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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 198 KB, 925x676, IYFtrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22499776 No.22499776 [Reply] [Original]

>He didn't hop on, oh no no no....

All jokes aside guys, NOW is the time to get on early.

Here's a quick rundown: Project at 30k supply, with built in Flash Loan Arbitrage, already launched with farming. Bounce sell at 1 ETH for 20 IYF. This is your earliest chance to get in before it catches on like the Californian wildfires, tfw you made a fortune from hearing about IYF on /biz/ first.

>Come chat with us in our telegram : t.me/iYieldFarm
>Discord : gg/ZcJsJ6

Get in on this bounce sale, it's fresh as can be and this project is guaranteed moon-mission! If you think you "missed out" on the yield-farming hype, this project is the cutting-edge in its field. Our project is more sophisticated than YFI, yfBeta, YFII, etcetera by a long shot. The developer keys have been burned, Token Governance 0x0- not a chance for a rug pull. Similar to YFRB, the iYieldFarm Protocol (IYF) leverages multiple decentralized exchanges to have an analytical market view and find opportunities to create arbitrage that are not being tracked anywhere else. - look guys, I don't know what else to tell you, we were here first! Feelsamazingman!

>> No.22499837
File: 7 KB, 224x224, cozyfrogu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put some eth on this earlier, chatted a bit in the telegram and am comfortable with this community already! cozy gains incoming

>> No.22499869

I always see people like you that put in so confidently on new projects... how are you not afraid it's a rug pull? I do see the dev keys are burned and theres a liquidity pool, i guess...

>> No.22499891
File: 71 KB, 1500x500, IYF-Banner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dev keys burned
You're right, our team is in it to win it and you can tell it's not just some backhand rug-pull through our policy.
Remove Minter: https://etherscan.io/tx/0xab0ab5791a0e5361c5132de7d63167a865ba8edc5d2a1cd2aa979463eed474c6
IYF Token Governance set to 0x0 -

>> No.22499930
File: 191 KB, 220x165, brentrambo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like the liquidity pool is already set with backup funds in case a rug pull (which I doubt anyone would try anymore). Respectable project guys I look forward to seeing your future developement, no cap!

>> No.22499965

tempted to shuck even though I already got rugpulled by yearn.finance just the other day lawl. Like you said, its secure right? did you guys get audit yet?

>> No.22500001
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>look on seemingly brand new website
>Bounce sale just started?
Well bros, looks like I'm going suicide-stack on another one XD

>> No.22500030
File: 105 KB, 1000x658, iyfopenseason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did you guys get audit yet?
We are formally reaching out to The Arcadia Group and other firms to have an audit complete on both our Token, and pool contracts in a timely fashion- we're just so fresh in the game still.
Thanks man, are you from another project? Fellow yieldfarming chad understands the security and prosperity of this new era of market. good times.

>> No.22500062

this guy's totally not a samefag post...

>> No.22500074

yea man i'm actually from the original group in yfbeta, went well for us but your model is looking even stronger I might invest myself! what's your m-cap as of right now?

>> No.22500120
File: 89 KB, 622x600, IYFPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whats your m-cap as of right now?
Currently a few stakers sitting us in comfortably at 20k, if bounce sale sees even more action we'll be flying out the gates! I forgot to mention actually- but you guys know the bounce sale is live!
1 ETH = 20 IYF

>this guy's totally not a samefag
L0L, you think I'd shill my own project with a RYAN GOSLING REACTION IMAGE? ahahaha. I'm actually pleasantly suprised at the level of traction we're picking up, no pajeet posting required! We're gonna make it boys!

>> No.22500155
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>> No.22500271

Wow looks like yfbeta didn't satisfy you then huh? You're right in how our platform is more cutting-edge in that we cut in the farming before the presale, which many projects refuse to do- and we also take advantage of flash loans from places like AAVE, and dYdX. This bounce sale is the oppurtunity for us bros who "missed out" on the original defi and yield farming contracts wave, because this is the step towards the next era. Glad to've been here with you early-birds!


>> No.22500312

Another day, another yield scam..

>> No.22500392
File: 52 KB, 720x1127, kekek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy missed out on YFI and then scurried to yield contracts such as Sushi and yearn.finance only to get rugpulled!

glad i'm not seething like this guy and still have enough capital to invest in next-gen projects like this that will rise like a phoenix from the ashes that is yield farming!

+thumbs up good job OP

>> No.22500429
File: 95 KB, 960x930, 1600046419565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another day, another yield scam..
<this kids fw saying that and then raiding our telegram in attempts to fud our superior project

this guy knows whats up <333 thx bb

>> No.22500447



Jesus christ, fucking nuke India.

