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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 146 KB, 528x297, Raitoindeepthought.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2255812 No.2255812 [Reply] [Original]

why is it that even though us "young" people (18-24) are strongly encouraged to find a job, yet one can apply to over a 100 and not even be called for an interview? can someone who oversees hiring explain the process of these things and why they seem so reluctant to hire?
>I am speaking of basic jobs, not extremely skilled ones

>> No.2255857

we're bitchy, whiny and lazy.

>> No.2255922
File: 91 KB, 612x612, young turds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>young adults
fancy way of describing shitheads with no experience that think too much of themselves. Aren't you all the retards that read stupid shit like the Hunger Games?

>> No.2255981

It's because there aren't enough jobs available.

It's also incredibly easy to find unskilled labor like illegal immigrants or pajeet coders who work for relatively nothing. At the same time, you don't have to treat them with any dignity.

The question really is, what do young people do that makes them better suitable to a job in comparison to someone you can treat as a slave and fire on a whim?

The answer is usually nothing. Which is why we're in a predicament in most western societies that has all those people that had grown up in similar circumstances wanting to see more protectionist policies brought into being.

>> No.2256007

There aren't enough entry level jobs so recruitment officers can afford to be pickier.

>> No.2256237

it's because you have no idea how to sell yourself you fucking autist

>> No.2256351

>recruitment officers

Finding jobs through a middle man is stupid. Better to go straight to the source. The employer has to pay more to hire an employee through recruiter.

>> No.2256367

>one can apply to over a 100 and not even be called for an interview
It's pretty easy to get a shitty $60k starting salary job.. Did you not go to college or something, or do you live in a small town?

>> No.2256369

30 year oldfag here, there's 4 early twenties employees at my job all of them are borderline fucking retarded. They just don't have the life experience to be a asset to our workforce

>> No.2256377

because you present like an entitled, lazy, cunt.