might pump later once everyone dumped the airdrop..

>> No.22561760

I am also trying to find my other eth wallet which i thrased but i used it a lot on uniswap before..

So probably free 1000 usd is in the bin :/

>> No.22562021
File: 15 KB, 504x432, 1599876536289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is that people who want a say in uniswap does will buy it up and basically own your ass, while you sold a gold brick to buy yourself a hamburger.

>> No.22562094

1. why wouldnt they buy after the sell off?
2. why wouldnt they just provide liquidity for uniswp and get tokens that way just like they have been providing for months
3. "hodl"

>> No.22562102

price is currently lower than the price that I sold at. HODL is a fucking meme faggot. I can buy back in any time

>> No.22562198
File: 953 KB, 1029x994, 1599556433621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. why wouldnt they buy after the sell off?

This would drive up the value, mooning it and causing a bullrun.

>2. why wouldnt they just provide liquidity for uniswp and get tokens that way just like they have been providing for months

Why have a token at all?

This conversation is pointless because you are merely coping that you sold a goldmine. Make peace with it.

>> No.22562282

>The answer is that people who want a say in uniswap does will buy it up and basically own your ass, while you sold a gold brick to buy yourself a hamburger.
>This would drive up the value, mooning it and causing a bullrun.
You are not making any sense. so is it going to moon or not?
>Why have a token at all?
Its governance token. you dont get any % yield of uni fees by holding it.

>> No.22562719


Your weak hands have ruined you.

>> No.22562823

look you retard, everybody will market dump this stuff since free gibs. liquidity is a thing okay?
The smart money market sells with their 950 gas fees used before every one else and gets a decent 1.2k USD at least.
Waits until normies have sold off then buys back in and enjoys the ride.

>> No.22562859

Imagine not selling before everyone else and buying below $1.50

>> No.22562904


If a retard like me who gets 5k for free (yes I got 4 metamask accounts lmao). Then of course the price will drop first.

I sure as hell sold everything. Thanks for the free money idiots.

>> No.22563252

you use the governance system to vote on tx fee distribution for holders
>be cz and other whales
>buy up a useless governance token
>use said governance to tax the transaction fees and reward yourself

>> No.22563606

Imagine not running a rugpull scam in the past 3 months. Kek i have 300 addresses. time to claim them all faggots

>> No.22563670

> Need 10 million tokens to submit governance proposals
> Possibly need 40 million tokens to force a 'quorum' on said proposals

Don't you fucking get it? UNISWAP. IS. NOW. FOR. FUCKING. SALE. TO. THE. HIGHEST. BIDDER. This fucking shitcoin will fucking moon so hard.

>> No.22564302

I've made big $$ on Hex and have regular passive income from stakes for the next 15 years.

It's the best project in this space and it's already made many chads wealthier than they were at the end of Nov '19.

Fudders are stupid and poor.

>> No.22564402

This. Only HODL BTC.

>> No.22564510

This is actually so based whales are basically forced to buy 400 bags at a time that were gifted for nothing.
Holy shit