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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 329x153, c9fecd2c162111001946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2250413 No.2250413 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2250422

Dude, I was watching as the 900 SAT (120BTC) sell wall get instantly blown out. This shit is going to the moon.

>> No.2250423
File: 311 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170529-164530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming in a couple days. Need to put a handle on this cup first. I'm thinking we will get closer to 1.3k sats before it starts losing steam.

>> No.2250433

>ever losing steam
It will be $1 by year end. Screencap this.

>> No.2250461
File: 14 KB, 275x275, 1494394622977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the non-believers witness the ascent to 50 cents by the end of summer

>> No.2250502

>got only 10k DGB

will I make it?

>> No.2250514

400 BTC increase in volume in the last few hours!!

>> No.2250516

And to think I almost sold all my DGB for LTC

>> No.2250519


It's getting dumped now. Time yo get out.

>> No.2250525

>Tfw sold at 885 because I expected it to hit resistance and rebound
Curse these shaky hands

>> No.2250532

Retard alert

>> No.2250565
File: 40 KB, 512x699, 1489013694704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell wall to 1000 keeps getting larger, ITS GONNA CRASH AGAIN, GET OUT GET OUT


When you come to it
and you cant go do it
you cant knock it down
you know that you found

>> No.2250568

Got out at 935 have fun bagholders :')

>> No.2250588

Retard alert

>> No.2250598

You retards have to realize that this thing will be well over 1000 sats and heading to 2000 on June 8th.

>> No.2250607

No proof as to why it's being dumped, it's just being dumped right?
It's not like it has been following the same pattern the past few days seeing massive increases and then calming down? Even if it does dip now, it will go back higher following the same pattern.
Looks like it's already back to 930. I hope you regret your sell you weak handed pussy.

>> No.2250614

>tfw bought in today at 700 sats or so and sold at 850 sats


>> No.2250617

Look at these buys, holy shit. Somebody definitely knows something we do not.

>> No.2250619

over 930 within 1 minute of you posting this. Only retards aren't HODL DGB right now.

>> No.2250620

Should I buy more now?

>> No.2250632

Yes near an all time high what could possibly go wrong

>> No.2250635

get a load of no-coins here.

>> No.2250636


>> No.2250640


>> No.2250644

it'll be over 1k by tonight, maybe 1,500

>> No.2250650


I wouldn't, dgb has tried to break 1000 sats so many times and it keeps failing.

>> No.2250652

Considering the massive buys at 930, I think it's a fair entry point for what's next.

>> No.2250653

It has a couple nasty sell walls coming up but it has been blowing shit out all day.

>> No.2250660

you think that sell wall at 1k is real? lol

>> No.2250661

>so many times
What? Once before? This is the second time it has risen this high.
There's really nothing supporting a major crash happening near 1k. Sell walls have been continuously removed the past few days to ramp up the price and then keep it at a steady level.

>> No.2250666

Very tough sell walls. Hopefully those will get pulled and we can continue upward.

>> No.2250672

Come on satan, the only bad sell wall is the one at about 170 BTC around 970 sats. The rest will vanish like they have been.

>> No.2250681
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I think we all know what happens next.

>> No.2250683

>So many times
>A single time @ ATH

Pick one you fucking goy

>> No.2250689


>> No.2250697

Sell now, the technology behind this coin doesn't even work you mongs. The devs are autistic too.

>> No.2250698

>30k dgb
I hate myself for selling half of it at 650 sat

>> No.2250729

kek at that id

>> No.2250730

I had 150k and sold 100k at 650 3 days ago literally hours before this bull rally

>> No.2250735


new thread theme song.

>> No.2250753

Only retards or whales are selling right now.

>> No.2250760

Any opinions on Ripple? Big rally today, I might reinvest my earnings from DGB into that. Bought in at 500 Satoshi and sold twice at 750 and 850, not too bad if I say so myself.

Not sure about DGBs future - the hype for the supposed "win" at the conference on the 10th is pushing prices up massively but I don't expect an immature coin like it to win. I bet prices will crash either just before or during that conference.

