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2252017 No.2252017 [Reply] [Original]

how in the fuck do i turn 2k to 21.5k in half a week
my house is being taken away by a jew fraud mortgage company
my mom cant afford to live anywhere else
our house is also shit and needs around 50k in repairing before we could even sell it

>> No.2252022

buy ETH

>> No.2252033

there is no way ETH is going to increase 1000 percent
the only thing im invested in is stratis and waves and those are both long term

>> No.2252046


>> No.2252055

step 1, take the 1800$ of the 2K and buy a bunch of lottery tickets. your odds of turning that 2k into 21.5k i 3 days with crypto are about the same odds.

step 2, after you lose all of your 1.8k being a retard, use remaining cash to buy a dress, wig, some shitty walmart makeup and find your towns red-light district. Timing will be crucial here, you'll basically need to suck at least 500 dicks per day at around 20$ a pop. If you can handle about 20 hours per day that's roughly 25 dicks per hour.

yeah... you're fucked. it's just not possible with the current laws of physics my dude...

>> No.2252069

It can't really be done unless you made some really good trades

>> No.2252071

rob a bank

>> No.2252077

that's impossible unless you can perfectly predict the next few shillcoins of the day.

>> No.2252079
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buy dgb only option brother

>> No.2252087

Try RLT, but 5x is best you can expect, they have big update on monday and the price has not adjusted yet

>> No.2252091

Impossible unless you rob a bank

But you wouldn't rob a bank.


>> No.2252092

burn it down and use the 2k to move to another country

>> No.2252103

he definitely wouldn't rob it and livestream it....

>> No.2252104

robbing a bank would be pointless, small town with small banks

>> No.2252115


Are there any rich folk in town with the potential to have valuables like jewelry over 20k? Wouldn't be hard to wait for them to goto work and do a little BnE and get what you deserve.

>> No.2252129

stealing something would be pointless. not enough time to think a well thought out plan, so i would likely get caught

>> No.2252144

after this dip <3

>> No.2252189
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So what you're saying is that you want a SAFE and EASY method of multiplying money by 10 in a couple of days?
Put it on a roulette.

>> No.2252203

you need a crypto currency that is going to rise with a 10,000% increase in the next few days.

Find one thats only worth like a few sats and pray to god that RNG-zus lives.

try yobit poloniex etc

>> No.2252211

Buy a gun at 300 dollars, go to the local drug dealing zone. Shot random dealers and collect cash.

Most of them have 12k at their houses. You only need a 0.8 probability. Cops don't investigate drug related murders, and you will also be a total stranger to the neighbourhood.

>> No.2252226

mooncoin son

>> No.2252316

Going to a casino and putting it on red 5 times in a row is literally your best option.

>> No.2252355

You are facing homelessness and yet you are on here crying about the Jews.

Why don't you be a fucking man and own the fact that no one but you is responsible for your failures?

How many jobs do you work? How many jobs does your mother work? Why don't you make more money? What do you think makes you special? You have money to spend on crypto but can't pay your rent?

You are the worst kinds of people.

>> No.2252360

>max out all creditcards
>sell off everything and put it into crypto
>"lmao i lost access to my wallet"
>declare bankruptcy

there was a thread about this idea earlier

>> No.2252380

Sell your mother if you want sell

>> No.2252386

brainlet here, what does sat mean?

>it will break 100 sat

>> No.2252396


>> No.2252397
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>> No.2252402

ahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha i am dying

>> No.2252408

damn son

>> No.2252415

Live in a van it's not that bad.

>> No.2252416

10^-8 bitcoin
1/100,000,000 bitcoin
.00000001 bitcoin

>> No.2252507


If you are serious, sports betting is your best shot.

Go do a bit of research and bet on MLB underdogs. Don't go all in on one game. Spread it into at least 8-10 games each time.

There are bitcoin sportbooks if you live somewhere with silly betting laws. Just be aware of the time it will take you to deposit/withdraw and turn it into fiat in the remote case you actually do it.

>> No.2252525


>> No.2252554

dick math checks out

check on your makeup from time to time, nobody wants the joker to suck his dick. And those who do, charge them extra.

