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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 112 KB, 792x600, dextoolz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22545957 No.22545957 [Reply] [Original]

You literally hate money if you don't get hard about this launch.

Fucking best DEX charting platform in town at the moment. Bots available, whale watching and orders coming. 270k unique users the past month

The only really working product after all the failed attempts so far. Your favourite pajeet uniswap shiller is using this on daily basis.

Did i mention the initial circ mcap?

>> No.22546013

Pretty sure 90 % of biz either heard of this or using it, no need to overshill it anon lol

>> No.22546092

I think this poor pajeet is shilling the upcoming coin. Won't lie though, i will follow the launch too

>> No.22546165

If this doesn't pull a 10x, nothing will and i quit uniswap for good

>> No.22546224

Dextools is for losers

>> No.22546225

10x is FUD bro

>> No.22546230
File: 1.36 MB, 1500x1000, ChartexBanner_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that mcap thoughhhh

>> No.22546246

I am so bullish on this one. Have an amazing project with a very limited raise. This is going to blow up

>> No.22546285

Wake me up when this blows up to 50m $ mcap when last pajeets FOMO

>> No.22546292

WTF how did I miss this token presale.

>> No.22546362

wait, only 665k $?

why i had this written down as more. now we talk, you got my full attention

>> No.22546475

got rugged on SAFE, fuck no product crypto scams. I use it or I don't buy it

>> No.22546515

Ok, fuck you anon. Honestly, FUCK YOU

>> No.22546516

lol thought this was going to be another shitcoin with a 10m market cap. Kinda surprised desu

>> No.22546545

can anyone confirm this btw or is it just a fake montage?

>> No.22546552

Now i fomo hard, and I HATE FOMO'ING HARD SO FUCK YOU

>> No.22546584


>> No.22546656

I see, i buy, i don't hate money, nuf said

>> No.22546765

30x dude, 30x. Or Ian Balina comes to your house dressed as 2pac and performs his rap in front of your wife leaving her with trauma for life

>> No.22546822


>> No.22546975

You do know it relies on Uniswap API, right? When the API has problems you won't be able to use it. DEXT is running on dedicated servers and eventually an ETH node.

>> No.22547092

yeah, these fags are clueless, dext is best charting platform in town at the moment

>> No.22547139

how tf you even dare to put this shitty meme on biz. photoshop guy missmatched the logos places. its otherwise you retards

>> No.22547193

When DEXT will have candlesticks and catch tokens being listed in under 4 minutes then I'll keep using DEXT until then Chartex.Pro has been here since way before DeXT.

>> No.22547375


You know this isn't hard to switch, and also API has problems pretty rare. What about beating DEXT in most of other aspects?

>> No.22547431

Like? You literally have a chart/trade history, no team, and an interview with a literal "who?" crypto publication

>> No.22547536

Bro, unique users traffic isn't lying. Tell me your experience after using Chartex vs DEXT for 1 month. Don't tell from the perspective of a DEXT bagholder

>> No.22547558

This moons big time. Working product that’s been growing like crazy and a small raise

>> No.22547580

Also, imo both have room to exist. But i am not gonna lie saying i don't use Chartex more than DEXT

>> No.22547617

Since Chartex is starting at 660k $, at 10x it will be just slightly a bit more than DEXT mcap. You see the potential here now?

>> No.22547675

Why have a private sale for a charting tool? And where is this user traffic coming from if there's no team?

>> No.22547900

WTF do you mean there is no team?

>> No.22547951

Dext is so much better than this piece of shit proven scam.

>> No.22547967

this doesnt look that bad as some of the shills i saw today on biz.

>> No.22547985

Question is will it dump at launch by presale Jews or not

>> No.22548032

you saw the starting mcap? dump to what, 100k $ lol? as one of the most used crypto tools in the niche, while vaporwaves with no product at 10m $ mcaps

>> No.22548057

until you prove it's scam in any sense, you are a proven bullshitter so GTFO DEXT onions boy

>> No.22548093
File: 7 KB, 1763x153, 000449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is "my positions" feature, it doesn't work for me. Also, is there limit orders in the premium version for 100,000 holders?

>> No.22548154

Ok, good shill anon. But you forgot to mention one thing, when is this shitcoin's launch?

>> No.22548232

DEXT bagholders are panic dumping their bags LMAO

>> No.22548288

when tradable sir

>> No.22548406

post link where to buy or gfto piece of shit anon

>> No.22548493

link me the team

>> No.22548515




>> No.22548593
File: 152 KB, 1242x1235, chartexuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you know you know

>> No.22548627

delete this you fags. you post this after listing

>> No.22548692

Sshhhhhhh I wanted to grab a bag first Anon don’t let these pajeets know until we go at least 10x they don’t deserve it

>> No.22548737

Bruh. It's on the chart everytime you open the site, and whoever the fuck isn't using chartex for uniswap shitcoins is out of the loop.