>> No.2250768

ye of little faith, repent

>> No.2250785

>sell wall get instantly blown out
so the whale finally cancelled the order so the price moves?

>> No.2250786

Even if it loses the contest, I cant see it crashing. It will dro to 700 sats at worst, only to rise again

>> No.2250789

I margin bought XRP with my DGB gains

>> No.2250796

That 1k sell wall is the stratosphere, we're going straight through it.

>> No.2250804

STR* not XRP my bad. Should ave gone with XRP though.

>> No.2250820
File: 614 KB, 300x134, new dgb holders.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats to the new bagholders, this baby is going down.

>> No.2250823

Lol ok look at the chart and tell me who the retard is now.

>> No.2250827



i got in at 660. there's life in this yet, but a hurdle approaches with the competition. what if they lose? what if nothing fruitful comes of it?

>> No.2250842

You guys are still retards.
This is what happens when you never look at a coin's history and you just day trade like an idiot.
Only looking at the 5min chart doesn't work. Sell/buy orders and history are just as important as all of the charts.

>> No.2250848

it's pretty normal for coins to swing by 5% in minutes. DGB's overall trajectory is heading for 10 cents, possibly within weeks at this point

>tell me who the retard is now.


>> No.2250854
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mfw they fell for the PnD again.

>> No.2250856

sooo HODL? or wat?

>> No.2250869

HODL nigger.

>> No.2250879

it's up over a 100 sats from 3 hours ago.
we're not exactlly fuckedfucked

>> No.2250880

I've been on this train since 106 sats. Trust me I know how this works. The whales were accumulating at 500-700 sats, pumped to a little over 900 and sold. All the activity now is just the little guys buying and selling to one another.

>> No.2250903
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<---- Actually this whale accumulated at the low 400s and started making threads about it.

Easiest 100% profit.

>> No.2250908

Mate that already happened last ATH since that was a pump'n'dump too wasn't it? Why didn't you sell there?
If it was dumping then it would be at an 800 floor already I'm sure.
Why would you enter at 106, follow it all this way, and then sell off like a pussy once it starts getting close to the ATH? Have you not actually been following it and you just look at the price?
This coin is much more steady than most. Look at the price again. Over 1k BTC in buy orders on Polo. Tell me it's a dump.

>> No.2250922
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>> No.2250962

Yeah I got fucked on the last ATH and sold around 880 and then bought back in because of retards like you constantly saying MUH 1000 SATS MUH 1 DOLLAR DGB. I think 800 will likely be the new "normal" but it isn't going to 1000 sats today.

>> No.2250983

So you actually bought in early because of /biz/ hype, sold too early, bought in higher like a retard, got burned, and are now you did the exact same thing?
Also, if 800 is the new "normal" like you say, then that means it's following the pattern of increasing higher steadily each day. That means it's a good hold. Why did you sell?

>> No.2250990


>> No.2251015


>> No.2251017

So I can trade on margin. I didn't realize loan rates were at .15%. It's basically free money. You amplify your profits by 300% pretty much. I also have just realized that it's going to hover a little below my sell point so I can go use my current profits to make more on margin and then roll that back in to DGB if things start looking up.

>> No.2251034
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Howl, I mean HODL

>> No.2251048

This is as high as it's ever going to get, SELL

>> No.2251052
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>> No.2251054


>> No.2251056

I am hodling hardlo

>> No.2251060

Sell and rebuy below 800.

>> No.2251094

>selling before 10 june

Literally what? Thats going to be the highest moon.
Do you people actually know anything about the shit you invest?

>> No.2251106
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Iron Hands!!!

>> No.2251134


consolidation before next leg up. no panic

>> No.2251174

I can't take anymore!

>> No.2251185


>> No.2251214
File: 993 KB, 290x198, sinking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy voy, keep buying my /biz/ness partners, I've almost finished unloading my sacks.

>> No.2251229

You gonna kill yourself when it hits $0.10 June 10?

>> No.2251247

t. larp carp

how many are we talking whale?
10? 20?

