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22503317 No.22503317 [Reply] [Original]

Can I still make it as 40yo that never had a job or a girlfriend? I want to change, start a career and build a family, but I have no idea where to start. I spent the last 2 decades playing vidya and cooming to porn at my mom's home because I suffered from severe agoraphobia, was traumatized with childhood neglect as a kid.

>> No.22503339

>traumatized with childhood neglect as a kid.
thats not a real thing. you simply lived as every kid in history did up until about 1975.

>> No.22503344

We're all gonna make it

>> No.22503356

Probably not
Your personality might already be too fucked
Hit the gym though, if you aren’t already

>> No.22503384

Might as well try

>> No.22503449

how old are your parents?
what do they think of you?

>> No.22503773

>because I suffered from severe agoraphobia, was traumatized with childhood neglect as a kid.
youre 40 and still talking about this shit. snap out of it.

>> No.22503868

Every time you do things to try and make it you'll get closer.

Every time you spend not trying to make it takes you further away from making it.

It's up to you if you make it or not

>> No.22503893

underrated post. that simple, really, isn't it?

>> No.22504042

This. I know a person who is 30yo old and depressed, and every single time at some point it all comes back to her whining about the same things that happened in childhood.
Like.. I know it sucks but time to get over it man.

>> No.22504174

>Be me
>Diagnosed with OCD and Generalize Anxiety Syndrome at 18
>Get pumped full of enti-depressants which make it worse so also get anti-psychotics
>Waste my life in house, hooking up with dumb girls online, living like a parasite on them and society
>Drink, do drugs, on welfare
>Decide to quit cold turkey
>Takes me several years to start to feel better
>Decide to sign up for some college thing
>Start taking ice cold showers and nofap, no more weed or alcohol, no more smoking, lose weight
>1 year of shitty college but it gets me in the door with a chemical company
>Have to tell colleagues I was out of work due to medical malpractice
>Meet new girl on Tinder, tell her the same thing
>Don't mention to anyone what a druggie faggot I was, pretend I have a social life, fake it till you make it

Started working there last year and already make more than my dad. I'm fit, reasonably happy, have a insta thot gf and am slowly starting to make new friends. Looking to buy my first house and just bought my first car. Got 10k on the bank and 10k in stocks. I'm behind most of my peers in a lot of areas but I'm catching up quick.

Things can change. You really do have to stop being a faggot. My dad was emotionally and physically abusive and I was raped once. I know how much this shit can affect your personality and behaviour but you have to fake being happy and stable.
I have to lay off drugs, don't drink too often or too much, have to work out and meditate, I have to put double the effort in studying and staying mentally stable, but it's possible.

Life is rough and unfair and it sucks seeing people who make it seem so easy, like they just grew up normal and managed to learn to socialize and go through life in the way it was intended. But fuck you. If you keep being a sad faggot you'll end up a 50yo shitposting the same thread.

>> No.22504207

> childhood neglect
> parents allowed himself to live off then until he was 40

>> No.22504289

Also OP. Here's how you can stop being a faggot. I'm gonna spoonfeed you because I was you.

>Leave home
Find any possible way to live on your own. Your mom and her empathy is a crutch and it's making you not get the adversity you need to grow. Stop leaning on her. Get the cheapest dump you can rent and don't rely on her for anything. Learn to cook, provide your own income even if you have to wash dishes.
>stop cooming
I'm serious. It's a meme to most but it helps. You probably got yourself some retarded brain damage over it but neuroplasticity is real. Stop watching any form of erotic stimuli for at least 30 days and after that allow yourself to only watch porn for a short amount of time, and nothing degenerate, just to nut and move on with your day. Your mind WILL become less clouded, you will become less anxious and faggy. You will start to crave an actual woman, which is the third most powerful motivator for powerful men, and the single most powerful motivator for average joes, such as youself.
>Stop playing vidya or watching media for hours on end
It's something you reward yourself with for an hour or two after a long day at work. Nothing else. It's not a pasttime. Understand how all the sounds and flashy images in video games are designed to trigger your reward system and hijack your dopamine response. Get angry over that fact. It's holding you hostage. Just the same with porn.
>Get fit
Even if you just walk for an hour a day, or jog. Aim to be active AT LEAST one hour a day, and have an actual workout at least once a week. Doesn't matter what it is, as long as it gets your heartrate over 150bpm for at least 30 minutes.

Life is gonna suck for a while before it gets better. You did this. Not your 'childhood neglect'. No real man lies awake at night because daddy didn't hug him when he was a kid. The way you channel that is promising yourself you'll be a better dad to your own kid than he ever was and punch him in the face next time you see him.

