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File: 102 KB, 675x1200, DVc01mDWsAA8doA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22498948 No.22498948 [Reply] [Original]

Face it if Joe Rogan doesn't want to buy crypto will never appeal to normies.

Would you rather have a bitcoin for some elk meat?
Only nerds are still trading meme tokens and they are the first to go in the collapse.

>> No.22498986

you reckon they got joe with the inverted Gnosticism?
Like they took him into a room and said joe god's actually the bad guy and we're trying to fight him, we need you to have bob lazar on

>> No.22499002

This dude has always been a cia plant

Possibly reptilian

>> No.22499019

is him a role model for people?

>> No.22499029

That would be retarded,
then again, so is his show

>> No.22499052

Obviously some sort of hermaphrodite

>> No.22499071
File: 96 KB, 702x1024, E2FEDAE0-D9D0-495E-BE50-F1364D773077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fed says infinite money
>fag says collapse

Uh, uhm, gee, who am I gonna believe

>> No.22499072

Joe isn't into giving advice, financial or otherwise.
Once stonks crash (deflation), and hyperinflation hits, he'll probably come out and talk about his crypto holdings.

>> No.22499110

Anyone else notice Joes gradual transformation from fedora tipping hardcore atheist to now as sort of a middling spiritualist. He still shit talks televangelists and prosperity preachers but when people bring up God now he adopts a more philosophical stance and less of a "what you believe is stupid" one.

>> No.22499142

He had antonopoulus on 2014. do you really thing he has no btc? kek

>> No.22499241

He had Justin Wren on and had a BTC fundraiser and he lost the wallet I think.
This is the address
Still 5.24 BTC in there from 2014

>> No.22499350
