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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22512664 No.22512664 [Reply] [Original]

Sell your link bags now. Common sense. Those still holding bought early and any of the dumb cunts who bought high have dumped when it started crashing from ath. Remember, don’t trust any of the shills as they are meant to lure you into buying their bags as they dump. Stay safe. This is not a fud. Any comments trying to back link are invalid because they are just hoping for normies to pump their bags. Devs are starting to dump and exiting. Think for yourself.

>Zero usecase
>Token not needed
>70% held by whales
>No progress
>Fake partnerships
>Sergey dumping 500k weekly

Remember, we care. Stay safe and avoid the scamcoin.

>> No.22512706

Thanks. Was lucky to make some pennies out of this shitcoin. Feel bad for those still holding.

>> No.22512724

Me and my friends pulled everything out of link yesterday. I hate to say it but, it’s over...

>> No.22512733



>> No.22512737

We already got the message from the gazillion of other threads you've created earlier. Now fuck off and stop shitting up the board.

>> No.22512752

chainlink is a scam... sell that shit

>> No.22512767
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such pathetic fud. I'm literally never selling you dumb faggot, shit tier fud like this will never ever change that. Please consider killing yourself.

pic related, it's you

>> No.22512810

This. I don't know what OP is up to fudding his own coin but it's fucking embarrassing behavior from a marine
>dumping 500k weekly
So fucking comfy to see the dump amount slowly dwindling as the price keeps rising

>> No.22512833


>> No.22512837

don't sell... cry later...

>> No.22512899

I thought he always dumped 500k

>> No.22512900
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>> No.22512981

checked, and no, it used to be in increments of 700k

>> No.22513029
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And you.

>> No.22513043

Yes I'm out. It's nice to know I am just one of many who feels the same about this coin. My friends and I have come to this conclusion as well. You have to know when to hold em and fold em. The time now is to fold. Thanks all. I will never forget Biz's unconditional love and help for us all.

>> No.22513069

We are all in the same boat. We see a shitcoin, we call them out.

>> No.22513130
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>> No.22513136
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Sub $5

>> No.22513189

ill hold a few more years

>> No.22513272
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Sold at $18, that's not the top but every morning I see it decrease in price is a day starting with me being confident in my life decisions. Stop living with regret and make the right move frens

>> No.22513287

I like the replies that show up seconds after the posts agreeing with it. "Yea me and my homies get out of link, thank God!"

Funny shit

>> No.22513352

Typical stinky shill.

>> No.22513358

How long until these ridiculous posts made by normie influx stop, on whom bags were dropped by our frens who worked three years to create this epic meme pump.

>> No.22513415

And one day it just goes past your selling point, fast and furious. Swingies never learn

>> No.22513511
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Remember linkies. This is what you look like now. Its not too late. Take your meds.

>> No.22513567
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selling all russian stinkies

>> No.22513576
File: 102 KB, 645x589, Mantis Documentary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, your autistic english is harder to parse than pajeenglish
I've been here longer than many on this board but you strike me as the kind of lost soul who's been posting on /b/ since he was 9

>> No.22513600

enjoy getting dumped by sergey for the next 10 years you absolute subhuman

>> No.22513602
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I'm so sorry everyone...

>> No.22513636

>Sell your link bags now.
Fuck you.

>> No.22513673

Take your meds

>> No.22513698

buy trump-bux instead dumbass

>> No.22513820
File: 962 KB, 800x800, 8244F454-49A0-4649-B2B3-4569D34F5643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It pains me to see so many are still blindly invested in link. Never trade emotionally. Basic trading 101. If any of you need anything, talk to us. We know its hard that the coin you believed in keeps dumping but take it as a lesson. It wasn’t your fault Sergey pulled a quick one on y’all.

Remember, we care.

>> No.22513880
File: 20 KB, 692x360, cz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zeuscapital rn

>> No.22514002

At least use a different image when you post your low-effort fud
Does /biz/ really hold that much of the supply that fudding here is a productive use of your time? I guess CT marines still lurk here but damn, I didn't realize /biz/ mattered so much. I always thought we were just a small group of early investors who snuck in with the big dogs

>> No.22514036

Excuse me, you seem...affected. No worries marines, keep hodling.
>1000k eoy
>Smart contracts incoming making clearing unnecessary
>companies buying your inflated tokens to execute on chain requests
>amazon not able to track their parcels, validated proof by oracles needed

>> No.22514116

Why is it even possible for literally anybody to create digital nothingness and sell it and become millionaires off of it?
All this dude needed was to spam some shit on /biz/ and twitter and his digital coin pumped to $20? Fucking incredible. Literally no product whatsoever, backed by nothing, holds no assets, etc
Anyone that didn't sell after they got a 10x or even 20x is a retard however.

>> No.22514177

Exactly. We are trying to save newbies from getting themselves into something thats going down the gutter.

Remember, we care.

>> No.22514190
File: 80 KB, 748x439, you sure do talk funny kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, you're actually growing on me you maniac. I think I'm starting to see what you're getting at but damn you are hard to understand. Stay safe fren

>> No.22514204

> be me
> today at lunch break
> check link price
> dumps
> literally shit my pants in the cafeteria
> coworkers pretend not hearing it, keep talking
> tears running silently down my cheeks
> get awkward views from everyone in the room
> fml

>> No.22514210

>its over. Its done. Its common sense. Its never coming back. Its OVER

>> No.22514225

Guys. Exactly the baseless shills i was referring to. We are not fudding. Save yourselves.

>> No.22514235

Learn to speak english Pajeet.

