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File: 908 KB, 1000x815, dubaifromthepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22548693 No.22548693 [Reply] [Original]

>Zero income tax, corporate or personal
>Excellent business environment
>Little to no crime
>Great weather
>Low cost of living
>High standard of living
>Literally no tax

Is there any reason *not* to move here? What's the catch

>> No.22548741

>Great weather

Hahahahahahahaha 50 degrees in summer

>> No.22548764
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>women get beaten if they act like whores
sounds pretty based to me, how do I immigrate?

>> No.22548779
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Not even close

>> No.22548787


>VAT coming soon
>lol lying scheming muslims
>go to jail if two guys tell police you broke the law, get raped in prison daily
>1000 degrees, you literally die on your way to work
>lol whut
>muslims everywhere
>literally huge tax hikes incoming and driving out business

>> No.22548801

>literally huge tax hikes incoming and driving out business

>> No.22548849

>living between slimes
like there isn't enough slimes, joggers and other low quality white garbage in the west

>> No.22548912

What's it like over there? How much per day?

>> No.22548932

>like there isn't enough slimes, joggers and other low quality white garbage in the west
Expats outnumber the muslims 11 to 1 from what I've gathered looking into it

>> No.22548938

>great weather
fucking autistic. i wear glasses. once i was leaving some mall in abu dhabi in the middle of the night and it was so fucking hot and humid that the moment i stepped outside of the mall my glasses immediately fogged up to near blindness tier. it is disgustingly hot during summer

>> No.22548946

40c is stupid hot dude
I imagine the humidity is killer too

>> No.22548997

Too bad half the expats are pajeets the arabs import them in by the dozen to do all the shitty work

>> No.22549019
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oh also, if you spend any time in the UAE, get used to dealing with slaves. slaves are everywhere. slaves work the mcdonalds, the amusement parks. slaves work the construction project in blistering 100+ F 46+ C heat. slaves arent allowed to leave and work as servants. its so depressing. you look inside their eyes and you see the absolute pits of humanity. theyre so fucking sad. and you cant publically talk about it because youll get thrown in jail. the slaves are all indian/phillipinos trying to save money to send back home but it doesnt work, it never works, theyre trapped and cant leave and live in disgusting slums. pic related.

>> No.22549032

yes, precisely, they import the slaves.

>> No.22549078
File: 148 KB, 790x438, 561678e5c36188e84d8b4590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no way to immigrate for you, infidel.

But hey, take a few hundred of our poor brethren from Syria pls.

>> No.22549124

can't you be like sent to a gulag if you spit on the sidewalk?

>> No.22549149

that's the big issue, most people with money turn a blind eye to the abuse, plus the whole dubai economy doesn't seem sustainable in the long run

>> No.22549178

>Great weather
hot season
oven season
steam season
hell season
humid as fuck, 50+ Celsius degrees, shitty air quality, you literally breath sand
>Low cost of living
true, and it’s because 90% of population is pajeets and sea monkeys earning 400$ a month
>Literally no tax
Municipality tax
Hidden fees everywhere
Anon, I lived 3 years there, it’s the equivalent of 10 years in Europe. It’s not worth it unless you are a rich local.

>> No.22549190

Dubai is pretty comfy to visit if you have a stopover with emirates airline and have some time to chill in the city. I wouldnt go there just for the sake of it though

>> No.22549201

The middle east's wealth is all based on a finite commodity and the vast majority of that wealth is concentrated into a smaller group than the U.S.'s 1%. They don't invest in their countries they just spend it all on dumb shit that looks pretty. They are also morally bankrupt and will all burn in hell so there's that.

>> No.22549217

>Anon, I lived 3 years there

are you from a 3rd country? picture for proof would be appriciated

@OP: psss, don't tell everyone.

