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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22505576 No.22505576 [Reply] [Original]

How long can he keep holding LINK back before it explodes in his face?

>> No.22505597

Link's done dude that old cow has been milked for all she's worth

>> No.22505622

Okay cz

>> No.22505624

13 days. Rather 15 rumors need to reach the public

>> No.22505681
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>> No.22505698

I think he sort of moved to Bella

>> No.22505722

Everybody is just trying to find an excuse to why it dumping. It because it has had a huge run and it’s over. I cashed out 3/4 of my bags STA is the new biz coin

>> No.22505733

Go away. Shoo!

>> No.22505827

What's happening in 13 days?

>> No.22505906

I think anon refers to some posts from yesterday. Binance has allegedly broken a bunch of EU regulations

>> No.22505991

Ah, ok. Too bad, thought that was some TA shit showing link would reverse

>> No.22506044

Don't know about Link, but looks not that bad. Healthy correction. About Binance, from the top of my head I could imagine they are not in compliance with EU data protection laws, investor protection laws, tax evasion, bribery. Malta isn't known to be a place where legit non shady businesses put up camp

>> No.22506222

Ah OK, glad to hear you think this is a healthy correction. On the binance thing, one can hope, but this sound like le epic Chinese fud. We'll see I guess

>> No.22506357

rug pull me on this chink