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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 123 KB, 750x855, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22512286 No.22512286 [Reply] [Original]

how do you make money on these y scam coins anyway? do I need to check the team or the dev wallet or the website date? how do you guys actually tell if a y scam is going to moon or not rug its presale?
pic related

>> No.22512317

just join the telegrams and wait to see if they get influencers if they do its probably safe cus they have tech guys to check for mint functions and rug pulls

>> No.22512390

honestly just dont buy them until they first list on uniswap and you can get easy gains with way less risk than touching presales

>> No.22512506

Telegrams are only a good source if you know how to filter pajeets already.

>> No.22512514


join presale or don’t
make $ on listing or don’t
1 Eth a day and see if you can 2x or 3x
if project is dogshit buy more

>> No.22512534

Typed like a classic pajeet.

>> No.22512541


>> No.22512620

PowH has like 5 clones then died. How many farm clones until people stop bothering?

>> No.22512645

First test. Did they rug pull? Second test is how many coins devs have. Third and most important, did you get in before the product launch. If yes is it constantly getting delayed and promis of audit never comes.
4th and not required but highly desired, did they burn the mint keys.

If this makes sense to you feel free to dyor and find those gems.

>> No.22512714


At the rate these uniswaps are airdropping and releasing I wouldn’t be surprised if pajeets started their own rug club

>> No.22512754

This is actually decent advice but your grammar is awful.

>> No.22512789

Im a phone faggin idiot takin a shit.

>> No.22512914


Anyone who uses uniswap is also taking a shit

>> No.22513139


go back to shreddit fucking faggot

>> No.22513142

You can still use proper english.

>> No.22513148

I’d also like to add if you find a coin that has been audited make sure the company isn’t some Chinese shill. If you’re info the de-fi are their pools open or launching. If launching you might hit some serious money very quick. If they’re open factor in your farming and staking. Then look at the price of the token because that’s what you’ll be paid. Now do you dump your earning like the whales to add other coins to the pool or do you hold and ride the wave?

>> No.22513202

Please use better grammar, the english language can be a beautiful thing.

>> No.22513384


every day biz edges more towards being reddit

>> No.22513674


I’d rather buy scams like this than argue on reddit

>> No.22513718

At least you're using proper grammar in your critiques.

>> No.22513755

Proper grammar should only be used in beneficial situations. A Mongolian throat singing forum should be concerned about throat singing techniques.

>> No.22513791



>> No.22513877

Sir, please more minutes

>> No.22514006

its time to go back

>> No.22514041


discord showing community manager from xiot? Holy fuck

>> No.22514052

I enjoy reading well written posts as much as the next guy but who fucking cares?

>> No.22514222

community manager so what

>> No.22514297

What I don't get why are there 500 different farm coins and who keeps buying them?

>> No.22514348

seriously who is buying any of this shit when link is so cheap

>> No.22514375

wtf coin is this meme of?

>> No.22514456


MYFI moon yfi
telegram moonyfi
discord gg/TwMkXZ9

>> No.22514521

50/50 scam or 5x

>> No.22514569

Q3 moonbeam testnet launch so before EoM. If you know, you know.

>> No.22514669
File: 82 KB, 1112x694, moonyfi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22514705


nuts didn’t release a white paper until after the coin launched on uniswap. It did 10x of presale

>> No.22514706
File: 26 KB, 375x360, 2288974ba1dd090e9638d7fc6af83982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Entire Roadmap is far away and will just start in ''2 weeks'' while presale is tomorrow. if you actually buy theyre MYFI shitcoin you deserve to be rugged

>> No.22514749
File: 122 KB, 1000x1000, pp,840x830-pad,1000x1000,f8f8f8.u3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can say YFP and YFV are currently the only legit projects. followed both carefully and im invested there, not afraid to say that. YFP will release its product tomorrow so will be the first to do that nice 10x - 100x

>> No.22514792

ya don't be too negative guys they're just starting, go ahead and give them your money and I'm sure they'll do a good job of turning it into more money. I'm sure nothing TERRIBLE will happen to your money if you just trust these people you don't know with your money, anonymously over the internet. What the fuck is wrong with you morons.

>> No.22514840

> tfw I invested in the one that drops and crabs and not the others that took off

>> No.22515012

Great English Dhivia.

>> No.22515034

Thats the worse, i know

>> No.22515231


Im a Eurotard and english is obviously not my native language.

>> No.22515392

Ganesh is calling you Ranjeet. Shiva be praised

>> No.22515550

not funny, apologize

>> No.22515650

Mister please do needful and donate to ranjeesh technical service

>> No.22515754

Racism is a key component in investing. Only invest in white teams.

>> No.22515903

Hey smart guy those two of my 4 yf bags. Another yf was audited yesterday did you pick that one up too?

>> No.22516116

what do you think of moonyfi?

>> No.22516345

Fuck no. If you buy take your gains then double back when they actually have something. “Don’t be too negative about us, as I said we’re just staring” hahahaha hahahaha. real confidence builders.

