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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22533838 No.22533838 [Reply] [Original]

BNT. Fud it. Let it alllllllll out. Before V2 of V2 comes and melts faces.

>> No.22533909

Please DELET. Unironically loading up on BNT while there’s no hype about it. Thanks.

>> No.22534001

The Chainlink oracle in Bancor V2 is not an ideal solution for mitigating imp loss, FYI. It’s vulnerable to oracle frontrunning.

>> No.22534064
File: 69 KB, 726x270, V2 of V2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>High IQ detected
>Chainlink not needed
You're right. Which is precisely why V2 of Bancor V2 rips out the oracle. So they say.

>> No.22534154

Imagine not buying BNT again when given a second chance to make 1000% gains like last time this shit happened.

>> No.22534198

when does the upgraded model go live? estimated timeframe?

>> No.22534293
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>This is not free alpha
There's been no official announcement confirming a release date or even that a new version of V2 is actually being worked on. This is based on discussions with the team in Bangor's channels that based anons are piecing together and serving to you bizlets free of charge. Could potentially surprise launch any day. Smart money knows and is accooming. https://blog.bancor.network/parafi-invests-in-bnt-to-advance-bancor-protocol-growth-7f79fab40c81

>> No.22534299

fuck off pajeet

>> No.22534363

Fuck off anon. My village needs feeding.

>> No.22534404

Something tell me they've got an ace up their sleeves.

I re-entered at $1.2 when they said they are re-launching v2 with an upgraded design w/o oracles.

I heard it's coming next month at the same time as the DAO and liquidity mining

If shit food coin AMMs can fly, imagine what happens when their v2 goes live

>> No.22534478

will there be gub tokens? what are the rewards supposed to be like for staking in bancor v2 of v2 pools?

>> No.22534759
File: 40 KB, 615x447, 7AD8A42E-E3D1-4392-B6D2-6F005389FEF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bandor will unironically kick off the 2nd great golden defi bull run. again. watch it. cap it. buy it. bag it. we win again my little bandorian bulls. we win again.

>> No.22534908
File: 228 KB, 1055x791, basedbrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Categorically Based and Bandor Pilled

>> No.22535285

If Bancor V2 of V2 functions works without oracles its possible they’ll need to eliminate liquidity amplification for this and depend entirely on arbs to bring the TKN side of pool back to fair value. This is big brain.

>> No.22535630

The team is basically one step ahead of every other AMM in the market

They were tackling impermanent loss when no one really knew what it was. They were doing dynamic weights and fees first, finally balancer is catching up to that. Upgraded V2 should be super interesting, the fact that they’re no longer using oracles suggests they’ve figured something out that others haven’t

>> No.22535872

yes sirs Bancor team has literally figured out something that nobody else has! in a market that has potentially billions in revenue!! with the greatest minds that exist!!
kikes have done it! they are smarter than EVERYONE ELSE TO EVER THINK OF AMMS