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22541475 No.22541475 [Reply] [Original]

New leading platform for DEX charting coming soon. Presale was 600% oversubscribed see interview here boys. Would atleast check the interview and see for yourself!


>> No.22541775

Nope, buy DEXT instead.

With the token burn, it will go 10x until end of October

Don't buy this scam

>> No.22542675

dextools is literally dogshit and is slowly dying

chartex is oversubscribed by 600%, most used charting software for uniswap, 270k unique users the past month, bots available, whalewatching and orders coming, all of crypto twitter uses it... must i go on?

If you hold dextools, you hate money if you dont buy $CHART

>> No.22543225

literally has 80k users a day and rising

>> No.22543474

DEXT can go suck my dick. Bloated anf opportunistic

>> No.22543601

Not a single link in there to a discord, tele, website, nothing.

>> No.22543665


u blind?

>> No.22543881

why the fuck does this need a token

>> No.22543917

you cant post discord links without it being deleted, plus is it really that hard to find?

past this behind discord url: /yFSBx3C

>> No.22544116

Man I love chartex been using it for months now. Fuck dextools

>> No.22544167

been using chartex for a while now, its perhaps the most useful tool I have for uniswap. Far better then dextools. there's a reason people scrambled to gobble up the presale

>> No.22544223

Yeah I've been using this for all of my tooling. Bullish

>> No.22544244

LOL DEXT might as well just roll over now

>> No.22544485

few understand the pumpanomics behind based charts

>> No.22544517

Token clearly not fucking needed.

>> No.22544534

To be fair, this looks better than DEXtools. I'll probably grab me a small bag.

>> No.22544565

i've been using this instead of dextools for a while now. didn't even know they had a token. gonna buy a decent bag of it

>> No.22544577

Wow chartex is having a token? Shit this must be a real moon. Where do I get it

>> No.22544588

4chan isn't needed to communicate with people on the internet but it still exists. If there's demand, that means there's some sort of need and a community and incentives will evolve around the token.

>> No.22544600
File: 285 KB, 602x624, chartexpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you know you know

>> No.22544642

seriously, not one curry smelling nigger answered this question yet

>> No.22544702

i hate dextools for their 5k token hold policy, but why does chartex need a token?

seems unnecessary & money grab

>> No.22544710

This platform is lit. Have ditched Dext tools and exclusively using Chartex

>> No.22544845

why is it better

>> No.22544909

because he wants you to sell dext for his gains. it's just stupid pajeet shilling

>> No.22545226

dude it's only $250 lol

>> No.22545332

Not to mention WHY do they always have a presale? This whole craze is designed for the first 1% to dump on the rest.

>> No.22545608

Dump? U kidding right? Did u degenerates even read the article or u can’t read more then one sentence? Max allocation on sale was 5k each person. No VC and whales. Only person dumping on u is ur step sister.

>> No.22545792

ChartEx is the real deal. Go look what tool most TAers use for Uniswa charting. Y'all recognize the logo bizbros. This is a no-brainer

>> No.22545857

Let's see my options:

DEXTools - has a vetted public team with the former CTO of CoinMarketCap as an advisor and insane tokenomics/use case

Or this random charting tool I heard from a dude who's too lazy to use "you" in a sentence on biz

>> No.22545940

get with the times boomer, anyone using uniswap now uses chartex u noob

>> No.22546007

Really makes me want to buy lol

Funny that I don't see as many TG and twitter users sharing chartex links as I do DEXTools

>> No.22546085




No working product, which will be literally a fork of JavaScript uniswap.info frontend, token not needed either

But I guess they will rug in a couple hours anyways

Stop scamming newfags you smelly pajeets

>> No.22546122


That was the case from day 1? i dont think so also if you are in enough discords you would have seen the chartex links and maybe even the chartex bot! also chartex is a no brainer if you look at the deck.

Also what are the insane toeknomics on dextral anyway , its quite shitty money grab from the look of it. Pay to view

>> No.22546159

literally sub 50 IQ

they need to raise capital retard

>> No.22546183

>random charting tool
>280k unique users last 30 days

kill yourself stupid pajeet

>> No.22546210

Yeah I'm not seeing how that makes it OK for a select few to buy at a certain price, then let everyone buy at a starting price 10x the presale.

>> No.22546223

no working product? motherfucker they had 270k unique users last 30 days retard, i swear dextools posted this thread in their telegram or something, only 50 IQ liars trying to FUD Chartex which is used by anyone with a portfolio over 1k

>> No.22546256


Only real chads allowed, rest of you virgins will buy it once its over 10 mil market cap. thats how this works ...

>> No.22546277

fuck you, you are chartex' shill bitch

>> No.22546279

When did you join crypto? Do you even understand how any of this works? There is always someone buying lower than you retard, even with normie stocks you have initial investors. Jesus christ this board went to shit, im sorry you hate money, feel free to miss out and watch this hit 10+ mil mcap

>> No.22546295


this FUD is bullish. all in

>> No.22546331



>> No.22546334

arent you the retard that said dextools is gonna go to 100 mil mcap? definitely a reasonable and organic comment!

>> No.22546375


Check the DEXTools medium articles.

Link me to the Chartex team. Show me their tokenomics. DEXT will become deflationary when subscriptions start. A deflationary token with major utility. But if you want to keep shilling this random tool (just went to the website and it's literally just a chart with TA tools) go right ahead.