>> No.2251273
File: 53 KB, 575x862, (m=e-yaaGqaa)original_177673171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep placing and cancelling sell orders at 950, i dunno what to doooo

>> No.2251284


>> No.2251285

June 22nd

>> No.2251316

DGB really is the gift that keeps on giving. Selling my worthless ETH now and pick up on my losses by buying DGB. I'm done with ETH forever after this, ETC/STRAT are better anyway.

>> No.2251328

Should I buy DGB now and hold or wait until 800 sat and buy then?

>> No.2251346


>he thinks the coin is gonna go 5x in the next 9 days when it cant even break 1k

you poor poor soul

>> No.2251434

Former DGB bag holder here. Not gonna lie it's hilarious watching DGB crash and burn but in all seriousness we can't let them get to $10

>> No.2251445

you can start calling me RICHard

>> No.2251640

Former DGB bag holder here. Not gonna lie it's hilarious watching DGB crash and burn but in all seriousness we can't let them get to $555

>> No.2251675

who else holding

>> No.2251701

every one with balls not made of porridge

>> No.2251707

Hodling like never hodled before

>> No.2251725

Someone tell me what the fucking point is of all these alternative crypto currencies? Literally no one will use them to buy shit. It's just for rich people to pump the stock and the jump off to get even richer, isn't it?

>> No.2251736

Yes. I think it's funny people think that a currency that could double or halve in value over night could ever go mainstream.

>> No.2251738

ask yourself that same question in a year.

>> No.2251749


That's what people have been saying about bitcoins for years but very few people actually use them to buy legit products. Who the fuck wants to buy with a currency which can increase by 1000% in a couple of months?

>> No.2251848

It's time to visit Japan

>> No.2252018


>> No.2252040

you really are this short sighted aren't you?

>> No.2252062
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stay poor faggot

>> No.2252068
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Mfw /biz/ DGB shills have already made me 100 dollars stronger.

>> No.2252081

DGB hodler here, tell me why altcoins are the future.

In our current economic system we do not use different currencies in different industries. There's no Lumberdollar, no Steeldollar, no Coaldollar. The only currencies that have any value are national and international currencies like USD/CAD/AUD, the euro, the pound, the peso, et cetera. Why would themed currency for use in different industries - like DGB is associated with gaming, POT with marijuana trade, trumpcoin, dogecoin, blah blah blah - ever catch on?

Maybe BTC/ETH/something would. I just don't see any altcoins sticking around long term.

>> No.2252108

up about $1500 here. Better than a kick in the teeth but now I wish I had gone all in

>> No.2252113

Because 10 years from now global trade will be done only in crypto and there won't be central banks or any need for localized fiat currency anymore.

>> No.2252125


There's no chance in hell this happens within 10 years.

>> No.2252136

Wouldn't a unified currency make a lot more sense and be a lot more efficient? Do you really think it will catch on the way it works right now, trading fiat for BTC and then trading that for Alts? Because I don't. Also, do you really think ten years is a generous enough time frame for that kind of drastic switch?

Not being a dick by challenging you or anything. At least not intentionally. I just can't wrap my head around the notion of altcoins being worth anything long term, or fiat ever really going away.

>> No.2252141



Just kidding, though.

>> No.2252194

>Also, do you really think ten years is a generous enough time frame for that kind of drastic switch?
The global fiat market is due for a crash at some point in the next 10 years, probably sooner. When that happens, crypto will be the only thing there to take its place and trillions of dollars will pour in overnight, making it the de facto way to conduct trade from that point forward.

>> No.2252231

This is glorious, DGB is SKYROCKETING at moment and NO ONE is shilling it here anymore, this is a fucking GEM

>> No.2252241

940sats niggers. Keep HODL

>> No.2252270

the time for adoption of new technologies is exponential. Look at internet or cellphones. And in terms of currencies, look at the euro. You are right there are no "currencies" for individual industries, but there are index funds, mutual funds, ETFs, futures, and other devices that are used to monetize on industry and profit when that industry is expected to do well.

>> No.2252297

you cash out shit tons of alts into BTC.

>> No.2252428
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If you can't see DGB breaking 1000 any day now you are a complete moron.

