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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22529454 No.22529454 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ still doesn't know

>> No.22529472

Thanks to kek, i don't need to know

>> No.22529580

God damn he looks sharp in the official lition blazer

>> No.22529592

Thanks, just bought 100k

>> No.22529623

I need some hopium boys...

Please Tell me there is a chance this shit hit’s 5-10$ in 1 year

>> No.22529754

there is a chance this shit hit’s 5-10$ in 1 year

>> No.22529787
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>> No.22530098

Oooof feel much better now!

thx anon

>> No.22530266
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Assuming they hit their target transactions for 2020 they will probably hit 3 million transactions by the end of 2021. Then you have to consider all the other use cases and new sidechains opening. SAP would have opened there own sidechain and would most likely have hundreds of thousands if not millions of transactions on there on. Lition will be a bridge for other companies and projects that allows them to enter the European market due to the necessity of complying with GDPR. Now consider the fact that many Salesforce customers are a part of INATBA, which Lition just joined. Any other project would be hundreds of millions in market cap with Lition's utility, technology and partnerships. It's ridiculously underpriced and you have beaten everyone else in this market. I've barely even scratched the surface of Lition's potential.

>> No.22530352
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>> No.22530365

Only have 38k staked until next march for 1.6x gains compounded. Don't know how much I'll actually get.

Will I make it?

>> No.22530448
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Probably not. Make it is 100k

>> No.22530472

Lition will eventually be $100 so yes.

>> No.22531142

What are everyones mainnet release predictions?

>> No.22531162


It's 38k x 1.3 so you will have 50,000 next year if you have 12 months staked.

Ask yourself if 500,000 dollars is enough to make it. I doubt it. I don't consider the 100k stack a "make it" stack either. But its enough to live comfortable for a few years while finding other investments.

>> No.22531246

You mean the date? 28th September.
>I don't consider the 100k stack a "make it" stack either
Because you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.22531275
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What is the latest news about the mainnet fren?

>> No.22531312

Nothing about mainnet but the number of transactions on the blockchain explorer doubled. Also the update on the partnership with Tomochain is a good sign.

>> No.22531486


Okey, do tell?

>> No.22531509

Do you pronounce it “lishen” or “lit eon”

>> No.22531518
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>> No.22531557


>> No.22531602

50k at $100 is $5 million. 50k at $40 will get you $2 million and with a 5% staking rewards you will be earning 6 figures annually. If you want me to spoonfeed you every reason why Lition will easily reach $100 or even $40 then I'm not going to do that because I'll spend about 10 minutes typing for basically nothing. I've spoonfed enough people this year. I will say that you are greatly underestimating their energy business, you are greatly underestimating their SAP partnership and you are severely underestimating the importance of GDPR compliance and being the first mover in this area. You will also need to consider that the crypto market in general will be much bigger than it is now. We're in the pre-utility days of the crypto market.

>> No.22531717

We are gonna make it bros. This is the make it coin. I will never sell

>> No.22531883


Yeah that is obvious enough. I am realistic and consider 10 dollars a Lit a good return. If it does better and moons even harder, cool. Even with staking that is a decent amount. But it is my no means "wealthy".

>> No.22531905

if the calculator is right i would be earning 250$/day staking gains.. that’s more then enough to live off for me!
Thx for the hopium fren! Staking anyway till juli so kinda comfy with these thoughts of making it!

>> No.22532020

> I am realistic and consider 10 dollars a Lit a good return.
Sure. However it is the easiest thing in the world to just be skeptical and be "realistic". Doubting fantastic things will ever happen is what most people do, even if it's staring right at them. It's not like you gave a reason as to why Lition might not be that successful. You didn't criticise the project or denied the relevancy of GDPR compliance. You just simply felt that any higher would be too good to be true without actually providing a reason. Being skeptical for the sake of it doesn't mean that you're being realistic.
>But it is my no means "wealthy".
Earning six figures is absolutely wealthy. It's not even a debate. It's not like you have to live in an expensive place for work either.

>> No.22532047

The calculator has been approved by the team. I've also looked at the source code as well as make my own calculator so I could verify that it's accurate.