Just make sure to tell whoever's paying you guys to shill to up the pay and try to find people who can actually shill and not be vague and hurl insults lol

>> No.22546403

Show me the data

>> No.22546404
File: 407 KB, 1754x1113, chart tokenomics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus man do i need to do everything for you?, have a look at the pic.

besides, you're ngmi if you unironically think projects ''need'' tokens

>> No.22546462

the data is in the interview linked in OP's post, god you dextools are literal tools

>> No.22546599

no one is gonna subscribe to a crap chart service that doesn't even properly produce time scales. Sorry but DEXT is ALREADY dead in the water because of ChartEX's free offerings being next level. I dumped the dexTOOLS when they shut down free access for "24 hours". Never looked back. For every DEXT cuck in this thread 4 actual traders are moving to CHART, and the web metrics show it.

>> No.22546648

checked & based

>> No.22546688

That literally gave me no concrete information. Who's the team? Who has the tokens? Why the hell was their a seeded round and private sale for a trading tool? I'm on the website and it's literally a chart and list of trades. Good luck being dumped on by private sale investors.

>> No.22546769

what's the name of this supposed project?

CHART?... hmm.. need to research this pajeet scam..

>> No.22547181

>That literally gave me no concrete information
>''Show me the data''

make up your mind dextool shill, you want the data or not?

>Good luck being dumped on by private sale investors.
yeah those people with max $5k allo will dump on me so hard despite it being oversubscribed x6! braindead dextool shill is braindead, we both know this is going x10-x20 as its better than dextools in every single way.

>> No.22547636

Real TA nerds use Chartex. 600k raise is nothing

>> No.22548544

50 fucking posts and nobody talks about when this shit will list. Any exchanges or just uni?

>> No.22548568

given that it was oversubbed this is pretty much guaranteed to do a 6x immediately upon listing ... will be packing bags on this project ASAP

>> No.22549142

your packing bags to get dumped on. this is no different than dext

>> No.22549180

Listing on Friday, exact time not announced yet

>> No.22549195

biggest brain and smallest text. lmao. learn em!

>> No.22549199

Interesting project, token use?

>> No.22549240

So it will go to 10 million mcap?

>> No.22549296
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>Could you guide us through the decision process of creating the token and how is it going to be used?

At the beginning when I’d explored and then compared and contracted the various routes to market, the only way I could see that would allow ChartEx to remain agile and competitive as well as delivering significant investment, particularly in infrastructure, was to seek out working capital.

It was only after significant thought and deliberation that I had outlined a tokenomic model that justified its place and need within the proposed ecosystem that the decision was made to launch a private sale, token and a Uniswap listing.

CHART having real purpose and utility was the key driver behind this – a simple payment token or ‘hodl to use’ was not really my idea of an innovative or appropriate use of a token and I’d been thinking about ways to involve the community and attract developers. From this, the idea of the ChartEx DAO was born. Much like you can make a proposal on most yield farming tokens, the same will be said for ChartEx – users will be able to make proposals for features, grants, bounties or general support in enabling them to add value to the ecosystem, and CHART holders will play a part in the decision making process as to the value of those proposals and pass or deny them based on their voting power.

>oops i forgot niggers can't read

>> No.22549614
File: 152 KB, 382x569, pepe1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bizfags hate money. they like to buy high and sell low

>> No.22549753
File: 1.50 MB, 626x625, astro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, chartex is gonna be lit

DEXT is garbage and didnt innovate until competitors came along. Hot garbage is non stop dumping while ASTRO remains stable even as markets are down

>> No.22549841

Lol Astro doesn't even have a functioning backend

>> No.22549857
File: 19 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woooooooooowwwww that is grape!

>> No.22549877

dont know whatever the fuck that means, but astro works plan and simple to a <70 IQ like me

>> No.22549957

Why can I not find anywhere the token contract or Uniswap page? Even if someone links it to me how would I verify it?

>> No.22549979

its not out yet

>> No.22549983

You degenerates will buy garbage ass coins with cools names but not a working coin that traders use everyday already? I forgot I’m on 4chan...

>> No.22550332


It would help your shilling campaign if you tried to make threads believable this entire thread is so astroturfed it reeks even worse than food token shill attempts

>> No.22550363
File: 2.15 MB, 6473x4332, Bodily_Feeling_Maps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they have a token sale to generate capital, and their medium term goals are to produce premium services and products that are payed on a monthly basis with fiat, NOT the token from this sale coming up. The one use given for the token is that token holders get to vote on what features he adds.
Hate to rain on the parade, but how is this token not almost completely worthless when the service being provided doesn't even recognize it as a payment method? How is this not just a GoFundMe?

>> No.22550810

I already use this tool religiously, going to have to get a bag for my tool belt.

>> No.22550923

Are u retarded or just a dextool? It clearly says price pegged to USD or fiat, you wanna pay hundreds or even thousands for subscriptions if this moons?

>> No.22551567


Din't ASTRO just rip dex off? Also one little tod bit for you perpetual cucks.. There is a dao and a governance component. Read. If you know you know. No more free tips for bizfags if they miss this.

>> No.22551811

I'm a poster boy for Astro and I steal front-ends

>> No.22551885

Bro..... are you trolling.... or do you not just understand what's happening here? It's a utility token...to use the services they provide. This means at some point in time you will need to have their coin to use their premium services. The road map has so much more coming just for this year .... you can either get cheap coins now or pay the wagecucking rate since it'll be tied to USD prices.

>> No.22551922

I just got here and read the article for the first time. The developer himself said the token would be used for voting on features and that the end product would be a subscription service you pay monthly in fiat. There is almost no connection to the token's value and the product, so it appears to me a souvenir fundraising token, not a utility token. Is it a bad interview?
Maybe I'm retarded, but you haven't convinced me.

>> No.22552169
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Astro is the biggest scam on this planet if you cannot see that you need to be pooled up in a helicopter with all the niggers in prison and dropped onto the face of the earth so we can delete you from the gene pool