>> No.22516570

ok so sell the pump on listing and dont look back for months?

>> No.22516937
File: 206 KB, 771x804, aaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22517118

where is this meme from?

>> No.22517141

From me

>> No.22517222


His grammar was just fine, kindly fuck off. He provided significantly more value to the topic than your anal retentiveness.

>> No.22517501
File: 46 KB, 657x527, chink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not based, some of my favourite devs are chinks

>> No.22517603


Kimchi finance

>> No.22518011

if ur gonna be a grammar faggot u better have good ass grammar nigga

>> No.22518021

Black peoples are allowed to go to high school until they’re 40

>> No.22518319

Hahahaha what?

>> No.22518347

Nigga you a big sweety

>> No.22518380
File: 143 KB, 750x1254, A814A905-3ABE-47D2-BF39-798E3F29250E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To anyone interested. I like you people in this thread. Very cool.

>> No.22518777


>> No.22518852

Just like those digits. Gonna farm USDT. Keep my yfp and buy some syfp to steak. Mmmmm That should be juicy.

>> No.22519190

You mean moonyfi?

>> No.22519212



>> No.22519369

I can only describe english as primitive. Ape tier

>> No.22519417

This is yfp. Tread cautiously but steaks should be live very soon. Thought it was a scam a few times and still do but they keep delivering for some reason.

>> No.22519516

99% of defi anon team presales are rugs

its absolutely incredible yfp didnt rug, even got their coin associated with a rug in wine finance

1)anon team
2)shitty 3 hours of work website


once its launched you can check the contracts for the various rug methods. ask several times a day in their telegram or whatever for solidity wizards to assure you it isnt a rug

im actually just going to start learning to code just for this, it's too valuable right now to be able to tell if a coin is a rug before normal people can

>> No.22519904

Thank you anon.

>> No.22519929

I’ve bought 4 presales all 5x

>> No.22519996

list them, i would like to research them

you must have godly luck, i've watched over a dozen rug

>> No.22520095

I’m FUCKING SICK of getting in late on this Y clone shit. DOT YFI clone? Yes...

Fuck you. This is my in. Faggot nigger nigger nigger no way I’m losing this clone. Other anons would be wise to join a DOT clone

>> No.22520489

Check out moonyfi I heard its very good coin sir plz do the needful

>> No.22520817


unironically this is how the average person makes money doing this shit

>> No.22521019

im convinced this shit is legit from what ive read in telegram

>> No.22521450

I cant even find the sale details for this moonyfi scam wtf are you people talking about?

>> No.22521475

Dude it’s 4chan lmfao

>> No.22521628

Its Fourchan.

>> No.22521829

and this was my final day on biz

>> No.22521905

good riddance plebbitor

>> No.22522006
File: 76 KB, 475x562, 3420C112-ADA1-4273-B75B-4815E1FBEFDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the man, the man with the terrible grammar.

>> No.22522045

Keep it up an fuck normies

>> No.22522408


proper English for the improper cash flow loser

>> No.22522674

is this even English?

>> No.22523125
File: 15 KB, 519x162, Screenshot(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22523655

Sale details arent even out yet buddy

>> No.22523683


Sale details need to release so I can fucking 4x on this

>> No.22523907


>> No.22524047


im gonna go in the discord and fuck then up

>> No.22524191


>> No.22524295


i am going to jeet 14 ETH into this with my whale pool group. When the fuck is the presale

>> No.22524475

Telegram says details tomorrow

>> No.22524574


presale and details tomorrow?
Fomo will be real

>> No.22524751

YF moonshot just sold 1666 eth in a few hours. MoonYFI will sell out in seconds.

>> No.22524962


holy fuck
that is legitimately hype

>> No.22524999

The whole market is in retard mode

>> No.22525555

when everyone is retarded you must be more retarded.

>> No.22525742

Just did this check with IYF
1. Pass
2. Pass
3. They're reaching out for auditing so too early to call
4. Pass

>> No.22526305

Fuck off scammer

>> No.22526350
File: 200 KB, 1437x965, Screenshot 2020-09-15 20.13.25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22526482

this been making the rounds but based on the tg its clear that employee is just unaware and she is just a janny.

>> No.22526996

100 replies on a piece of shit I've never heard of? bullish af on the market

>> No.22527110

i thought yfmoonshot was bad but i guess all these shits moon for a bit

>> No.22527167

Queryfi another low cap DeFi gem
Monitising query platform and rewarding $QFI tokens for best answers.
only $480k approx Market cap .
uniswap listing within 24 hours after hard cap.
30% initial liquidity.
Telegram: queryfi
Public sale soon.
Team tokens locked for a year.
Public sale soon..
Looks a gem

>> No.22527482

Ok ranjesh.

>> No.22527860


>> No.22528674


this is 4chan you stupid Indian Fucking curry fuck
Eat a fucking dick and go back to fucking Reddit you fucking faggot

P.S. looks like good project