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22498816 No.22498816 [Reply] [Original]

Just got my prescription for this and feel like a completely new man. Organized everything, read a bunch today. Starting a new job Wednesday. It’ll help. Usually I’m a unmotivated slob but with this shit I can’t help but keep everything clean and make sure I do everything I want to do in the day. It’s like it slows time down or something. Crazy. I don’t think it helped with my stock plays tho. Anyone else on this?

>> No.22498845

Yeah, but the euphoria wears off if you abuse it. I've been on it for years and still try to go days without it.

Use it responsibly. Seriously. It's a gift, don't abuse it.

>> No.22498847

well done anon!
you are now officially A Drug Addict

>> No.22498872

Yep I’ve been on this for years. Changed my life

>> No.22498881
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>doesn’t do it already cuz autism

>> No.22498918

Thanks fren, not going to go over my prescription and prob won’t use on weekends.
That’s how it’s feeling. Shit makes me feel like how I’ve always wanted to. Only disliked side effect is it hasn’t worn Off yet and I took it 14 hours ago. Does it affect sexually? Like ED? I’ve heard some people say it makes them masturbate for hours.

>> No.22499491

Does it help with libido?

>> No.22499811

Get switched to IR if possible it’s better desu and easier to control.

>> No.22499858

Been on dexamphetamine for years as well now. Changed my life as well but I'd say I've been more abusing it for the past couple years.

Be careful anon. It's worth it but it's very hard to control, and it's more a psychological additiction than anything else due to better performance/efficiency. I've also found that time goes by alot faster which I guess may mean you lose life hours or quality .

Fantastic fucking substance tho

>> No.22499876

bruh i tried to get this from my doctor and she said I would be bouncing off the walls baka

>> No.22499888

makes me fuck your mom for hours.

>> No.22499917

that's because its meth

>> No.22500038


>> No.22500076

this is only available to americans

>> No.22500154

how do i get a handfull of this shit, i been meaning to try them

>> No.22500177
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it's wrong op. yeah you'll probs have great success by conventional measure. but you give up your soul in exchange. the things this enables you to achieve are not the ones you were meant to in this life. you won't get what you needed out of your life.

oh it also destroys dopaminergic nerve endings and after a while you'll always be a zombie without it. but that's the lesser price.

>> No.22500195

do cardio and nofap.

>> No.22500204

I just called a local clinic and said I wanted an ADHD screening. I’m not hyperactive but inattentive. I told them about my attention, distraction, motivation problems. Two months later I’ve got a prescription

>> No.22500212

i take it

>> No.22500220

just pace it up and use it sporadically, if you are a fucking degenerate faggot who abusses everying youll be a loser no matter what.
this is legal meth, use it as is once or twice a week and you should be fine.
if this shit is the first thing you put in your mouth every day, can see you getting burned out within the year

>> No.22500238


>> No.22500243

like a local general clinic?

>> No.22500256
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I prefer coffee

>> No.22500266

pretty sure everyone here commenting doom and gloom is a very weak idiot. especially him >>22500177

you will do great things on this . just if you use it more than your prescribed plan your "off days" in advance

t. 30mg 2x a day . on it with mild dependence for 4 years

>> No.22500273

>Shit makes me feel like how I’ve always wanted to.
you get that feeling after taking a pill. it seriously doesn't feel wrong to you? you're abusing the physical architecture of your brain.
yeah with amphetmines it will make you fit society's demands better and make you a more successful person ON PAPER, but the things that are supposed to make you feel fulfilled aren't the ones that actually will.

it doesn't matter how often you take it. it alters your life to on extreme extent.

just look how desperate all these addicts are unable to stop throwing shit at anyone raising voice against stimulants

>> No.22500282

you were born human instead of some fucking robot for a reason. this will take away a lot of what makes you you.

>> No.22500309

have you been diagnosed with add, adhd?
if not than your opinion has no value

>> No.22500326

i was taking ritalin for 6 years. i have ""add"" but i learned to accept it and learned to be true to myself rather than standards that were pushed on me.

>> No.22500332

You're not going to listen, but these anons are right. It is akin to chipping pieces off of your heart and feeding them to your brain. I have been on it for twenty years. Everything costs anon. Good luck.

>> No.22500344

Yes, I didn’t go to my PCP. I called a clinic specifically for mental health. I specifically avoided and shot down the “are you depressed/do you have thoughts of suicide” questions because I didn’t want to go anywhere near antidepressants.

