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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 57 KB, 800x419, algorand-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22513100 No.22513100 [Reply] [Original]

Here it is /biz/, the actual ETH killer. Are you surprised? ETH is old, inefficient, unscalable and costly at present with no fix in sight for years.

>ALGO trumps ETH's 15 TPS with 1000 TPS.
>ALGO trumps ETH's high fees coming in at only 0.0004c per transaction.
>ALGO trumps ETH's transaction times with a finality of 4.5 seconds
>ALGO is already seeing widespread adoption across the board with the national digital currency of the Marshall Islands set to launch soon, USDC moving over to ALGO alongside ETH (and will no doubt switch 100% to ALGO alone).
>Let's not forget the 5.6% interest gained from staking ALGO that requires 0 Effort.
>ALGO team is insane and is made up of turing award winners and MiT members.
>Tech is already outstanding for a 1 year old project.

"But muh ToKeNoMiCs". Get the fuck out of here with your extremely lazy FUD. No one wants to hear it.
"But muh YoU'Re geTtINg DuMpEd On". Fucking idiot these are the staking rewards program. https://algorand.foundation/stakingrewards

I don't know what else to tell you, Anon. If you aren't stacking ALGO, you're never gunna make it.

>> No.22514003

Algorand is designed to never be worth anything and the design is working very well

>> No.22515000
File: 744 KB, 1600x1063, env.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22515335
File: 134 KB, 1200x1161, 5C77EA49-8994-424B-8702-26D40A5C48BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread is now about DEFIBids....


The first DeFi auction dapp, where you can place a bid and win a package of tokens for a fraction of the cost. One of the types of auctions is called the Lowest Unique Bidder.

A 2% fee will be applied on all BIDS transactions (staking, un-staking, reinvesting, selling, and withdrawing). 1% of the fee goes to staking rewards pool. 1% will be burned forever

Transaction Rewards
1% of each transaction will be distributed across all token stakers. This distribution will be based on the total BIDS tokens (weight) each user is staking, as well as how many consecutive epochs each user has staked. These rewards will be paid out in BIDS tokens after each 24hr epoch (@ 00:00 UTC). You can choose to reinvest or withdraw these rewards at any time with a 2% fee, as said above. There is a 48hr lock on the unstaked BIDS before you can claim them. You can cancel the unstaking process during the 48hr period.

Auction Rewards (Not Live)
When anyone participates in our auctions, a portion of the ETH used in the auction will be evenly distributed across all stakers.

Buy BIDS on the Uniswap DEX (ETH-BIDS)

Come join the telegram and witness the project for yourself, I’ve never come across anymore sensible and levelheaded admins and devs before.

>> No.22515411

Total Supply: 49,102,346.561 BIDS
Total Burned: 897,653.439 BIDS (1.795%)
Circulating Supply: 14,098,650.767 BIDS (28.71%)
Market Cap: $575,012.485
Price: $0.04078493

Pooled + : 13,544,990.794 BIDS (49.00% of )
Value: $552,431.501
Current Round: 4
Time Remaining: 6:34:49

Team Liqudity
Remaining: 5,000,000 BIDS (100.00%)
Value: $203,924.65

Reserve Liquidity
In Circulation: 7,841,295 BIDS
Remaining: 16,458,705 BIDS (67.73%)
Value: $671,267.131

Uniswap Liquidity
ETH: 222.669 ETH ($81,652.624)
BIDS: 2,006,723.767 BIDS ($81,844.088)
Value: $163,496.712

>> No.22515504

Defibids is surprisingly legit in a space where scams run rampant & have large market caps haha

>> No.22515547

Couldn’t have said it better myself. Wait until auction is out....project is going nowhere

>> No.22515575

Proud holder of 1.3k algo here

>> No.22515617

ALGO? dyor on BIDs anon

>> No.22515637
File: 16 KB, 400x366, 581b406283faa.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does anyone think this shit seems even remotely organic

>> No.22515638

Reminds me a lot of vechain

>> No.22515660

Get out of here with your lazy FUD

>> No.22516276
File: 25 KB, 399x322, 1526503741969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up Pajeet

>> No.22516629
File: 52 KB, 594x582, 25372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ALGO trumps ETH's 15 TPS with 1000 TPS.
tps is a meme. if you don't know this you're a basement-tier retard... it's a vanity metric and without context it's meaningless and screams dumbfuck shilling. find a different angle
>ALGO trumps ETH's high fees coming in at only 0.0004c per transaction.
every fucking eth killer trumps ETH's fees faggot, find another angle
>ALGO trumps ETH's transaction times with a finality of 4.5 seconds
every eth killer is orders of magnitudes faster, find another angle shill
>ALGO is already seeing widespread adoption across the board with the national digital currency of the Marshall Islands set to launch soon, USDC moving over to ALGO alongside ETH (and will no doubt switch 100% to ALGO alone).
USDC will be multi chain and will be expanding newfag, not (((moving))) to algo
>Let's not forget the 5.6% interest gained from staking ALGO that requires 0 Effort.
ALGO has dumpster-fire incompetence when it comes to tokenomics. the team is way out of it's depth and have all but fucked the ecosystem with their stupidity with regards to tokenomics. find another angle leddit.
>ALGO team is insane and is made up of turing award winners and MiT members.
is this supposed to be a selling point, a meme MiT guy. Enigma had MIT guys, look how that worked out, they turned out to be complete scammers. whenever you market around a cult of personality that is a major fucking red flag... MIT MIT MIT... sigh
>Tech is already outstanding for a 1 year old project.
>"But muh ToKeNoMiCs". Get the fuck out of here with your extremely lazy FUD. No one wants to hear it.
in other words, you have no way to diffuse the clusterfuck and disaster that is algorands tokenomics.

>> No.22517218



>> No.22517242

Silvio micali, someone who got the turing award in zero knowledge proofs, is probably more qualified to deliver on something like this than vitalik.

>> No.22517307

>tps is a meme. if you don't know this you're a basement-tier retard... it's a vanity metric and without context it's meaningless and screams dumbfuck shilling. find a different angle
TPS absolutely matters in the space Algorand is trying to fill. How could it not. What a pathetic argument "ThIs DoEsN't AcTuAlLy MaTtEr"
>every fucking eth killer trumps ETH's fees faggot, find another angle
Hence why it was mentioned.
>every eth killer is orders of magnitudes faster, find another angle shill
Again, hence why it was mentioned.
>USDC will be multi chain and will be expanding newfag, not (((moving))) to algo
0 FUD about actual widespread adoption like having a national currency built on it. At least you're not completely braindead.
>ALGO has dumpster-fire incompetence when it comes to tokenomics. the team is way out of it's depth and have all but fucked the ecosystem with their stupidity with regards to tokenomics. find another angle leddit.
If you even did an ounce of research, you wouldn't have mentioned this. DYOR.
>is this supposed to be a selling point, a meme MiT guy. Enigma had MIT guys, look how that worked out, they turned out to be complete scammers. whenever you market around a cult of personality that is a major fucking red flag... MIT MIT MIT... sigh.
Missed Enigma's Turing award winner... Oh right, ye...
>in other words, you have no way to diffuse the clusterfuck and disaster that is algorands tokenomics.
Again, DYOR. Lazy fuck.
>Had 0 FUD on their outstanding tech and progress
Clearly you realise all your doing is spreading weak FUD. You must be still accumulating.

It's okay anon, just keep stacking and FUDing to keep that price low.

>> No.22517329
