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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22511546 No.22511546 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22512029


I didn’t shill or fud YFI when I bought at $1,200. I didn’t want it in biz’s radar because fuck you guys sometimes.

>> No.22512042

i bought safe at 4k

>> No.22512210

true, havent seen it shilled here early. fuck you

>> No.22512229

I FUDed RARI with like 10 threads last week making up numbers about wash trading and emission rate, so I coud buy sub 6-7

>> No.22512519
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I post scampleforth all the time in Ampleforth threads in order to try and increase my bag before it moons to $1bil mc.

>> No.22512904
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bought bzrx above $1 and I still hold

>> No.22512932

I have unsellable OCDAI stuck in my wallet. Anyone who visits takes a laugh at me

>> No.22513047

Made 90% gainz on YFI

>> No.22513211

fok you

>> No.22513692

Bought omg for a 1$ and didn’t sell at 10$
Now I’m 100k down

>> No.22513750

fomoed rari at 9$

>> No.22513769

Looked into aave, nexo, bzn in march and thought, fuck that shit, and bought more LINK

>> No.22513771

about 1-2 months ago when i just began browsing biz, i read some anon post saying to just buy whatever is DeFi and wait...

sad I didn't and missed the boom :(

>> No.22513772

I'm all in on SS (Sharder Network)

>> No.22514703

failed to sell the ampl top
sold the bottom
bought the bancor top
still bagholding

>> No.22515735

I brought 500 USD of tranq even though I knew it was a scam

>> No.22515803 [DELETED] 
File: 250 KB, 1014x999, bifurcationDiagram-colored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you heard of the white rabbit protocol? It's based off the bifurcation diagram of the mandelbrot set.

Its a microcap that started off at at 1E-17 supply with a max supply of 1 million.
It starts out in an inflationary period before entering a pseudorandom phase. Ultimately its an asset with a rebase mechanism for use in arbitrage.
During the pseudorandom phase, the rabBits will have reached equillibrium, where the total population will dart between, on average, between 1 million and 100,000.
Its pseudorandom because the behavior appears random from the outside, but from knowing the initial starting conditions you can calculate what the supply will be on any given day.
This pseudorandom behavior means that it will have excellent exploitable arbitrage opportunities.

Push the limits of experimental economics. Follow the white rabbit. Enjoy.

go to https://etherscan.io/address/0x623b3917719a3cef1a5d75e8f0ad37a45031a4d5#writeContract, then write the applyForRebase() function.
The community is responsible for checking on the rabbits via the checkRabbits() function. This will update the rabbits. The rabbits will rebase every 5000 blocks, or 18 hours, given that you check on them.


RBT has extremely low supply so its subject to price impact, so its likely you'll have to set it to expert mode.

>> No.22515838

I've got $10k that I could be using to farm something, but I'm afraid of impermanent loss and taxes so it's just sitting in a vault.

>> No.22515919

I bought Kimchi

>> No.22515980

I bought YFV at $47, sold at $70, and then bought at $30 again and now I'm a fucking bagholder.

>> No.22516015

I fomo’d into LINK at $15.37, I hold a measly 200 linkies and I didn’t sell at $20. Kill me now.

>> No.22516181

I’m converting all defi coins into bsv over the next 3-4 months

>> No.22516441

fomo'd into yfv at $70. i assume i'm not the only bagholder of this shit in this thread.

>> No.22516557

I didn't want to pay 3% fees for paying via card on CoinMetro when PRQ was 0.005 even though I had 3-4 hours of arbitrage time between the uniswap listing hitting 4chan, reddit and mainstream. I could've put in 2000 euros and I'd be up almost 15x now, after 3% fee..

>> No.22516611

this, but i sold

>> No.22516640
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I wouldn't consider mine a sin. I will say a blessing in reality. Entered Earnbet Bet at $0.02 now at $0.037. Price increase expected with new reform to token structure coming soon. Announcement coming shortly

>> No.22517165

I got into bzrx at 40 and vbzrx at 12c for a total stack of 500k and 1.7m. I didnt sell any until the hack when i coulda retired

I got greedy

>> No.22517375
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I've lost like $200 in gas from transactions that didn't go through

>> No.22517419


>> No.22517460
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I leveraged at 416, deleveraged at 370, releveraged at 420, and deleveraged, again, at 326.

>> No.22517499

i bought at 18 and 30c in july and sold today

>> No.22517531
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I dont know how to yield farm, or where to go to learn to learn how to farm.

>> No.22517612
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>> No.22517822

bought Link at $19, sold it at $13
bought Akro at $.032, sold it at $.022
bought Statera at $.32, sold it at $.10
bought Sushi at $8, sold at $2.50

I've recently taken a DAI loan out against my ETH which I bought at $450. I'm thinking about buying DOT.

>> No.22517856

paper hands bitch

>> No.22518028

the /biz/ way

>> No.22518903

bancor is done. andre is working on its killer as we speak.

>> No.22518930

I still hold 3500 kimchi out of spite. May pick up more

>> No.22519206

I'm sorry anon

>> No.22519305

I secretly work with Sergey and the Illuminati to actively suppress the price of Link in order to ensure sufficient amounts of seething tard rage from /biz/ which our reptile jew overlords feed upon.

>> No.22519658

i've profited $2k from farming and have spent $5k on gas

>> No.22519689

I bought YFI at $600 but only 1

>> No.22519738

shit i need to drop my dots