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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 57 KB, 800x419, algorand-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22535968 No.22535968 [Reply] [Original]

Here it is /biz/, the actual ETH killer. Are you surprised? ETH is old, inefficient, unscalable and costly at present with no fix in sight for years.

>ALGO trumps ETH's 15 TPS with 1000 TPS.
>ALGO trumps ETH's high fees coming in at only 0.0004c per transaction.
>ALGO trumps ETH's transaction times with a finality of 4.5 seconds
>ALGO is already seeing widespread adoption across the board with the national digital currency of the Marshall Islands set to launch soon, USDC moving over to ALGO alongside ETH (and will no doubt switch 100% to ALGO alone).
>Let's not forget the 5.6% interest gained from staking ALGO that requires 0 Effort.
>ALGO team is insane and is made up of turing award winners and MiT members.
>Tech is already outstanding for a 1 year old project.

"But muh ToKeNoMiCs". Get the fuck out of here with your extremely lazy FUD. No one wants to hear it.
"But muh YoU'Re geTtINg DuMpEd On". Fucking idiot these are the staking rewards program. https://algorand.foundation/stakingrewards

I don't know what else to tell you, Anon. If you aren't stacking ALGO, you're never gunna make it.

>> No.22536349

Quit copy pasting this thread already. Your bags won't ever get past $1.

>> No.22536380
File: 645 KB, 816x1344, 1597465371821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your bags won't ever get past $1.
Of course, anon.

>> No.22536529

What about solana? What about arbitrum?

>> No.22536756

post algo memes. poorfag with 500 algies here i need to start staking

>> No.22536815
File: 943 KB, 1242x911, CA7B1D9E-4854-4F7F-A9E4-F5F727E31F89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically think Algo is the Eth killer.

Go to federal reserve site and search bar “algo”.

Then google federal reserve digital dollar Boston.

Where’s MIT located?

Which department does Silvio Micali head at MIT?

The rabbit hole is deep.

>> No.22536837

Dfinity and Algo are the only legit ones, I think Dfinity lead tech and features wise and Algo in adoption (But maybe Dfinity have something up their sleeves and wait for it to trade)

>> No.22537078

Hey don't reveal too much now. You might jinx it. Or attract unwanted attention. Let the team work in silence and deliver.

>> No.22537404

from the technical standpoint, Harmony (ONE) is superior

>> No.22537453

Can you imagine falling for muh tps layer 1s in the current year lol

>> No.22537469

The big reveal is Algorand is another bunch of worthless shit with shady or non-existent "partnerships"

>> No.22537500

Is Silvio here?

>> No.22537599

I traded out of this, but not going to lie this had the fastest real-life transactions I've experienced in crypto (not fake tps bs). I thoroughly enjoyed using it and I'll probably be back sometime.

>> No.22537630

Just want to add -- traded out of this because it feels too much like Ripple. Fuck Ripple.

>> No.22537772

Thinking of eventually trading it out for DOT

>> No.22537907
File: 744 KB, 1600x1063, env.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget retarded anons that algo will make you rich. DYOR

>> No.22538635
File: 105 KB, 743x1204, 1598971208092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically my comfiest hold second to xrp, the moment I found out about the staking system I've ironically had a craving to put more in and see the fucking number go up faster wtf is this

>> No.22538741

Can anyone estimate the daily returns on this? How do you calculate it?