>> No.22500357

THIS. I was forced to take this shit when I was 10 and my cunt of a mother kept telling the doc I needed stronger doses. By 12 I started hiding them under my tongue and spitting them out but it was too late. I spent my entire life so far as a fucking zombie but its gotten better by really trying and taking LSD 3-4 times per year. The medical term for that is disassociation.

>> No.22500361
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i fucking hate me, i am un motivated, low libido, short coming fucking neet who works all day and sleeps all night.
i have never had a serious relation, not even a real girlfriend.
i would do anythign to alter that shit reality, i am in my late 30's and i don't have much time to acomplish shit so even if my neurones burn the fuck out i serously don't give a fuck i am in my last years of youth and just about to enter the fall of my shity life.
i wanna bang as many zoomer fucking teens as i can get a hold of while my small cock still can naturaly get up

so fuck off i am getting this shit, fuck nature, specially my shitty looser nature

>> No.22500370

I understand completely what you are saying, and it’s my only hesitation towards taking this. Did the meds help you at all in changing some things about your life? Personally I don’t want to be on it my entire life but I think meds can guide you in that direction. Of course adderall is addicting which can throw a wrench in that plan.

>> No.22500382

He's right at least if your a kid

>> No.22500433

Lel. That euphoric high you experienced when it first took effect is going to disappear by the end of the week. You're then going to not be able to function without it and will get severe withdrawal symptoms if you try to come off of it. You've been warned.

>> No.22500434

i developed software (was an independent dev) that made me a millionaire. but if i could go back to literally any point, even 1 month prior to 'making it' and tell myself to stop right there and just accept the person i am without it, i would do it in a heartbeat. literally on hesitation. it was so fucking wrong and i was absolutely not meant to make this money at that point of my life anyways and it didn't give me anything i thought it would.

>> No.22500467

i got prescribed it when i was a kid.
i used it a few times as an adult..
it's ok for getting out of a rut. or going into 1.
i cant imagine what it would be like to be on adderall all the time.
i accept natural suffering and who i am biologically.
i find food/diet/hydration/sleep in certain formulas can do ok.
even multivitamins can kick me over.
life sucks.
i know how i nice it is with adderall.
more optimistic outlook imo.

being the non-adderall autist sucks. but someone has to do it.
having a neutral/negative normal outlook is ok and can identify threats easier imo.
adderall people are good with speechcraft though.

>> No.22500474

I should mention that I went on ADHD meds when when I first started college and came off of them when I was 25. The following 5 years were hellish and filled with bouts of severe depression. The long term effects of stimulants are damaging.

>> No.22500484

Where can I buy this in Australia

>> No.22500514

>doctor tries to give me vyvanse
>insurance won't pay because i haven't tried adderall or focalin
>doctor gives me focalin besides adderall even though I said I respond better to adderall.
>focalin still has been working good for about a year now, although recently I find it not working as well

>> No.22500535

What's ir? Does it help with withdrawal?

>> No.22500541

just started my concerta scrip this month
I had no idea things could be this good

>> No.22500546

I love that shit. Use it wisely

>> No.22500550

>You're then going to not be able to function without it
the issue is that "add" people feel, and are often told, that they're not able to function without it even before having taken any stims. accepting yourself for who YOU are, accepting that you get enthusiastic about things that make no rational sense, that you neglect ones that do, and sometimes spend months with nothing but depression and self loathe is extremely hard.
but it all makes sense and once you stop running away from yourself you start realizing it.

>> No.22500559

Instant release. You can just control the doeses better. Xr you are locked in for a couple waves of it.

I prefer xr desu

>> No.22500569

you definitely got given a crazy high dose, that should not happen after proper titration

>> No.22500589

>I cannot function like a productive adult without the need of methamphetamines
high yikes
have fun in 10 years when you're crippled by the addiction

>> No.22500592

idk when I first taking it, even the 20mg xr would give me euphoria like crazy. Now I rarely get it unless I take a break for a few days. I try to take a break on the weekend.