>> No.22514295
File: 815 KB, 799x634, 38b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never trade emotionally
>suicide wojak.jpg, unsubstantiated claims of corruption

>> No.22514299

Y...you too

>> No.22514453

discord trannys deserve death

>> No.22514547

The whole thing boils down to one thing: DeFi and smart contracts in specific are in big parts just a meme. Most anons in here lack basic knowledge of business processes which makes it hard to assess applicability of smart contracts for them. The truth is that a few lines of self executing code for a complex issue won't be used between companies without thorough negotiations and lawyers needed (basically the reason why clearing is needed nowadays). It's not black and white, business and contracts are shades of grey. That's why it's not that easy. For less complex issues like delivery tracking or the like, smart contracts could indeed be applied. But they are not needed as company interfaces and programs handle these easily. DeFi will have its applications, but certainly not through private networks with inflated tokens. Also specificaly chainlink's smart contract approach is simply able to solve problems which are none.

>> No.22514624

I'm a multi year linker but this is pretty funny lol

>> No.22514708
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>> No.22514748

All it takes is a jurisdiction where smart contracts are legally binding and a company grows that saves money by eliminating a trusted third party. They make their infrastructural contracts open for use for a micro-royalty and become a software company. Same shit happens building on the first shit and there is a competitive edge where real world companies overspecialize in delivering the last mile and become far more competitive without having to have Amazon-like capital to throw at projects.

Current DeFi is just democratization of money printer go brrrrrrrrr. So yes, that is bullshit and falls apart when there is a run on the startup capital.

>> No.22514802

>we care

No you dont dumbass.

>> No.22514985

Again, you simplify. For complex issues you cannot write a code that would cover only the most basic cases that can happen. It's not black and white. Companies don't pay lawyers for fun. Just take a very simple case: A self executing smart contract triggering payment after successful delivery. Assume goods are damaged in the eyes of the ordering company. Sending companies says everything in spec. What company wants a self executing contract here? Fyi, the usual case, delivery received, payment to be triggered is already implemented in the most basic b2b systems eg between suppliers and OEMs of automotive industry, no need for on chain requests here. This is just to show you that it's not that easy. Don't buy the memes easily and just take a few examples and think them through thoroughly.

>> No.22515045

OK I'm selling then!

>> No.22515172

Lol, still not selling.

>> No.22515186

Nobody is saying every contract should become a smart contract. But tons of contracts could be resolved immediately with access to a reliable data feed without needing to get either party to confirm post hoc

>> No.22515226

Yoooo what the actual fuck? This shill literally just wrote vintage fud using the MS Paint text tool. This shit is so fucking weird desu

>> No.22515267

Based. Checked.

>> No.22515281

Link is the third party my guy. And corporations are not going to tie their assets into the most volatile asset ever conceived, it's simply not prudent.

>legally binding
No token needed. Smart contracts are just code. That's all it comes down to (if x then y), and so if code is written correctly (via software) then there is no reason to involve a complex system of insuring the data process via a third party crypto staking process.

Code executes data processes without issue. CODE DOESN'T CARE AND IT DOES NOT NEED TRUSTLESSNESS. Encryption secures these processes without issue. There is no market for this product, aside from a few small crypto-centric cases and even then it is not necessary, it's just a way to force crypto into something. There are so many secure and accurate data transactions happening right now that you take for granted.

>> No.22515407

Anon, i gave the most basic example to you, and even in this case applicability is not given. Smart contracts can indeed be used for very easy non complex issues, but here monetizing possibilities are very limited as simple programs and interfaces are existing and working without companies needing to spend money to some node operator. Once again, smart contracts are not applicable with complexity. For non complex things they are applicable but not in a way that i would make economically sense.

>> No.22515748

If I was a swingie I would already have bought in again. It's over.

>> No.22515806

When do you twitter jeets learn that you belong on twitter. Really who do you try to fud? Those who provide you with material, those who bot your followers? Its like r_tD all over again. Scared little children who need to come back to daddy 4chan and shit all over the place. As with r_TD guess it is about time to pull the plug on your accounts

>> No.22515818

nice gerunds pajeet

>> No.22515840


this is going back to 20 cents

>> No.22515842

Take your meds, man

>> No.22515865

No, I go and use the bots for mass reports. Time to cut off the weight

>> No.22515932

based. At least we have a containment board for tD rejects. Other than reporting I don't know how we're supposed to keep coordinated fud faggots off of /biz/

>> No.22515954

Wasn’t this shit at like $0.50 a year ago? Fuck is all the bitching about?
You absolutely cannot have lost here unless you were a FOMOer. But you didn’t make that mistake AGAIN, did you?

t. nolinker

>> No.22515991

>he posted meme charts, so it must be true
We don't need Oracle the company guys, we have a real oracle here.

>> No.22516005

Lol, bagholder detected. Real good arguments also.

>> No.22516017

destroy their lively hood. Kill their social media accounts

>> No.22516028

see u at zero

>> No.22516085

If you're lacking arguments, just leave. No need to push the thread even more if you shizo believe any argument against your shitcoin of choice is a coordinated fud campaign.

>> No.22516123

See that MACD. Massive dump soon

>> No.22516147

It's very easy. You stay on twitter, the discords and telegrams and do your job, you don't spam the board. Wouldn't be the first time a colony would be burnt down

>> No.22516168

Poorfag cope. You had two years to accumulate.

>> No.22516355

Ok shizoid, we will stay on these medias you mention and not visit this board of yours anymore.

>> No.22516409

too late. There are enough attention whores that would love to replace the current batch

>> No.22516630

exactly why i posted the weekly