>> No.22532090

1 million transactions this year would allready be nice! following how fast the energy chain is growing, i hope they get there

>> No.22532125
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I knew back in May when I staked my shit for 12 months, making it is only a matter of time

>> No.22532126
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Staking 50k in a 1 year contract for a x1.8 reward multiplier. Only been going for a week, so compounding didn't take effect yet. Comfy feels fren

>> No.22532258

Kys renew you faggot cunt

>> No.22532260

Has someone here some good warosu archive links?
I read the Whitepaper (not the technical one) but I am still very skeptical if this is going to be a success.
Is GDPR compliance really that big of a deal for Blochckains in Europe? I know they have a law etc. But is Lition really the only one who offers it?

>> No.22532358

We will spoonfeed you after mainnet. I still want to get a last 10 cent buy.

>> No.22532444

The biggest reason crypto is failing to be adopted commercially is that there's a lot of regulatory uncertainty. Lition pretty much gets rid of that. GDPR compliance is absolutely massive mainly because Lition is the only one that does it well. Some projects allow you to delete entire sidechains but that's not remotely the same thing. But it's irrelevant whether or not you think it's important because companies like SAP do.
>Is GDPR compliance really that big of a deal for Blochckains in Europe?
No because no other project does it. Which is why Lition is ahead of the curve.

>> No.22532503

>The biggest reason crypto is failing to be adopted commercially is that there's a lot of regulatory uncertainty.
checked. But the biggest reason before that is still, that it is fucking useless if you can not interact with the real world. Not some regulation bullshit.

>> No.22532536

Isn't lition counting every produced kilowatt hour and therefore preventing double spending? Sounds like real world to me

>> No.22532682


You are right. I pulled those numbers out of my ass. There is no reason that it won't hit 100 dollars. I already rode LINK from 20 cents to 20 dollars, so I can't argue against that.

>> No.22532710


>It's ridiculously underpriced and you have beaten everyone else in this market

Stop I can only get so erect

>> No.22532820

I only have 2 holdings, Lition and Stakenet.

both of them literally have an anon on biz who seems to work full time FUDing the projects.

Coincidence? I think NOT!

>> No.22533077

Mikey has been awfully quiet since the tomochain news, maybe he filled his bags

>> No.22533713

Where? Best exchange for this?

>> No.22533772

i know RLC is going to the moon cause they got approved by the european union and everything else is going to suck cock compared to it

i don't even know what this thread is about but you can suck on my digital oil

>> No.22533849

I figured it out last night. I feel sorry for these fools.

>> No.22533913

idex probably most liquid.. otters are drying up... no one is selling except bots

>> No.22533946

yeah second that! Earning around 7k lit/month, if the price goes up as much as the tx’s i would deff be happy with 7k€ a month

>> No.22533986

Is staking even worth it if you have less than 10k? Probably will need to pay more in gas fees.

>> No.22534565

What's keeping you from buying another 10K first?

>> No.22534617


Ok boomer

>> No.22534697

Aaand its gone

>> No.22535087


>> No.22535205

Oh no no no we got too cocky bros

>> No.22535293

Thanks Adam

>> No.22535342

Adam you fucking twat have you crashed mainnet again we are dumping because of you

>> No.22535394
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>> No.22535413

We are pumping on uniswap wtf bros?

>> No.22535416
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Where are the fucking transactions? ADAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.22535478
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ah this is where you guys are.
And meanwhile I've been banking litgen's for nothing.

>> No.22535573

We're making secret threads so that TG normies (well, Adam) can't find them

>> No.22535616


>> No.22535801

We know Lition is a scam.

We all moved on to mining Safex.

>> No.22536346
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I WARN U!!!!!!

>> No.22536370
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So fucking comfy i cant buy anymore i just cant justify it, ive made 35k staking alone since day one LPS, i just come here and read comments check memes and chill....

What i plan on doing when i make it you ask? Well i plan on renting my current home and moving to a house on a golf course in portugal and growing some good kush

See you all at Oktoberfest that sounds fun

>> No.22537067

Ow my, how much do you have?

>> No.22537222

This is quite ironic given that these shillers just randomly barge in this thread but hardly ever do in litgen's
But i appreciate the idea

>> No.22538070

I don't know guys, Ive been living and working in Germany in the last couple of years and the way Germans think and conduct business... I am very skeptical this will ever fly... It would have higher chances if the team is anon rather than pricks working for SAP...
Redpill me on this and I'll maybe buy a suicide stack out of my German wage.