>> No.2252451

It's been funny watching goyims panic sell all day at 900 sat then watching it go back up to 940 in 5 minutes.

>> No.2252462

price is manipulated since ever.
Anyone who is following DGB since last year on Polo knows that whales are manipulating.

When the bags are heavy enough, they allow 1k+.

>> No.2252465


You buy at 940 and sell at 900.
Goyims gonna goy.

>> No.2252484

12 BTC sell wall at 924 on bittrex

>> No.2252645

We're just gonna stop at the moon for drinks and some chips. Then Mars!!!

>> No.2253085

Fuck Mars man I want to go to Pluto that shit looks lit

>> No.2253140
File: 33 KB, 629x505, 1479331711756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 86k DGB for 0.1 BTC

I could have had a 1.6k profit

>> No.2253146
File: 75 KB, 332x333, 1493803436864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it too late to buy now

>> No.2253165


>> No.2253262

This will go to 1200 MAX and fall back to 500 again.

Just sell at the next moon or you'll be sorry.

If you really believe this has "potenttial" you're kidding yourselfs.

>> No.2253270

>Citibank competition
>League of Legends

>no potential

>> No.2253958
File: 76 KB, 540x960, mycode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone send me a miniscule amount of DGB through my id to check if it works- The QR code works but the rest seems to be faulty.
>If you think I'm scamming for less than a cent honestly kill yourself

>> No.2253973

Said the same thing at 200 sats you fag. Stop resisting.

>> No.2253983

Why don't you just send one to yourself through an exchange account?

>> No.2253991

Sold 2 bitcoins night before crash and bought DGB. I've been doing pretty well so far in this game - been managing to buy at all the dips and highs and reinvest back into more coins.

>> No.2253993
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>saw it at ~450 a few days ago
>Hadn't set up my account yet
>wanted to buy this
>ended up buying PIXV instead
>tfw could've made $100 instead of $10

>> No.2254018

where to buy zzzz

>> No.2254794


Is it that your wallet is not updating? Check your transactions on the blockchain

>> No.2254829
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Bordering on top 20 coin now, CHAHOOOO

>> No.2254910
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>> No.2254937
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I cant fucking wait til you can margin this on poloniex

>> No.2254942

no, it's going to 10 cents by the end of the month. 50 cents by the end of summer, and a dollar by the end of the year. Cap this.

>> No.2255012
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> 8 billion dollar market cap

>> No.2255194


>> No.2255229

it's fucking happening RIGHT NOW

yall had MULTIPLE chances. i feel sorry for no one

>> No.2255234

Wew lad, this is a hell of a pump.
Kind of regret selling most of mine off at 898 desu.

>> No.2255257

Same. Was hoping to short just one last time...well fuck

>> No.2255275

Holy fuck it actually ate through 160btc wall, it wasn't fake.

>> No.2255276
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It's approaching 3 cents... OHHHH MYYYY FUUUUUUUCK

>> No.2255278


>> No.2255280

holy shit it can't stop!!!

>> No.2255284

We did it bois!

>> No.2255292
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>> No.2255296

we did it, 1016 on bittrex

>> No.2255304
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>mfw watching my return percentages right now
Holy shit.

>> No.2255315
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We did it boiz

>> No.2255325

Holy SHit! 1024

>> No.2255333

Get in now nigger

>> No.2255338
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>> No.2255352
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>cumming so hard right now

>> No.2255380


>> No.2255384


>> No.2255411

Cannot see them fudders anymore

>> No.2255416

Just a reminder that it's going to dip.


>> No.2255433


>get in at the a peak

>> No.2255443
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>> No.2255456
File: 399 KB, 1280x853, 04426ea8-6649-4815-a6c8-ab1ad5f2ac92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently got a credit card just to purchase this. But it's going to take a few business days to even be mailed to me.

Until then I have to sit here wallowing in sadness and jealousy.

>> No.2255541

kek thanks for the cheap coins

>> No.2255565

buying im around 890 sat
does this sound like a good bottom line?

>> No.2255572

Personally don't think it will get quite this low but it could be a good shot. Could see it going back to nearly 900 max.

