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22510622 No.22510622 [Reply] [Original]

I can't take this anymore. I keep losing, I have no friends, I have little money, I have no skills, no life, never had a gf. I'm 32 years old, might be time to end it

>> No.22510656

Nice blogpost faggot. Link me the livestream to your suicide.

>> No.22510670

try meditating

>> No.22510692

ask your mom for sexual favors

>> No.22510694
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>> No.22510708

mimimimimimimimimi.. grow some balls
(and stop focusing on what you don't have and start appreciating what you have)

>> No.22510712

>posts apu the castrated s o y version of pepe
you deserve it

>> No.22510891

Seek Jesus. He loves you. He will give you freely eternal life full of riches, friends, meaning, glory, and life.

>> No.22510936

Where there’s life there’s hope fren. Go for a walk, get some fresh air, you’ll feel better

>> No.22511002

You are the same as 90 procent of people on this planet.

>> No.22511006

if you have nothing to loose you have acknowledged you have nothing to risk as well.
Start fresh and realize ppl have already killed themselves at your moment in life and prior. Now you have a chance to basically play life as a second opportunity.

>> No.22511045

Anon don't kill yourself! I don't want you being eternally damned. Read the Holy Bible, I recommend starting from the New Testament. Jesus Christ who is God came to the world to save us from sin, from eternal damnation. He died on the cross, yet 3 days later He rose from the grave claiming victory over sin and death. Believe in Jesus Christ, gain everlasting life. I pray my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ helps thee overcome the darkness that swallows you whole. Don't kill yourself anon.

>> No.22511069

Time to take the Jesus pill anon

>> No.22511090
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>> No.22511114

Girlfriends aren't great, you want a wife, it's definitely a good thing multiple women haven't fucked your head already, because I can tell you aren't yet mentally strong.

You need to have a stoic attitude, stop worrying about what others think, just go out and be yourself.

You are 32, join a gym and get fit, join a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu club, get fit and really learn what it's like to loose and get beaten.

Money ain't shit but for hoes and tricks.

You could bash a paki too

>> No.22511129

I emptied around 1000 litres of piss out of my bedroom over the last 3 weeks anon. If I can change my situation, so can you.

>> No.22511154

Die retard chirstcuck shill

>> No.22511179
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Anon .. start 1hr is a day of things that will better your life. 1hr of physical activity, 1hr learning to code or taking a class that can get you to the next level of finance. 1hr of trying to socialize with girls as a friend don’t try to fuck them off the bat. Also cut down on porn and drinking. And cut down on buying junk and save 10% of all you make. This is the path..

>> No.22511187


>> No.22511600

I'm so depressed bros

>> No.22511625

can i subscribe to your blog?

>> No.22511662
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Do everything the opposite way

>> No.22511693
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I love you anon

>> No.22511773

God loves you fren. Hopefully your family do too. So don't do that please. No promises life is going to give you what you've been missing but if you start small and keep at it you can still make something of your life, or at least peace.

>> No.22511786

Anon, don’t give up. Small steps everyday. I believe in you.

>> No.22511974

Bro you think some of us are not. Biz is one of the few places I can Kek and have fun online. We have to keep pushing we are going to make it. The great bull run is ahead of us. And if I make it I will help out some biz bros that got left behind.

>> No.22512127

This is good shit here. Thanks
I have been feeling in the gutter for a long time too, but thanks to things like this I have started to feel a little better. Slowly but once you have been in a dark place for so long every little improvement feels amazing.

>> No.22512180

Don't be

your going to be find just be patient brother

>> No.22512319

Get saved

>> No.22512411
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Ignore this heretic, he marries niggers with white women.

>> No.22512454

Oh shit, based