>> No.22538071

Have 80k, should I buy 20k more?

>> No.22538133

>Redpill me on this
Richard has political connections and as with the SAP who recently got 20m to develop the Corona App Lition will succeed. It does not matter if the people like the companies as our government will simply help them, especially as Germany wants to push for more green energy.

>> No.22538166

The main problem with Germans is that they think regulations are sacred. They really take them seriously and never question them, unless they are spoiled red anarcho commies. This is why you had so many nice people participating in holocaust. If this whole thing should deal with regulations in crypto, yes it will work in Germany and krauts will be buying that. With their EC cards, out of gmx.de mailboxes. They are super weird, but rest of the worls DGAF about regulations.
Useless project.

>> No.22538419

Its based in luxembourg and they are all about money there.

>> No.22538484

i hold 3k

>> No.22538746

Regeln sind regeln und ordnung muss sein is what they're all about. Similarly what was popular in the Nuremberg trials: befehl ist befehl

>> No.22538973

>yes it will work in Germany and krauts will be buying that
>Useless project.
You're talking about a 6M mcap coin.
Even if this only works in Germany this is a 100x

>> No.22538993

Buy atleast 2k more

>> No.22539000

Lition is far superior to bitcoin or any other coin. If you know, you know faggots niggers

>> No.22539033


>> No.22539148
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>> No.22539345

The absolute state of those bagholders

>> No.22540043

Hi Richard,

I know you're reading these threads. Just wanna let you know that my life depends on the success of this project. If it fails, I will KMS.

Sincerely, Anon

>> No.22540143

feq eustions pls spoonfeed

1) if i stake my 5K lit now, is it profitable? or should i just buy more

2) if lition goes to mainnet and im staking my erc-20 litions in locked contract, what happens?

>> No.22540186

Get atleast 20k to enter the comfy zone.

>> No.22540224


>> No.22540720

ok what happens if i stake my lits now before the mainnet and theyre still at erc-20 ?? will tehy get converted or what

>> No.22540894

I dont know, but I would wait until the mainet release is done with staking.

>> No.22541397

No, no conversions, there wont be any changes to the tokens they will still be erc-20 as lition is a layer 2

>> No.22541407

wouldn't say that I have many bold solutions I follow and can recommend you to have a look at - my fav is Morpheus Network with new value on supply chain field and real use cases. Morpheus.Network has real-world use cases with CO-OP: 10B$ Canadian retail company adopting the tech and other biggies. One of the other problems blockchain solves is counterfeiting goods

>> No.22541487

Why don't you take your own face for a shit

>> No.22541583

Richard you only have 2 weeks

>> No.22542534


What do you think, how high will the staking “income” be with a 20k stack in EOY 2021?

>> No.22542696

what a waste of time holding this shit has been, not selling though

>> No.22542713

yes we know about microsoft

>> No.22543825


>> No.22543901

Yeah... We've now passed that point where crypto is useless. So now the biggest reason is regulation,

>> No.22543961

None of you would have made it without being spoonfed. You're all too emotional to think rationally.

>> No.22544004

>Redpill me
No, Fuck off. You're an idiot.

>> No.22544040

Litionaire checking in.

>> No.22544079

Yes. However you're a dipshit for asking /biz/ and not being able to think for yourself.

I guess I was proven right. >>22544004 Literally cannot be bothered to do an tiny bit of research and yet you speak so authoritatively.

>> No.22544091

There are only 7 Litionaires, larper

>> No.22544115

Shut up looser, I probably spoonfed you, let me shitpost

>> No.22544231

I can absolutely assure that this is not true.

>> No.22544586


>> No.22544774

ok should i still stay on erc or get to lition mainnet

>> No.22544830

I spoonfed both of you

>> No.22544851

He literally said it's layer 2. You won't need to switch.

>> No.22545267

No matter how much flaming and toxicity we have in this thread, it is a breath of fresh air to not have to deal with curry-Mike

>> No.22545295


>> No.22545345

>However you're a dipshit for asking /biz/
I just ask stupid questions so that these threads don't die

>> No.22545475

Actually that's pretty based.

>> No.22545705

I'm tired of waiting for mainnet
I'm selling all my litties and buying coom

>> No.22545855
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>> No.22546236