>> No.2255584


>> No.2255692

do i buy now lads

>> No.2255721

Increment buy.
Say you have 1 bitcoin.
Spend 0.01 every minute, double it (or more) if it goes below 1000 satoshis. Average your buying price, sell x% once it's 10-25% above that. That way you minimize the loss from fluctuations while still gaining from the large gains later on.

>> No.2255723

1k is new bottom senpai look at the buy wall

>> No.2255894

We've reached 1100 sats.

>> No.2255902

Holy fuck, maybe we can get to 1.2 -1.4k today.

>> No.2255915
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>> No.2255923


>> No.2255924

Hope none of you pulled out. Holding is the best way

>> No.2255927


>> No.2255934
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>tfw bought at 1100

I'm gonna regret that aren't I?

>> No.2255938

Nah mate, it'll go a lot higher, just give it a few days, it's about to dip a little, like all things in life.
You just have to have faith, and be loyal. That'll get you far in life.

>> No.2255940

If you have weak hands sure, but people were crying about how they bought 800 for a week until now. Not every day is a moon not every dip is a death. Just fucking hold. I've been trading since 2012 and I've seen people get extremely wealthy by buying and holding BTC and later other coins and others lose their pants trying to daytrade for max profit.

>> No.2255942

Why didn't you buy at 1000? or 900? or 800? or 500? or 100? We've been telling you to buy for fucking months now.

>> No.2255943



>> No.2255947

Have faith fellow DGB bro. I made that same mistake when it hit an all time high of 300 satoshis, and it went up in price. Keep those iron hands of yours, leave them be for a week or two then come back, money doesn't come instantaneously as others make it out to be.

>> No.2255950


Because the tech is questionable at best and it's been a glorified blowup doll for weeks.

>> No.2255951
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>> No.2255966

Itll be 2000 in a few weeks. This coin is legit.

>> No.2255968


>> No.2255978

Honestly I still have my doubts but it does have its potential, also if you just compare it to the market cap of other coins it's still reasonably under priced even as it is. It was definitely insanely under priced at a few weeks ago.

>> No.2255985

I hold 10k Digibytes since a week ago. Should i buy moar or will i get my Lambo anyway?

>> No.2255987

I bought in at 117 sats :')

>> No.2256000

biggest regret is not buying enough of these coins at 110sats. I only own 25k.

>> No.2256005

Youll probably a Toyota

always buy early and cheap people have been praising the beauty of this coin and its future for months

I've been holding 17MM since 180 sats and still won't sell cause I know this baby is going to make it to a dollar

>> No.2256015

1.7MM *

>> No.2256017

Hoping to buy in sub 1000 Kek willing

>> No.2256022

Im not in this very long.

Will it dump a little bit the next days or should i buy now more?

>> No.2256026

Hope you sold when I told you to, dummies.

>> No.2256035

It may no one can tell it's just a matter of having weakhands or iron hands

>> No.2256036

where do i buy dgb?

>> No.2256037

This coin trades and grows with BTC so the only way it gets to a dollar is if BTC doesn't get fucked in August and ends up sky rocketing to 10k in the next year or two.

>> No.2256067

Weak hands gtfo

>> No.2256073

>tfw bought in at 60 sats
but sold at 394

>> No.2256075
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shes the gift that keeps on giving.

>> No.2256096

Bittrex is where I bought it. You can buy it on poloniex too

>> No.2256125

Currently having fun with my bags ;)

>> No.2256127


>> No.2256139

end yourself lad

>> No.2256147
File: 18 KB, 248x189, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DGB has already changed my life substantially.

I am so happy with whoever shilled that stuff here in the 100 sats range. Looking back you did a lot of people a pretty big favour. Thank you.

Years of playing videogames and browsing 4chan paid off in the most comfy dreamy way imaginable.

See you NEETs living the high life in Japan by next year.

>> No.2256154

I only bought in cause someone posted a thread on /biz/ 9 months ago.

>> No.2256161

tfw DGB is going to pay for my Japan trip this year

>> No.2256175

fucking weeb, make better choices.

