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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22512887 No.22512887 [Reply] [Original]

There is nothing but meme coin faggots convincing one another to buy their PnD's

Where are the other investors?
Jesus fuck this board look a like a huge circle jerk a meme faggots

>> No.22512915

>serious investors
Pick one

>> No.22513050

>Jesus fuck this board look a like a huge circle jerk a meme faggots
maybe that's what it is and you just need glasses

>> No.22513093

A lot of bots posting shit, a lot of scammers posting shit, a lot of non-techs posting shit, a lot of pajeets posting shit

I'm telling you if you don't buy $BREE at this price you are fukkin stupid as an investor. It's like buying Wordpress for crypto, 80% of my portfolio is in $BREE. The rest IDC, this board is in 'finance' world. People prefer to get rug pulled instead of buying a solid project that can have a meaning in crypto space.

>> No.22513112

low IQ basement dwelling NEETs trying to scam each other of their welfarebux portfolios.

>> No.22513158

it is in your hands to change it
report a thread today

>> No.22513214

it's over anon

>> No.22513454

Most serious investors have packed their bags and now wait patiently. They meme in silo’d threads about their individual coins, and maybe make a new thread for news or to scream about prices.

What you’re seeing is this: Every couple of months, the board sees a flood of new scams - usually all clones of one or two mildly successful “R&D” tokens. For the first week or two, you can make money playing the pumps. By week three or four - where we are - there isn’t even a pump. Yesterday I saw a thread about some yield farming token that rugpulled BEFORE the presale. This is a sign that the cycle is over. Trust goes down in new tokens in a week or so, and /biz/ stops bring a discord pnd shitting ground.

I’m sure there were some in July, but I mostly remember our altseason in mid-late May. You could make a whole lot of money buying anything that cropped up and selling it a week or so later. Sometimes good tokens got caught up in this too - I’m still kicking myself over selling 2k XOR because I assumed it was like any other PND of the time. The timeframe for these scams tightened from a week to a few days to a day to a few hours. Then they disappeared, because even /biz/ isn’t stupid enough to keep burning themselves (or rather, they ran out of money).

>> No.22513638
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I don't buy "tokens" anon, I don't trust foreigners with my money.
I want advice on the stock market and whatever biz think it's going to blow up this week
I was making bank from the stocks getting shilled in this board but even the lonely stock market general is full of webos pushing degenerate anime and crypto trash.

I don't want to go to reddit to see what they're shilling, but this fucking board sucks nigger ass hole now

>> No.22514283

Based, I literally cashed out everything but kept some of my money in cbdao