>> No.2252584


OP I am assuming you are young and have a job. Here's what to do,

1) Use your 2k to pay for a deposit and 1st month's rent in a 2-bed apartment somewhere cheap for you and your mom.
2) Sell anything that doesn't fit in your apartment for extra cash.
3) Keep working as hard as you can.
4) Re-evaluate your spending habits. Budget as much as possible, make sound financial decisions, and start investing as much as possible.
5) Drop expensive or destructive habits like weed, vidya, or what have you and use the time to improve your skills/knowledge.

Good luck

>> No.2252611 [DELETED] 
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Maybe suck some dick?

>> No.2252649

I didn't want to spread this because I wanted to throw some more $$ before they out, but it sounds like you really need the money so I'll hook you up. OTX is has 4 more days of its ICO on livecoin. This coin will easily get you the 20k by that date. Your welcome Anon, enjoy your house.

>> No.2252699

cheeky acca

>> No.2252738
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You wouldn't rob a bank in your home town you insane retard.
You go out of town, or better yet jump state, and than don't rob a bank there

>> No.2252747


>> No.2252766

this desu

Do NOT skimp on quality kneepads. If you need to buy used then ask here.

>> No.2252817

Put all of your money into mooncoin. If you manage tk break down the 3sat wall it will inspire everyone else to pump it up to 100sat.

>> No.2253318

>use the 2k to buy some wood and tools
>build a cuckshed in the middle of nowhere
>buy clothes and blankets
>use rest to buy other essential things
This will only work if you aren't a spoiled princess though. If our ancestors could do it you can as well.

>> No.2253346


this. learn from this guy:


>> No.2253373

Open a long position on ethereum with 50x leverage on bitmex. If eth goes up just 20%, there's your $20k.

>> No.2253493

And if eth goes down you lose $20k, which is much more likely.
Don't listen to crypto-memers and watch >>2253346 you don't even need to cut down your own trees and shit like that. Just get some boards and nails, a hammer and put them together.
Plus you'll have a good story to tell.

>> No.2253526

1. Have a Lawyer get you a loan modification
2. Find someone to short sell it to that will let you guys rent.

What area are you in?

>> No.2253551

You people make me sick, I hope you die poor

>> No.2253564

No you don't. You can only lose as much as you have in your account, because if it goes down your position will automatically be closed and your account liquidated. So you either lose $2k, or you make $20k (or more). If OP has nothing left to lose, it might be a risk worth taking for him.

>> No.2253565


so easy.

get loans. loan sharks. whatever. get 50k

pay the debt. invest rest in crypto.

youll make it net net

>> No.2254809

This, you can get some good bets on the NBA / MLB for sure. Sprotsbetting is probably your best option here.

Alternatively try matched betting, matched betting is 100% profit with 0 risk as it takes out the gambling aspect and is more of a exploit of sign up bonuses, it's legal too.

>> No.2254962

> a jew fraud mortgage company
Story time?

I have a feeling you fucked up and are looking to blame someone

>> No.2255064

>ruining lives with their jew trickery

Do you really need a story?

>> No.2255081


when *arent* the jews to blame for something

>> No.2255109


You don't. Take your 2k and hire a lawyer. File bankruptcy & drag it out in court. Mortgage company cant touch ot. Work out a deal. Save house. Profit.

>> No.2255125


what about a reverse mortgage?

>> No.2255133

>Why don't you be a fucking man and own the fact that no one but you is responsible for your failures?
glad someone said it

>> No.2255153


You cant put a reverse mortgage on a house that already has a mortgage against it. Derp.

>> No.2255167


are you fucking retarded, i had a family member that had to get a reverse mortgage because she owed more on the house after her husband died than the house was originally purchased for because he was an absolute fuckhead and remortgaged the house like a half dozen times over the decades. saved her from getting kicked out.

>> No.2255198


Fucking A

>> No.2255211


I don't think you have any fucking clue what a reverse mortgage is....

>> No.2255227



>> No.2255233

All in into Mooncoin and hope someone is kind enough to pump it till the 100 sat barrier

>> No.2255249
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>Buy a shitcoin (see: digibytes, moon)
>Shill shitcoin on biz, reddit, discord, slack and trollbox