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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22528931 No.22528931 [Reply] [Original]

Dont be like me /biz/, I've wasted my life scrolling on this god damn site, watching youtube videos, making plans and never following through, wasting money on shitty consumer goods. Im now 20 and my life is basically over, my peers are working creating generational wealth and driving the world forward in innovation and my greatest accomplishment is my Pepe folder.
I'm gonna overdose on benadryl tonight and take my own life, I hope all of you who still have their youth heed my warning and go down a better path..

>> No.22528944


>> No.22528948

You deserved it

>> No.22528955

If you are 20 your life is just starting

>> No.22528972

me too i just graduated high school and my life is already over because all my friends went to college and i chose to take a risk and start my own business but it failed. now i have nothing to show for my efforts, dont waste your life like i did

>> No.22528978

20 fucking years old its over for me
I cant cope any more

>> No.22528997


Join the gym bro, best way to get out of the house and feel better about yourself

>> No.22529022

I already lift but whats the point of lifting If Im dirt broke. I cant even fuck girls because I live at my parents house and my mom wont let me use dating apps

>> No.22529026
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it fucking amazes me how many cunts are depressed on here and don't seek professional help to get better. I think i need to stop coming here cause all i see are fucking anons feeling sorry for themselves and not doing anything about it

>> No.22529047

Lol "I'm now 20 and my life is over". We got a quitter here! Id try to build you up but honestly you probably wouldnt be receptive to the message. Plus it takes actual pain, discomfort and time to change. I dont think your up to the task.

>> No.22529052

just use tinder and don't tell her??

>> No.22529069

I bet you learnt a few things along the way though.

>> No.22529078
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Someday those Pepes will be worth billions

>> No.22529089


>> No.22529120
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This is such a cope. Whats the point of making it if youre too fucking old to even enjoy your wealth? Im past my prime already I have back pain and health problems its only a matter of time until im not fit for anything but sitting on a couch all day

>> No.22529122

It's a lot easier to be a sad sack feeling sorry for yourself than to actually take steps to improve your circumstances.

>> No.22529139


>> No.22529196
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jfc you're only 20 years old, you have to be trolling

>> No.22529210

You pathetic, whining sacks of shit realize your networth of zero is literally higher than your friends at college right now, right?
Stop the fucking pity party.
Theres a lot of opportunity out there for people just willing to google it.
Cause im a good guy and youre young and dumb like i used to be, ill give you a lead for free.
Look for places near home or on the other side of the planet. Theres a million jobs for know nothing shitheads that dont pay much but dont charge rent either while teaching you some skills. Most are good but DYOR. If someone offers to buy your plane ticket get ready to have your kidneys taken, but most hosts are verified. You can learn to build a house from old guys that just need an extra pair of hands they can only pay with room and board or farms that arent especially profitable but like to maintain a lifestyle. Hell, be a cabana boy down in costa rica.
Theres nothing stopping you except yourself. As long as your working and learning, youre inching closer to making it.

>> No.22529225

Your life technically doesn't start until age 25.

>> No.22529292

Don’t do it anon you have so much more to live for. You are only 20 and your life is just getting started.

>> No.22529366

youre 20. your a fuckingg big ass baby, thats what under 30yos are. you got all the time in the world.

>> No.22529430

tfw 6 years old and didnt make it into the top school of the country my life is basically over whats the point of continuing

>> No.22529504

thank you friend

>> No.22529533

He is joking but by 18 you usually know if youre gonna make it or not
Like it was pretty obvious who the losers and winner were gonna be by senior year of highschool

>> No.22529558

no KFC guy in his 60s "it's not too late to start" meme?

>> No.22529722

and why is that? 25 is when your cells start degenerating literally

>> No.22530027

Dude the average person doesn't know what they want out of life until they're 25. I know plenty of people who didn't start their careers until 25-30. A man is just reaching his peak at 25. Man and women age differently.

>> No.22530072

You fucking pussy. I'm 37 and on biz cause I haven't made it. Your life is just starting you just don't fucking know it.

>> No.22530174

Mind sharing some rare pepes fren?

>> No.22530189


Bro my life sucked when I was 20, but I had the best year of my life at 22. But now my life sucks again, but still better though than at 20.

>> No.22530248

Dude at 20 you have literally all the time and opportunity you need to start making it. Stop comparing yourself to Bill Gates and Elon Musk.

>> No.22530328

High school is the dumbest thing in the fucking world. It's like a mini-society full of bullshit politics and popularity contests. Should be glad you got though without roping. It's not the be all end all benchmark that boomer teachers want you to think it is. Hold on, anon.

>> No.22530401

Surprising amount of people still take this bait.

>> No.22530561

You dumb fucking retard, you have so much potential but you are gonna throw it away.

>> No.22530626

>Working creating generational wealth

No they aren't you dumbass, unless they are buying BTC or LINK. They will be spending it all of car payments.

>> No.22530707

Ever heard of peaking in highschool?

>> No.22530734

/Biz/ is where you go when you want to make it faggot, and you see through all the white collar career rat race bullshit. I don't know why so many have such a negative impression of this place, I'm just grateful I found this place so early in my life.

>> No.22530844

>my whole life
>20 years old
You zoomer larpers are fucking retarded

>> No.22530845
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OP it's only been a few years that your mother stopped cleaning your diapers.. What are you about? I'm not 30 tho but still.
>Plato notes that his coming of age coincided with the taking of power by the Thirty, remarking, "But a youth under the age of twenty made himself a laughingstock if he attempted to enter the political arena."

>> No.22530993

What's your waist size?

>> No.22531146

Being 20 is better than being a millionaire at 30. Unironically kill yourself more pussy and resources for the rest of us.