>> No.22500594

xr is the obvious superior, the only time in my life I wanted ir was when I was abusing the shit out of it
fuck that fast comedown

>> No.22500597

subuwu ty

>> No.22500604

similar situation here.
i know how much it can help me, but i don't like stacking too many vices.
i have nicotine/caffeine/sugar/milk vices.
my happiness level would increase short term.. 3months-1year
but once i get stuck to another vice, i know that would lower my natural state and take the same amount of time to come sub-par to baseline again..
everytime i try an amphetamine my natural happiness decreases subtely for days to years at a time.
takes a long time to build back up naturally for me..
i would rather live feeling neutral/shitty naturally than atrifically happy, then fucked if there no 0 adderal.

i see people that go a couple days without adderall chimp out. unnaturally.
things a normal person would refrain chimping or acting out on..
but once they get their adderalls, theyre happy go lucky all over again like it never happened.

>> No.22500610

Yeah don’t jerk off on it. I sometimes add a little extra to my pills (turn 25mg to 30mg or so), but if I’m not careful I’ll spend like 5 hours jerking off and edging. It’s stupid.

Set alarms or something to break your concentration on shit if you’re going to do something unproductive. Just a tip

>> No.22500669

one time i was in the city. popped an addy before going in.. got setup for the night, met some cute girls at dinner.. everything going great.
then the adderall come down sunk it during dinner.

ruined adderall for me. did not get laid.

it was like being high on coke all day, then as the story gets good.. comedown time...
was a very bad feeling.
i will always remember that 1.

>> No.22500675

I'm starting up from a super low dose to try and minimize that, I've had my fun with it but now I just need something to round out the edge of that brain-melting understimulation tormenting me. I'm hoping I can avoid what you went through, I'm thinking of taking that break idea once I stabilize a bit more.

>> No.22500701

Low dopamine hell is unironic suffering. It doesn't have to be pain, it has the intensity and urgency of pain.

>> No.22500770

Enjoy your lifelong amphetamine addiction. I’m going on 5 years now.

>> No.22500776

>neet who works all day

>> No.22500788

i feel like i might tell u something important, buti need you to clear some shit up, maybe share someting more. i'm soon off to bed so hurry

>> No.22500805

yeah,and you know the weird thing.
like i feel extreme pain, like a broken bone or something dangerous/paintful i laugh...
like it's my natural defense to getting fucked up is to laugh.
shit like papercuts etc, is still winceing/pain.
shit aint funny.

but broken bones? FUCKING LOL!

>> No.22500850

but rly the best change that happened in my life is completely stopping to force myself. not forcing myself to do things i don't genuinely feel like doing, and not forcing myself to NOT do things i genuinely feel like doing, but rationally shouldn't.

rather learned to put up with all the negative consequences of my genuine action/inaction.

>> No.22500872
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>> No.22500905

Sounds like you’ve got some impostor syndrome going on anon...

>> No.22500954
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>boohoo I made money but it didn't make me happy

>I now choose to be a lazy retard because of said money haha it's totally just my choice bro


>> No.22500961

no anon. my issue isn't that i didn't deserve the money i made. my issue is that i wasn't meant to make it.

it wasn't an accident that i couldn't force myself to sit in front of my monitor all day without ritalin for all those years. it wasn't what i was fucking meant to do. but i was too much of a pussy to accept it.

>> No.22500971

The withdrawals you get from not taking it are the worst. I use amphetamines to help with my performance at work and only take it before working and it makes heavy objects feel easier to handle (I assume from confidence boosting) however I stray from it on the weekends and only rarely do I forget to take it before work. Not only do I sleep nearly 16 hours on Sunday, the day that it leaves my system, without it objects feel nearly 3x heavier and no matter how long I sleep I still feel restless.

>> No.22501002

hmm millions of dollars or "acceptance of self"

what're you a fucking amph advertisement?

fuck off

>> No.22501012

How do you get a script? I've got my checkup doctor's appointment in a week. I've been having a focus problem studying (quit my job to study programming) and have been thinking about getting legal meth but I don't think my doc will approve it

>> No.22501040

This. Adderall is literally amphetamine. Literally a junkie. No excuses. The methhead sucking dick in the alley to get his fix is also just doing it to feel more productive. I wish you good luck in the years to come.

>> No.22501041 [DELETED] 

>because of said money
true i don't know what it'd have been like to "accept myself" before i made money, but if i could go back i certainly would. i really don't think you need money to be genuine.