>> No.22549242

but i'm gay. would i be ok? i don't wanna get thrown off a skyscraper

>> No.22549251

I’m a white first world eu male that was working for a tech company

>> No.22549256

I recall a quote from a rich Arab sheikh who said my grandfather rode a camel everywhere and my grandchildren will also ride a camel

>> No.22549274

Anon that’s what they want you to think. It’s cool to visit once but..foreigners are literal slaves to them. Unless your doing high volume biz and have connections there you will be miserable. I know a friend who was living there and recently got out.

>> No.22549276

its so fucking depressing. my uncle is fairly high up there so when i went to visited him i got to see how some of the local emiratis were. just an absolutely stupid people with no empathy who all succeed in life based off of nepotism. i fucking despise them. they will rot in hell for their slavery and crimes.

>> No.22549308

no, you would not be okay.
no, white people arent slaves. they like white people! at least if youre a tourist they like you and hell, you can actually get white collar work as a white man as well. however, if youre indian/philippino/other shitty asian and not white/arab in some way (they dislike some other arabs because the emiratis are fickle but like some as well), then youll be fine

>> No.22549349

UAE arabs are quite smart and new generations are studying more than before, they are doing well.
The problem of UAE is that you have to deal with tons of scammy pajeets on daily basis and it’s fucking stressful desu sempai. And it’s too fucking humid and hot most of the time. For several months you cannot literally walk outside. You cannot survive without AC always on.

>> No.22549506

>For several months you cannot literally walk outside.
I grew up in a much more humid place on the beach, I'd imagine it can't be any worse than that. I also went to university in Arizona(I'm not American) and could stomach that, so I can't imagine it's any worse than that either.

>> No.22549576

emiratis are smart to you? what the fuck? they are fucking retarded. nowadays they send their kids to international schools so the younger generation isnt doing terribly, but any emirati over age ~30 is going to be one of the stupidest people you have ever had a discussion with.
no, you underestimate it. arizona is nothing compared to dubai summer. dubai summer you get out of your car wearing a nice white dress shirt, walk 10 meters to your (heavily) AC office, suddenly you have pit stains and look like a sweaty mess

>> No.22550267

I'm headed there for a holiday in two weeks, going to get in touch with some people already living there and see how it goes. It could be significantly better than where I currently live, we'll have to see

>> No.22550350
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Once oil collapses the UAE is in big trouble. Also Dubai depends on travel/tourism so if that stops Dubai is in big trou-


>> No.22550389
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the toilets

>> No.22550439

I'm a Jew

I'm Arizonan, so that wouldn't actually be much different for me.

>> No.22550465

more like opens up her mouth to eat the peepeepoopoo of rich oil arabs LMAO

>> No.22550467

The UAE just recently reopened diplomatic embassies and dialogue with Israel just a few weeks ago. Just saying.

>> No.22550480

you sound like such a faggot

>> No.22550539

you've obviously never actually been to Dubai

>> No.22550601

this so much. i've talked with the guys, they work 3 years in a row and get 3 months vacation. can you imagine working 10-12 hours for over 1000 days in a row?

>> No.22550633

How are your backflip skills?

>> No.22550848

I pray to God that the oil economy crashes to a burning pile of shit and these savages have to live in skyscrapers without elevators and air conditioning.

>> No.22550907

5% vat is already there since two years now
also the locals are always above you no matter what, any problem with a local is automatically your fault, but any problem with an indian is automatically their fault if youre white, they call it wasta

>> No.22550924

>Low cost of living
Are you sure about that?

>> No.22551298

>Is there any reason *not* to move here? What's the catch

its living on borrowed time and doesn't have much left
no its no the running out of oil, the current demand destruction due to the coof negates any supply side issues
its the security situation: the country only exists because burger troops protect it, the country has no way to even try to secure its independence and it is a glittering oasis of luxury surrounded by pisspoor medieval headchoppers
and guess what america is already leaving the larger area after that all the emirates will resemble the yemen

>> No.22551432

Nah I want to leave shitistan, noT go to a desert full of shitistanis mixed with other shitters.

>> No.22551596

just move to phoenix az

>> No.22551925
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>Great weather

>> No.22552339

How does prison/murder sound?

>> No.22552391
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, 19090_1_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's me getting shit on by arabs