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22510721 No.22510721 [Reply] [Original]

Why the FUCK aren’t my schizos talking about this?
>XRP confirmed to be used nationally
>retarded fudders will say this doesn’t mean XRP
>tranny shit eaters think the current banking system actually has infinite liquidity
>will be used for CBDCs
Strap in faggots.

>> No.22510760

Token not needed Xirs good day

>> No.22510816

>Officials from a handful of states will represent all 48 regulatory bodies under the new regime, which will apply to 78 MSBs, including Western Union and PayPal, that together move a reported $1 trillion annually.
According to article it says Tuesday we’ll know how it’s going down. Don’t know if that means today or next Tuesday

>> No.22511170

Yes magic happens once they say they will use Ripple and payments will just go faster. Youre a fucking retard.

>> No.22511256

Many tokens can be used on RippleNet. Why would XRP be adopted considering it’s lack of INHERENT value. LINK is tied directly to the volume/amount of data it secures. RippleLabs dishes up some amazing technology, but the XRP token will likely not be used when Ripple tech is adopted (which I think it almost certainly will be).

>> No.22511282

Meant to say volume/value* not volume/amount

>> No.22511309


>> No.22511312

Why are you mentioning that shit coin in this thread if this has 0 to do with it. Don’t even try lmao you faggot breadcrumb hungry retards are so delusional.

>> No.22511390
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daily reminder for all the newfags: Ripple =/= XRP

>> No.22511413

I can read. I read the article and it makes zero mention of XRP usage. Again, Ripple tech will likely be used for another token in the future.
I just explained why. It has inherent value. If you don’t understand how data is inherently value and has utility by nature then I’m not sure what to tell you. XRP does not have this.

>> No.22511434

token not needed kid

>> No.22511439

I’m same anon as >>22511256

>> No.22511551
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Yeah I don’t think the United States government is going to use an ERC20 token where the devs control 60% of the supply. Everyone loves to talk shit about ripple devs but they hold less than 6%

>> No.22511592

shit, just missed the 1000% jump on BELLA protocol, oops

>> No.22511618

Blockchain agnostic actually... ERC-20 was simply the first step. I urge you to read more about the project. I’m also not shit talking the Ripple devs kek I just said the broader technology they’ve developed is very impressive. I still maintain that the XRP token itself is simply not needed.

>> No.22511623

well that was a 10x....

>> No.22511650

I must admit that grilled meat looks fucking delicious

>> No.22511701

LINK isn’t a currency you mong. neither is XRP. they are completely different things.

>> No.22511719
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>> No.22511746

>Still 9012% ROI

>> No.22511775

In 2014 faggot lmao. Don’t even act like you or any of the XRP schizos actually bought that low 6 years ago and are still holding

>> No.22511845

It has nothing to do with store of value, it has to do with banks custodying XRP for cross boarder payments. XRP liquidates currencies, and not just currencies my friend, welcome to our new financial system, you just watch. literally solves a 1.5 trillion dollar per year problem with payment fees. IYKYK

>> No.22511908

Ripple/XRP is so far ahead in terms of regulations and actual being used it´s not even fun. We are talking about many many years ahead. While neckbeards and autists are zoom calling each other talking about bulshit in those useless conferences, Ripple is making progress with those that actually matter. Government and banks.

Desulional are those who think they can run away from government and kikes, won´t happen, at least not in your life time, you can be 100% sure of that. Regulation is a good thing.

>> No.22511926

The blatant idiocy of link holders in this thread is astounding.




>> No.22511930

Inherent value is not mutually inclusive to SoV simply because traditionally that’s been the case with precious metals, anon. Why would people use XRP for these cross-border payments when they can replace it with a token that has inherent value? RippleNet cross-border payment technology should not rely on XRP for the sake of its own ecosystem.

>> No.22511954

Explained here >>22511256

>> No.22511997
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This >>22511908 is what you need to look at. Why would Ripple be pushing so hard for regulations? Why do you think XRP isn’t doing what it’s supposed to? It’s only a matter of time.
Thanks, A4 imported Brazilian picanah. Was juicy as fuck and cut through like butter

>> No.22512001

keep fudding linkshitter, but the fact is that LINK token isn't needed. Nor is the smartcontract company as they are both already obsolete. Well maybe not completely obsolete, since sirgay and ari can keep milking you retards until the realization sets in.

>> No.22512051

oracle pools and flare have already made your link garbage obsolete except for padding sirgay's wallet and "defi" scams

>> No.22512053

They are pushing hard for regulation because RippleNet will likely be the de facto cross-border payment system in the future. I agree with you on that aspect. I’m purely focusing on the token that should be used on RippleNet. It’s not XRP and if you scroll up you’ll see my explanation as to why.

>> No.22512056

Lol now that linkies see that Ripple is going to tear the financial world a new one, they want to somehow tie it to their shit coin.

Show me ONE... Just ONE time that a Ripple exec talks about using chainlink on Ripplenet.... Please. I am waiting.
XRP was made for Ripplenet....
See you in a few months you delusional fucks.