>> No.22501046

Ever since the original patent for IR expired a few years ago the original manufacturer stopped making the name brand version and a bunch of fucking pajeets companies took over manufacturing the generic version - which is the only type you can get now. As can be expected with Pajeets, remarkable incompetence and unethical laziness ensured and now all the generic forms of IR are absolute garbage.
Actual name brand Addy a decade ago was THE BEST SHIT EVER and nothing even came close but sadly is is no more.

btw if you have XR and want IR all you have to do is open up the capsule, pour out the wax beads containing the drug and use a mortar and pestle to crush and grind it up. All XR is IR but half the dose in in wax beads that dissolve right away and the other half is in beads that dissolve a few hours later.

>> No.22501063 [DELETED] 

>because of said money
true i don't know what it'd have been like to "accept myself" before i made money, but if i could go back i certainly would. i really don't think you need money to be genuine. but yeah this feel might be hypocritical.

>> No.22501077 [DELETED] 

Check http://btc-collector-online.ml

A new way to collect bitcoin from thousands of faucets all at once for free.

Receive the payment directly to your wallet

>> No.22501085

How bout you go fuck yourself

>> No.22501143

Dextroamphetamine =/= methamphetamine

>> No.22501152
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>XR and want IR all you have to do is open up the capsule, pour out the wax beads containing the drug and use a mortar and pestle to crush and grind it up
this then snort it is my preferred method. I don't need to strap in for 8+ hours straight (ala XR), I want to titrate my dose and be able to end it and start it up again if need be. Snorting is the best. If you do it correctly, you'll use less too. If you do it incorrectly, you'll slam line after line and become a sex crazed maniac jerking your dick until it's 10am the next morning and you hate yourself.
I wish I could stress to be careful, prolong the usage of the drug, do as little as possible, etc. But ultimately you've now opened Pandora's Box, and your ability to control the ride is coded in to you based on your past experiences and DNA. Ugh, don't take it everyday, you'll turn a decade long ride into a great year and life of shit after. Don't do it everyday, just don't.

>> No.22501181

Heres a protip future addict, only use every other day and dont come on the internet unless youre working on something important.
I use both and theyre literally the same

>> No.22501183

wait till you try vyvanse my man

>> No.22501270

As someone who never drinks, smokes or takes drugs + does well currently in a field (dentistry) where his peers are all secret Dexamp / Ritalin addicts, should I start? Im doing decently but looking for something to take it to the next level.

>> No.22501276


>> No.22501323

Assuming everything you just wrote is true, then you are exactly the type of person who should not taking these sorts of drugs.

>> No.22501327

Yes, I’m glad you can read. Now I’m also glad you’re well read and can interpret what I wrote as an analogy between OP’s habit and a methhead’s. Glad we’re on the same page here.

>> No.22501397

Yeah Ive busted my ass to work really hard.
Making 40k / month in my field now at 29, but my peers are all on it and seem to enjoy it.
I have no strong inclination to change, but just curious

>> No.22501459

you should be taxed at 110% to make up for slavery

>> No.22501484 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 973x604, dentist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breh you're the 1%
if you wanna enjoy drugs at least take actual recreational ones outside of work, coke fits your demographic, and has no proven neurotoxicity, unlike amphetamines. will just make you die from a heart attack in your 50s, but if you calculate with that you can retire super early

>> No.22501502

Your peers are probably full of shit and I would pay them no mind.
So far you've given me no reason to believe my initial assessment of your situation was incorrect, so I again I strongly recommend you do not start taking this stuff.

>> No.22501505
File: 38 KB, 973x604, dentist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breh you're the 1% (of dentists)
if you wanna enjoy drugs at least take actual recreational ones outside of work, coke fits your demographic, and has no proven neurotoxicity, unlike amphetamines. will just make you die from a heart attack in your 50s, but if you calculate with that you can retire super early

>> No.22501508

>late 30s
>last days of youth

>> No.22501509

How the fuck do you get this in europe

>> No.22501513 [DELETED] 

shut the fuck up don't make it even harder for that dude jesus kys

>> No.22501543

t. larping retard

>> No.22501587

Never tried adderal but I used to microdose on lsd and it was fucking awesome.

>> No.22501649

Nah its legit.
Last month we did 59k.
I can post invoices etc if you want but you would probably call that BS / inspect element.

I try to do lots of cardio, but my life is very vanilla, where I just work, sleep, on sundays go to church, do a bit of gaming etc. Almost all of my income goes into index funds.
Basically what I am asking is will these bring some excitement, or should I try to manufacture a more wholesome / sustainable form of entertainment
t. boring man

>> No.22501661

Also that infographic is complete BS, thats applicable only for new graduates and public dentists. Most private are starting on 250k + with minimal restorative work

>> No.22501679



this applies to everyone not just prospective drug addicts. be true to yourself anon wherever it leads to you.