>> No.2256190

So. When's the drop?

>> No.2256219

more like countdown to 2k...amirite?

>> No.2256224

Right now, down to 1120 and seems to be going a bit lower.

>> No.2256225


Days ago lad.

Were ya not around lmao.

>> No.2256256

>buy DGB at 700
>it drops
>sell DGB at 500
>DGB moons
>buy XRP at 12000
>it drops
>sell XRP at 9000
>XRP moons
>buy XRP at 14000
>XRP drops again
>DGB moons

>> No.2256262
File: 186 KB, 389x571, weregonnamakeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lambo time m'dudes

>> No.2256266


Can you please start a blog with your crypto picks? I'd like to know what to avoid.


>> No.2256286
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>> No.2256291


>> No.2256303

Hey guys if I bought 17k DGB at 896, would it be a safe idea to set up a selling order at 950 so if it goes down again I can get out without having to hold bags for weeks?

>> No.2256314


>selling before it reaches 1$

Its like you WANT to be poor

>> No.2256328

I bought at 1100 sats
did i do good /biz?

>> No.2256333
File: 42 KB, 655x509, 1481091120748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Me too. This shit better hit 2k.

>> No.2256337


All your losses would be peanuts. You are only in with 17k, which means you get 17k$ if it hits 1$.
Stop being a pussy, let it rest. I bougt at 115 sats and have not sold a thing nor did I set any sell orders. Just let it rest.

>> No.2256350
File: 19 KB, 831x152, weak hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been an important lesson in having strong hands for me. Hopefully I can learn from this. It's just scary seeing it go up so fast. I only put in $220 but that's a lot to me and now it's at $300 or something like that and I'm just scared to lose it. The stronger the hands, the stronger the gains. Don't let fear get the best of you, /biz/.

>> No.2256354

dream big brah!

>> No.2256359

good advice
I rode XRP from 2500 to 20000 sats, the ride of my life...

>> No.2256366

Is it too late to buy into this?

>> No.2256375


if you're expecting over 1000% returns like a lot of these faggots got, then yeah. it looks like it's going to keep going up for a while though. possibly exponentially in the next several months.

>> No.2256417


>if you're expecting over 1000%
>too late


>> No.2256445

once the news hit this will crash

vox behaved the same way

DGB is just like vox

>> No.2256480


except it is not.

>> No.2256495

it is

there's no intrinsic value for this coin

vox even has more uses than DGB

>> No.2256512


>reaches ATH after ATH
>still FUDDING

why though?

DGB is
>lots of potential
>good design

which makes it an outstanding crypto

>> No.2256515

>intrinsic value

>> No.2256526

>whales never pumped in this pattern before

you have been warned

and yes, coins can have a value of their own through their uses

>> No.2256528
File: 337 KB, 1280x1078, 1495398637986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget

>active and passionate dev team that hasn't changed since day one
>high coin cap = low transfer costs
>active community and outreach

DGB has a lot of potential

t. holding strong since before the first peak at 400

>> No.2256532

are we counting down for it to drop to 1000 again?

>> No.2256534

the pumps of the last few days are based on fake news and lies. DGB doesnt have a partnership with Minecraft

>> No.2256535


well according to this DGB has more value than LTC x)

>> No.2256538

They said this was a whale at 400, 800, 900, after the crash they said it at 700 etc. All were saying 'the whale is just about to dump gtfo'. You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.2256550


same, got in at 115 sats and never sold

>> No.2256554

and what if it's whales at 400 800 900 700 ect?

i hope you see this shitcoin crash back to 300 and see all your gains vanish

>> No.2256570

Nice dude. 300 for me because I said it was a whale bubble on the original pump lmao. Lesson learned and I tripled my money already in BTC, not to mention BTC is up 30% since then so in fiat I'm up loads.

This is like saying 'what if god does exist! I have no evidence but we should just believe god exists just incase cause you can't prove he doesn't! Lets disregard all the good marketing and coin qualities that could easily lead to a rise in price alongside the fact that the whole market is doing well and never buy anything in case whales!'