>> No.22512066

No government would allow for a universal currency. All governments need their own currency. without your own currency you are essentially borderless.

>> No.22512166

They have never mentioned it nor did I say/imply they did once. Read my initial post and you’ll see I was using LINK as an example of a token with inherent value. There are others. And again... for like the 4th fucking time... I know Ripple is going to “tear the financial world a new one.” You’re missing the entire point of this thread if that’s what you think my argument has been.
I’m aware. Though, there will certainly be more lucrative ones.

>> No.22512202

seethe harder
Anon was only using a project where the token is ESSENTIAL (Link) to contrast with yours, where xrp is absolutely superfluous to the tech that Ripple Labs is creating
I'm just saying this for the benefit of everyone else in this thread; you're clearly lost if you think any Link Marine has ever once said the US government is going to be using Link, kek

>> No.22512238

if only you knew. good luck anon

>> No.22512247

what a newfag
lurk moar and DYOR
here is something for you too fag fudbingo.com
i'm sick of this simplistic fud from retards like you

>> No.22512266

Good luck to you as well.

>> No.22512274

You Link faggots don't even read into the turd you're investing into, other shitcoins like ETH can also be used as collateral you mongoloid, Link token is not needed.

>> No.22512280

Why would they use xrp-
pre mined
enough supply to support world market
60% locked down, ready to be handed over to regulatory agency/banks/ ect.
Shown to be stable

All these fuckers have to do is finish setting up implementation and set a price. If they would not use Stinkies, what would they use? Why would they jump through the hoops to use another in the first place when XRP WAS MADE FOR RIPPLENET. IT WAS MADE FOR ODL. IT WAS MADE TO USHER IN THIS CHANGE!!!!!

>> No.22512386

I wish you the best of luck.

>> No.22512470

And now we know they’re getting their hands in smaller scale transactions. My ripples are feeling juicy as fuck

>> No.22512498

Oh you are done? No rebuttal?

I swear we have been dealing with you fucks for too long. Then when you are starting to see the writing on the wall, you are still playing mental gymnastics not to see the full picture.

God I hope you don't own a bag of xrp... Just for this shit right here.

>> No.22512531


Fuck you and fuck link. Shitting this place up, piggy backing on our schizo shit this whole time

>> No.22512617

don't forget ALGO and XLM anon

only 3 ISO2022 certified cryptos. LINK is not on that list.

>> No.22512630

Isn’t IOTA in there too?

>> No.22512731

There comes a point where it’s not worth my time trying to convince the stubborn. I suggest you educate yourself on fundamental value instead of blindly follow /xsg/ infographics for your own sake. This board only recent became flooded with XRP hodlers also so I’m not sure what either of you by “piggybacking on our schizo shit” and “dealing with you fucks for too long.” /biz/ has been a LINK board for years, and nearly every anon back then picked the XRP to shreds. For own sake, I hope you go through the archives from the past. Cheers and goodbye.

>> No.22512762

Couple typos there. I’m phone posting in the car at the moment

>> No.22512815

>There comes a point where it’s not worth my time trying to convince the stubborn.

Wow dude. Look in the mirror. You cannot see the forest for the trees.

>> No.22513213
File: 111 KB, 1080x532, Screenshot_20200915-030536_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know
There's a huge difference between Ripplenet and ODL.

Think of Ripplenet like your basic PC hardware. You can choose to run any operating system you want on it - Windows, Linux, Mac OS whatever

ODL is the software Ripple wants you to use on their hardware. If Ripplenet is the iPhone, then iOS is ODL.

Yes, Ripplenet can be used without ODL, and it is as a way to 'on board' institutions. The point is to create the network large enough, which is what is happening, and then once you have the network in place you can transition it all onto ODL

And that is where the token is needed. That's the logic behind 'the switch'

See, this is why your FUD never works. You Linktard guys seriously don't know shit lol. This is really basic stuff for anyone who has done their research.

>> No.22513338

The mental gymnastics that
plays..... Talking about value. lol.
value =/= price
value-the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.
like I said, xrp was DESIGNED to handle ODL. Chainlink could never compete. At best it will go to $50-$100 by people entering crypto market after XRP changes the entire world. Meanwhile, xrp is defamatory and will be used world wide.

>> No.22513362

wonder why shizos never talk about it lol

>> No.22513403

No, there's no mental gymnastics lol. It's just a fact that you can easily Google and see for yourself

>> No.22513472

> value != price
So in your opinion an asset can be overpriced but undervalued?

>> No.22513558

Why are there people shilling link in xrp threads? are link holders this desperate?

>> No.22513686

Yes, look at Tesla for example.
Investments are understanding this, and not only knowing what to invest in, but when to do so. Tesla is in a situation where the stock is overvalued for the current output of the company, but the value in the long term is there, once we move to 20% total electric on the roads it will snowball.

>> No.22513736

They’re afraid that XRP has the chance to go from 25cents to hundreds of dollars by the end of the year. While link holders held all the way to $20 and didn’t see once it started cratering to $11.