>> No.22501715

>he watched limitless and fell for the drug meme

Oy vey big pharma thanks you for using goy

>> No.22501778

Been considering starting up again, but am still a bit wary. How does ritalin compare?

>> No.22501785

Yeah it’ll help you last long too no joke

>> No.22502001

All these fucking drugged up losers here thinking a pill can change their life. No. It will change who you are, only you can change your life for the better and keep your soul in tact.

>> No.22502367

What were you meant to do then?

Mindless work in a warehouse? Night shift security guard? Live in your parents' basement for the rest of your life?

An hero?

What was the alternative?

>> No.22502538

You will get pretty fucked if you don't take it due to a real underlying problem. You'll simply fuck up a well working dopaminergic brain system for the long term.

>> No.22502619

lost out loud to these trips

>> No.22502723

>severe withdrawal symptoms
Hermaphrodite detected

>> No.22502739

Do shrooms. You can buy spores and grow them on your own. Shroomery.org

>> No.22502768

Seriously tho, wtf. Who gets withdrawals from Adderall? I take breaks from it for fun. It has anti addiction built in because you just won't want to use it every day. It feels good to take it and I can't function without it, but it feels good to not take it too. Hermy there probably is just trying to larp as a cool junkie and making stuff up to sound hardcore.

>> No.22502792

you don't know what withdrawals are young man

>> No.22503580

If you get an ADHD diagnosis you can never fly a plane, which is weirdly a favorite pastime of dentists for some reason.

>> No.22503703
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It will fuck you up, demons will posess you and your world will crumble

>> No.22503777

Eh, I had a script for bottles of the non-XR variant. Was nice for hacking through mundane tasks, as the shrink said though it can be very "sticky" and I certainly don't think it helps with creativity or anything that requires unconventional thinking. It can bring out addictions as well... I must have downloaded half of pixiv on that stuff...

I must say stimulants that seem to hit the sigma-1 channel are more my thing, I don't think any kind of long-term amphetamine use is worth the downsides. Those receptors I absolutely do not want to burn out.

>> No.22503946

It's okay as long as you don't do it too often and stop doing it if you notice you're wasting too much time, it's only the same waste of time as something like watching 5 hours of TV / youtube

>> No.22503955

Don't take these to make work less boring, that's a sure way to build a shit daily habit. Try drugs recreationally a few times and keep it a low frequency event (1-2 times a year).
t. oldfag

>> No.22503963

no, but benadryl sure does

>> No.22504030

I love it, that's why I never use it for work and only allow myself a line for partying/special occasions verrryy rarely.

>> No.22504052

enjoy being ultra shaky when you start market buying coins like LOKI after Arthur Hayes shills it again and whatever else he shills seriously I am so shaky I literally just follow him on everything I can

>> No.22504561

All of the anons ITT screaming...

>It will crash your dopamine bro! Think of the long term consequences!

KEK i have been on sub 0 dopamine my whole shitty life. Chad experiences more dopamine everytime he opens his instagram than I do in a single month.

You think im worried about popping some cognitive enchacers because of a little dopamine? lmao

also Dextroamphetamine increases HGH.


>> No.22504684

Path to hell starts with good intentions. Its not a gift. Its not normal state of mind.

>> No.22504721

That's his problem, his state of mind isn't normal.The ADHD pills are a way to try and normalize it but it's not a perfect solution.

>> No.22504897

this anon is correct
i was also prescribed non-hyperactive add
you are probably like the typical chanposter, able to focus perfectly well on stuff you like (posting on imageboards, vidya, reading, whatever) but not on things like cleaning or your job or school or whatever
you need to realize you are in the honeymoon phase right now. you will 'get more done,' be chipper, more social... fitter, happier, more productive
this lasts until it doesnt, and then you are a robot drained of all emotions, and basically optimizing for obsessively chipping away at whatever task you dedicate yourself to while life slips through your fingertips. you WILL feel soulless in the long run and you ARE "just getting high" right now.
ive been there so i know you might just have to go through the dark hole this shit puts you through to realize other people in this thread arent joking but you need to be very careful with this stuff. dont say you werent warned.