Fuck off if you aren't willing to risk money kid, go put your pocket money in an ISA.

>> No.2256572

It already crashed back to 450 from 900, now it's over 1k sat again. Maybe if you had half a brain you would have brought at the dip instead of being this buttmad at missing out.

>> No.2256577


Who hurt you anon?

>> No.2256600

Lolz at all the dumb dumbs that say this coin has no value. One of the faster coins with super low tx fee. Its great for moving money around in my opinion

>> No.2256602

you're annoying pissy little cunts

who says i'm not riding this pnd

>> No.2256605


Yep... got into RDD at 7 sats. I am such a fool for only goin in crypto last month with only 600€.

At least I got almost 7000€ now.

>> No.2256619

Niiice dude. I totally got FUDed on RDD. Never posted FUD cause I'm not a spacker but I nevr bought in. It's why >>2256602 is just especially retarded

>> No.2256638


Also there is literally no honest reason to FUD. If you don't like the coin and think its going to crash just do not buy it or sell if you already bought.

>> No.2256645

reality is not fudding

>> No.2256666

You have ignored every post that says whats good about the coin just to shit on it. That's FUD

>> No.2256678

>what's good about the coin


there's no evidence that you can buy trading cards with DBG in any shop right at this moment

what does this coin do?

literally nothing

>> No.2256690

it might do something on minecraft though

>> No.2256823


They mentioned that DGB will be connected with Minecraft and that users can play Minecraft and "mine" their DGB directly from the game itself.

That idea in itself is far reaching to even the most retarded no coiner.

>> No.2257458

I'm a DGB holder but I have to remind you this is just a plugin on a server, it has the potential to go open source and spread around like fire though, so keep hodling fellas, the moon is near

>> No.2257504

> bought at the dip

I sure did. Got 225 DGB for about 555 sats. Can't complain. I'm HODLing, but it'll probably crash again. I guess I should wait until it reaches $10 before selling.

>> No.2257511

Last I heard, "buy high, sell low" is NOT the way it works.

>> No.2257521

wtf it's just spiking

>> No.2257531
File: 92 KB, 846x517, 2017-06-02_21-41-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DGB always does a SHARP double peak before rising OR triple peaking and dropping. This is the 4day chart but you can see it consistently for the last 2 weeks. Reckon it will eat the 1200 sell wall and then hover there

>> No.2257539
File: 198 KB, 900x900, 1420192186825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I supposed to buy/sell when 3 sell walls pop up every fucking second.

>> No.2257544

Don't day trade during heavy action like this, I learnt my lesson the hard way.

>> No.2257545
File: 42 KB, 500x322, 1495122079276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>255 DGB
why even bother?

>> No.2257551

Will this coin ever hit $1?

>> No.2257561

>tfw sold less than a week ago for 690

>> No.2257577

in 3+ years it will easily. It won't do it tomorrow. Easily could see 25-50cent by the end of the year (depending on what BTC does)

>> No.2257587


>> No.2257589

Brokke 1.2k sats - lol fuck you DGB, I love you <3 <3 <3

>> No.2257614

soo, when do we sell? Currently it's going strong - however it's getting a little bit out of hand, you guys wanna sell some of your stack while it's still on top

>> No.2257622


>> No.2257623
File: 9 KB, 387x354, 1494243958723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this volume

About to breach 1300

>> No.2257627


>> No.2257633


>> No.2257635

1300 :-)

>> No.2257676
File: 228 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170601-223142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woke up today
>first thing I do is checking my gainz
>literally made 1000 euro when I was sleeping
>I'm a poor student from eastern Europe and my normie friends earn that amount of money for 1 month of picking strawberries in germany under scorching heat

Anyone else knows that feel?

>> No.2257684

Happy for you my friend

>> No.2257693

>scorching heat


>> No.2257697

where are you from?
Poland? Baltic States?

>> No.2257704

you guys should really sell now, the fake sell wall is almost completely gone, very little pump left in it

>> No.2257713

amerifag detected

even 20 degrees celsicus can be scorching hot if you work in direct sunlight all day

>> No.2257716

W-why did this happen?
I didn't find any news or articles to trigger this

>> No.2257721

Can someone please explain why we keep referring to things in SATS? Why not USD? I have no idea what this means to say something is worth 1000 SATS.