>> No.22500557
File: 15 KB, 464x401, EE5tcDBXoAE3U5Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tries to call out pajeet posting on one of the most literate and authentic threads /biz/ has seen in months since the down of shitcoin outbreak?
yiiiikers dude. besides read the white paper this one's one of the few if not only token that isn't a scam on this godforsaken site.
all jokes aside i also literally just got in for myself these new kids are ambitious. IYF To the moon? Sure why not, other tokens way worse off get there, I believe!
do you plan on going into more pools or is dai the only one you're doing?

>> No.22500598
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>> No.22500621

Your fucking TG is flooded with scat porn,hahahaha

>> No.22500636
File: 147 KB, 1500x500, pepebanner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you plan on going into more pools or is dai the only one you're doing?
We have not made an announcement regarding any additional pools yet, our main focus is on getting the Arbitrage system up and running. This project is actually picking up quite fast for us and it's a bit overwhelming, but that makes us all the more determined to keep the growth going.

nice glasses

>> No.22500783
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 2dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30k supply, already being staked on and bounce sale started merely hours ago... how am gonna explain the wife this one

>> No.22500878
File: 17 KB, 1588x394, smells scammy bois.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol this shit

>> No.22500914

Fool! Don't tell your wife, or then she'll try to take half your riches from your IYF bag AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

No seriously though guys I'm gonna shill the link one more time because you read it here every day:
>moonshot token!
>muh moon yield
>muh rug pull!
yada yada the list goes on. The thing is with this one it avoids all meme status entirely in the setup of its policy and the already established pool funds guarantee that everyone who gets in will be winning no matter what. we are an american made token with a multinational staff and an even more diverse growing community, insuring our services and coin will be functioning and growing at all hours in all business timezones.

>come join the community and hop on the bounce sale fresh off the press : http://iyf.finance/

>> No.22500985
File: 40 KB, 640x628, 1462879957713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol this shit
what is that image trying to prove, what that shows to me is that it's a recently opened bounce sale and theres funds in the balancer pool so that you can unstake at any time... typical setup for these shitcoins.

i mean i GUESS you guys have an interesting niche idea with the "flash loan" contracts but it doesn't necessarily make me wanna stake on it. i'll join the community and watch to see if this is really the "moonshot" you think it is

>> No.22501124

ill throw 200 dai at it and see what happens

>> No.22501135
File: 39 KB, 657x527, R14kkDj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in so many of these shit coins already with my funds spread thin. eventually one of them will win me r-r-right guys....? Everytime I buy into one I read like a day later about some new tech/arbitage/decentralize bullshit that makes the next coin better. I guess iYield is another one to watch (sounds like an apple brand??? lol) -sigh-

>> No.22501172


Pump and dump shill lmao at whoever falls for this

>> No.22501210

Yessss lads! thank you for sticking with us, we've been getting raided in our socials like telegram and discord and having to delete large swathes of messages.

Hopefully the vermin with inferior projects that didn't think to capitalize on the secure tech and policy available before making their crap-tokens. (read up on our resources and github etc to admire the superiority of our code)
>and to all you haters keep hating cause this is for sure the first and not last time you've heard of this next-gen project.

>> No.22501341
File: 10 KB, 194x259, iyieldjustine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lmao at whoever falls for this
I copy pasted that from the FAQ describing OUR policy? Why are you like this? Are you from another project with similar specifications?Because I can assure you our token isn't a shitshow amalgamation of a fork like yours is- in fact it can life in synergy and unphased by projects like yours, hence why we don't need to raid the socials and fud on others like you do.

iYieldFarm is a peaceful community, and with peace comes prosperity. It may not be cut and dash brutal ugly market, but a gentle market - that girls would use.
>Oh hey iJustine Ezarik, how did you get rich off of crypto?
>"It's simple, Anon! iYieldFarm."

>> No.22501436
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>unphased by projects like yours, hence why we don't need to raid the socials and fud on others like you do
daaaamn i gotta say bro, as sketch as this whole industry of yield farming is OP put the btfo on you! apply burn oil

i might stake too btw cause i also think iJustine is cute xDDD

>> No.22501598
File: 23 KB, 680x510, Sminem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to check out this project
>see goatse
ah, still getting raided i can see. meh ill bump this thread for you guys, i don't have any money to stake in anyways.

>> No.22501830

thanks homie, ima bump too.

You guys hear empty promises for moonshots and bullish markets all day but this is the one of the few that's bound to actually deliver. You're welcome to join :)
>Discord : gg/ZcJsJ6
>telegram : t.me/iYieldFarm

>> No.22502077
File: 25 KB, 600x592, 47d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been staked in this token since eaaarly early. don't get me wrong its still early but im talkin' eaaaarly early. i'm seeing the community grow and the developement coming together... minute by minute... hour by hour... growth and growth- i dont believe my eyes! its almost too good to be true.

>is this how it feels to be making it, bros?