>> No.22504309
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true enough

>> No.22504453


>> No.22504512

>third most powerful motivator for powerful men
what are the other two? what's this from?

>> No.22504568

God bless you anon.
You are going to make it.
Not many people have the willpower and energy to get back on the path and leave all the shit behind.
Faggot. What are you waiting for? Some anon telling you "yes you can" or "no you can't"
What does it matter? You will propaply make the same thread again in a few years, because you seem to be the kind of guy that doesn't act

>> No.22504570

The first is glory, but that motivator slumbers only in men with potential for greatness and the second largest motivator is dominance over other men which is the least noble of the three but one that almost any man would give in to had he the physical prowess to wield it.

>> No.22504597

even DIA holders?

>> No.22504606

>spent the last 2 decades playing vidya and cooming to porn

You already made it.

>> No.22504641

If anyone still has childhood shit in their mind, read “The untethered soul”. It’s a good explanation of how the mind works. The short of it is that the brain is just this electrical neural network where thoughts and sensory experiences flow through, and strong emotional memories end up as areas of interference that block the electrical signals of any similar thoughts or experiences from passing through. To stop this you need to dissipate these mental blocks by overloading them. Hard to explain succinctly, but the book does a decent job.

>> No.22504674

>40 year old
>no skills, no work history, no girlfriend ever

You're the male equivalent of a roastie but also 40 so...no

>> No.22504728

thanks broski

>> No.22505065

start of by getting a job at Amazon, they don't care who you are as long as you can carry goods and they are hiring like crazy due to increased demand from this virus.

>> No.22505249

maybe if you see what's in LOKI sir.....

>> No.22505324

NO. LeL! WTF kinda q is that anon.

Do you even hold AMPL?

>> No.22505570

>because I suffered from severe agoraphobia, was traumatized with childhood neglect as a kid
because you are a lazy fuck
fixed for you
anon it’s only up to you, start taking responsibilities and stop whining like a bitch
it’s not late at 40, it full of old maids out there dreaming to have a family, but you need to bring the bread home and be in charge of your family, not an easy task, you need iron nerves and you cannot complain about anything, ever

>> No.22505635


>> No.22505656

and aside from that you don't even have taste in vidya. Kojima was always all about "live your life bla bla forget about vidya" existentialism. DS is his best game with motherfucking Matrix references, youtube does not understand shit about this game.
Literally most important game of this generation, after forbidden fruit of the internet made everybody depressed there is no better motivational game yet. If you d play his games back when you were younger he would likely brainwash you into more constructive way of living.
Or just get anti-depressants at this point maybe even hrt.
>To stop this you need to dissipate these mental blocks by overloading them
Is this related to exposure therapy?

>> No.22505749
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there's a movie about you. well, aside from the gay excuses about agoraphobia, childhood trauma, and never having a job.

>> No.22505778

Watch the instathot gf if you actually marry her. Hide some assets in crypto just in case.

>> No.22505990


>no gf by age 40

Were you even trying?

>> No.22506020

no. he's an overgrown child, expecting everything to be handed to him.

>> No.22506368

She's a great girl but still. I've already told her I'm buying my own house. She'll only pay utilities and keep her own wage to do with as she pleases. Financially I can carry it on my own. I've looked into it and the way I'm going to do it in a way I run no risk on her laying any claim to my money or properties even if we get divorced. Local law is pretty solid in that here.

>> No.22506482

Sorry op.
Just be grateful for what you have

>> No.22506509

Lol i am thinking same thing

OP stop making excuses and do something about your currently pathetic life.

>> No.22506537

>thats not a real thing. you simply lived as every kid in history did up until about 1975.
Only after the farming revolution anon.
nomadic humans had a sense of comradry

>> No.22506571

You have the willpower so ygmi. Just make sure you act now anon

>> No.22506951

>Can I still make it as 40yo that never had a job or a girlfriend?

Yes, you are 5 years from being swept up in the AI malstrom, forget ideas about success and social status, such things will be lost in a new era where the human identity is dissolved in the singularity

>> No.22507927

I love the dichotomy of this post.

>> No.22508370

Based and little wins pilled.

This guy gets it. Shit I can take some of you're advice too lad

>> No.22509105

Cry out to God
Ask Him to show Himself to you
Repent and accept Jesus as your Lord
Lift heavy heavy weights
Take stoicpill
Go to church, find qt3.14 waifu, marry
Have children, establish God's Kingdom

>> No.22509185

you happen to life, life does not happen to you.

watch every jordan peterson lecture and watch a shit ton of real social dynamics. you have a lot of work to do, but it's worth it.

>> No.22509222

you don't think kids were traumatized in ancient times? their father killed in front of their eyes? trauma is still real, retard. not being able to get over it is fake though.