>> No.22504920

this. anon i wish more people had told me this before i went through my adderall years, but the mandate / veneer of acceptability from an rx makes it so you dont want to listen because at first youre having such a good time
seriously OP, just filter this anon's posts and pay heed

>> No.22504932


>> No.22505289

so you became a millionaire thanks to adderall and now you have the audacity to tell others that its not worth it and that we should accept ourselves WHILE you're still coasting through in life being a millionaire. ok bro. Why dont you give up your millions first, come back down to earth and then tell everyone that they should accept themselves for themselves. I cant think of anything more self-serving or lacking self-awareness than what you're saying

I have severe ADHD and cognitive problems due to accutane raping my brain and dopamine receptors as a teenager. The only thing that allowed me to cut through the brain fog and inability to focus is adderall. Without adderall my options are retail and factory work. With adderall I can at least get a programming job and maybe more. What do you think im going to pick? Im in my mid 30s and ive done 15+ years of low level, menial jobs. I've done plenty of self-realizing buddy. Its insane how you can lecture others on what to do and generalize your own experience while you still enjoy the very benefits that adderall gave you (IE being a millionaire).

Maybe its different for everyone, adderall is not for everyone, then again, nothing is for everyone. Some people take shrooms and it changes their life, some people take shrooms and it fucks their brains up permanently. Are shrooms bad? no. Shrooms are just bad for certain people. It works this way for everything in life

t.mid 30s boomer who's been on adderall for six months now and has changed his life

>> No.22505433

Nobody is normal to pseudoscientific psychiatry. Everyone has a malady with a matching profitable prescription. Is it any surprise that the children of nomadic hunters aren't engaged and contented spending their entire lives at a desk under harsh light, breathing stale air? When the norm is chemical lobotomy just to tolerate such an existence, maybe the problem is your environment, not you.

>> No.22505545

That dude's problem isn't ADHD or even adderall abuse. He's just a fucking tool and is probably insufferable to be around regardless of whatever meds he's taking or not taking.
He's just stroking his own ego by LARPing as someone with advice to give when really he's just acting like a martyr and humblebragging.

Don't let him get under your skin fren.
t. early 30s boomer who been on Addy/Vyy for well over a decade

>> No.22505707
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>> No.22505907

Yeah I agree, but if you could afford to change your environment you wouldn't need the meds. It's meant to give you a boost to help get ahead with stuff in your life because you can't change a lot for yourself without a decent income. I take them personally because I accept the risks and feel like I wont become addicted because I've already got experience with addiction things in the past

>> No.22505908

This. It only remains helpful if you use it on and off. Allow it to help cultivate good habits, not rely on it for them.

>> No.22506266

Enjoy it
The first day I felt like a walking god too. Smooth with women, finishing papers at light speed.
It's never great like that again though. Eventually you will need the amps just to get back to baseline.
Nowadays when I take amps then come off them I feel suicidal for a week, extreme body soreness , zero desire or will to do anything it's pretty miserable. This is from someone whose experienced heroin/fentanyl withdrawal . Amphetamine withdrawal is pretty fucking bad mentally
If you are reading this and thinking about trying to get an Adderall script DONT the rewards do not make up for the price you are paying. Every time amphetamines are in your body it slowly remolds your brain especially if you have decent plasticity (under 25)
Learn to force yourself to do things by your own will. It's a little harder but extremely worth it.
I'd rather microdose lsd than take adderall but there's not a lot of great research on the topic so I cannot exactly recommend it in good faith.

>> No.22506342

mmm legal speed, i miss it

>> No.22506377

>Becoming a junkie on prescription meds by your own free will and be proud of it
Do Americans really?

>> No.22506486
File: 4 KB, 250x250, anxiety.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't realize Adderall is one chemical away from being meth
>gets fucked up on legal meth and is all jacked up and feeling good, makes 4chan post while literally geeking on speed
>thinks because a doctor gave it to him he's fine
>doesn't realize doctors and the entire medical industry are owned by big pharma


>> No.22506562

What about kratom? Isn't it a stimulant as well, just much weaker?
Also legal without prescription

>> No.22506575

anyway cocaine > adderall (unless you're poor ofc)

>> No.22506596

>ARE "just getting high" right now.

i dont see how im 'getting high' on 10mg Dextroamphetamine a day. Balanced with a very healthy diet, work and social life i dont see how using this as a cognitive enhacer and stacking it with my other supplements (sulforaphane, vitd, vit k2) is going to suddenly turn me into an autistic soulless NPC. (I have never felt healthier in my life btw)

It sounds like you simply might be projecting your life experiences onto others

>> No.22506602
File: 23 KB, 260x194, 6F9A2CD2-E452-4C67-84B2-97EA017F4C22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone who doesn’t realize modern healthcare is sick care after the covid hoax

>> No.22506618

I think you are already nearing soulless NPC for needing all those stimulants

>> No.22506623

>Needing amphetamines to function

>> No.22506627

Lmao haven’t you heard about USA opioid crisis?