Thank you

>> No.2257730


Well we're at 3 cents now. So, think of it like that.

>> No.2257732

That means there's a collective group of people or whales pumping money into it.
Straight up vertical lines are inevitably going to come back down as quick as they went up.

>> No.2257735

Altcoins have no value in USD, only BTC.
A sat is a millionth of a BTC.

>> No.2257738

>Tfw I was doubting between this and XBY early may.
>Chose XBY.
>Tfw DGB increased 1000%

Fucking shills I swear.

>> No.2257752


lol are xby is recovering, stop crying you nigger.
Also alwayw split your investments.

>> No.2257774

XBY is shit and a scam.

>> No.2258049

2222222 sats in 10 days

>> No.2259272


>> No.2259349

>hey guys im a totally reasonable person and i like to discover new ways i can invest my money
like wtf are u cerial dis web-shit ugghh~ i-i literly caaan't even

go fuck your self you damn cunt if you bitch about a website that has shit to do with the companys product you're just a shit posting faggot
the dialoge is over and i would like to emplor you to kill thy self, thanks

>> No.2259410

what in the world?

>> No.2260937

Because I'm a poorfag. As long as I'm not losing money...

>> No.2260966

DGB is at 1300 sat on bittrex should I buy in or is it about to crash

>> No.2261011

It seems like prices always peak, then there's a massive sell-off so, wait for the sell-off before buying again.

>> No.2261018

I'm buying.

>> No.2261019

don't even worry about it until the end of next week

>> No.2261082

buy and hold, this is a godly coin

>> No.2261200

Decided I'm buying today or tomorrow but I'm gonna see if it drops first so I can buy the dip

>> No.2261251
File: 436 KB, 200x150, 1494893964659.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw just read this entire thread and half of u derps couldn't decide if u could sell or not. Meanwhile I made 800 in my sleep and $40 reading all these from dgb alone

>> No.2261343

HODL for life
Stay strong
Giev da moneyyyy!!!
Living the HODL
HODL your life away
HODLING like a pro
HODL or bust
Never HODL alone
The HODL of Wall Street
The silence of the HODLs

>> No.2261351

What even happened there?
Sudden dip to 1250 but it's steady at 1275 now.

>> No.2261381

You complaining about a new price floor in the upper 1200s?

I was scared it might dip lower

>> No.2261391

Not complaining at all, don't assume things.
I just want to know what happened.
Whale manipulation probably.

>> No.2261419

>don't assume things

I mean no offense meant but even asking that question is overreacting a little. After that kind of moon, it was bound to settle again. If it stays in this range, it's chosen a really good place.

>whale manipulation

Could be, could be something else. Personally I think it's just a natural stopping point for it.

It's still only around 3 cents. I would grab more if you have any free BTC at the moment.

>> No.2261428

I had a feeling it would dip around 1100 or so, maybe the main pump isn't over yet.
I just have no clue why it would stay this steady for this long. Perhaps it has settled for now.

>> No.2261684
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 1351298940541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like it's crashing /biz/
I think I'm gonna sell

>> No.2261697

you should all convert your DGB gains into stratis rockets

>> No.2261718

You're joking right?
Please tell me you're joking.

>> No.2261750

i only have 50 bucks to throw at this. I hope I am not too late

>> No.2261758

hint stratis not dgb

>> No.2261769

fuck it ive seen you guys boast that. Ill throw my 50 there. I feel like ive missed the dgb train and that sell wall @ 1555 is pretty daunting

>> No.2261785

No I'm just retarded
Good thing I didnt trust my poor judgement and sold at the dip

>> No.2261786

please crash so I can spend a 1000 euros on this shitty currency

>> No.2261803

Always keep cool and think twice before ever making a buy/sell offer.
We should be steady for awhile.

>> No.2262361

bought at 115, sold at 1350.
>1100% gains
will buy back in below 1000

>> No.2262873

Cry more, snownigger.