This guy is literally fuding. Legit tho let's keep this on the downlow at least until a few hours after sale starts.

>> No.22549214
File: 73 KB, 750x1000, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i usually dont engage with brainlets who can do simple google search but here you go. it's 1 man show and he's raising funds to expand team and services.

>> No.22549417

finally, this is so much better to chart than dextool

>> No.22549456

Bunch of fucking fag cunts in here.. ChartEx has been used by the community for as long as your mom's been turning tricks

>> No.22549565
File: 256 KB, 570x570, pepe5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That 1 man show has achieved more crypto teams that raised 30 mil in eth! way tit on hard work fag . the product works, is used and the sale is oversubscribed. ya seaway if you hate money kek

>> No.22549658

You're making pepe edits before you can even buy? Why, are you gonna dump your presale tokens at launch?

>> No.22549692

in about 48 hours. put some research work jeez

>> No.22549798

isn't this like about every coin out there? someone dumps on someone, and thats how we all make $

>> No.22549896

It is lol, just scared money always think that if presale gonna take some profits, a project is suddenly dead. Proven otherwise 10/10, and then they come and cry they missed.

>> No.22549935

What this man said

>> No.22549992
File: 300 KB, 500x708, shcartf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22550045

in this for the memes

>> No.22550205

In this for the product!!!!

>> No.22550397

this shitcoin will moon hard i reckon, gratz to all presale shillers in here, u financial free

>> No.22550424

seems like it's coming in 2 days


>> No.22550607
File: 70 KB, 500x667, 21-Now-more-than-ever-Use-Bitcoin-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22550710
File: 94 KB, 1169x493, dext.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the DEXT shill as it proceeds to dump endlessly as I chart this shitcoin on its competitor lmao

>> No.22550830

low cap gemmy

>> No.22550947


>> No.22551140

rip DEXT

>> No.22551310

ok anons, u managed to get my fomo blood levels pretty high. if i dont get a good price for this at launch, i fuck u all up no jk

>> No.22551490

I did not make this you dumb fuck... You think I get any time from fucking these bishes? Being chad ain't easy. And all I did was get a small capped community allocation via a telegram form.. You could have as well but obviously you are not smart money kek

>> No.22551511

top shill, no shitting on competitors, no insults. i respect

>> No.22551789

Isn't DEXT chartex?

>> No.22551871

have not been this excited about a launch in a while...

legit everybody that knows what they are doing in this space is already using the product... less than 1 mil marketcap...

>> No.22551928

I concur, dear sir

>> No.22551951

WTF are you doing here? Why did your mom let you on her phone? GTFO

>> No.22551963

i am getting so hard, you have no idea

>> No.22551982

lol gg fags /thread

>> No.22552189

Man, i been using Chartex for uni plays but didnt even know they have a token wtf

>> No.22552263

Jfc, I almost missed this. Thanks for sharing

>> No.22552290


>> No.22552311

Sadly didn't win the community round. I don't know how many dicks you had to suck to get in you fags. Must have been a really sloppy one too. Jelly af. I'm gonna ape in hard when it launches.

>> No.22552456

Will this be listed on trade ogre?

>> No.22552569

I seen the shills, i did my DD, now i just want to buy this. Thank you

>> No.22552609

Nobody gives a shit about trade ogre. Uniswap on September 18th.

>> No.22552755

Private sale already happened, fuck

>> No.22553545

DEXT best

>> No.22553748

yeah but no whales. this is going to be be a huge amount of faggot pajeet cunts buying all at once. Should smash dextools mcap since dextools is fucking nigger shit

>> No.22553879


>> No.22554026
File: 47 KB, 300x252, 185-1857814_pepe-vector-free-download-on-mbtskoudsalg-png-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fate of ur portfolios

dext tools is bleeding to 0, why wouldnt this do the same

>> No.22554781
File: 67 KB, 865x625, chart ex pay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's make this simple..... Price is tied to USD but paid in chart ex.... you need chart ex to vote annnnnnd chart ex for gateways and plugins. So the coin isn't useless. Oh, also a percentage of the coins get burned after used..... I mean if you can't understand that I don't know what to say

>> No.22554932

When is it listed? I'm gonna see you FOMOers crying so hard when it dumps to $100K

>> No.22554984

what perfect timing with the UNI token launch and all!!! glorious !

>> No.22555035

Friday the 18th no time yet. good luck waiting for the dump to 100k .... lol

>> No.22555313
File: 804 KB, 2048x2048, 1600260629443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

665k cap on launch is nice. I will buy 2 eth worth with 0.5 eth in current gas prices.

>> No.22555467
File: 731 KB, 680x680, chartgg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that comfy feeling when looking at charts with your gf


>> No.22556596

Trust the plan anon... $CHART will rule the game