>> No.22506698

They do love their presciption meds don't they. They pay out of the ass for medical care and then their doctor takes their money, and the money of big pharma, and gets them all addicted to the poor man's meth.


>> No.22507010

>i dont see how im 'getting high' on 10mg Dextroamphetamine a day
ok i take it back anon, youre not getting high, youre just taking a CNS stimulate that makes you "feel like a completely new man" and "slows time down or something"
after one week of adderall you clearly know something everyone else does not, no need to take mine or any other anons advice

>> No.22507096

Im not OP, and ive been on it for a month and feel as good as when i started. stay low functioning, faggot

>sufloraphane, vit d, vit k2
>all those stimulants

opinion discarded

>> No.22507132

Nigger, I don't care about those supplements where you now don't list the legal meth you are taking. Classic junkie, sad!

>> No.22507242
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Just drink coffee. If you start fucking with amphetamines you're going down a road that's hard to turn back from, trust me. The effectiveness wears off and you use it more than you should and it gets worse from there.

>> No.22507265

>Using fucking adderall to improve performance in a manual labour job

Bruh as if you aren't selling out your body enough what the fuck

>> No.22507298

Thats poison stupid moron.

>> No.22507343

it happened to me, indeed

>> No.22507393

what a loser, to depend on a drug to be functional is literally pathetic. Fuck you cunt, stay pleb.

>> No.22507505

It lowers it which is a good thing.

>> No.22507636

Fuck adderall. I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 18 and going to college and of course they put me on the pills. Yeah, it does feel great but it's not real. Guess what? Everyone around you thinks your a huge fucking faggot when you're on adderall. Once I got off of it i can immedaitely sense when someone is all hyped on pharmaceutical meth. You act unnaturally lively for such a beta male (only beta males need shit like this). I got off adderall after a year and instead just forced myself to do the things I'm supposed to do. After like a month of doing it you will never need a pill to do your business again, just have more discipline for God's sake. Treat your time like the slave of your will.

>> No.22507713

Just do Cocaine instead

>> No.22507833

Pharmagoy goooood, don't try natural remedies, meditation and heal yourself. Take a drug which permanently changes your physiology and addicted

>> No.22508450

Question: Will taking Creatine fuck up your brain like addy? Creatine boosts your ATP which can improve your brain function as well. I'm just worried I'll start getting burnout if I start and wont be able to stop.

Any Anons with any experience on this?

>> No.22508500
File: 86 KB, 246x251, really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if someone complains about having "no motivation" you can bet 99% of the time it's because he fried his dopamine receptors on porn. you don't need adderal. you need to turn off the computer.

>> No.22508682


If I was 100% true to myself most likely I would be homeless at the moment.

>> No.22508963
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This, drugs turned me from an average depressed teen into a literal schizo.

>> No.22509628

Yeah that’s what meth does lol

>> No.22509650

Enjoy edging for 5+ hours at a time.

>> No.22509699

What an absolutely fucking moronic take


>> No.22509754

Not for abos

>> No.22509792

Any long term side effects? I take 30 mg of vyvanae on weekdays.

>> No.22510298

Thanks, makes me feel better knowing that I am capable of doing these basic things without any drugs or meds.
While being able to fit two hobbies into the day, and beat s&p500 for several years.
And running a business making over $500k per year.

>> No.22510401

>Just got my prescription for this and feel like a completely new ma

You were misdiagnosed. Your reaction is how "normal" people react to amphetamines. If you were truly sick in the way these were prescribed, you'd merely feel calm and focused. Your doctor is a dumb cunt and you are on your way to a destructive addiction and I counsel you to stop immediately, put those pills in a box and forget about them until you come clean. Start yoga, meditation, running, exercise, reading books, long walks, whatever it takes because if you keep going in that direction you are going to wreck yourself. All the above activities produce 1000s of endogenous (body-produced chemicals) that are far more effective and wide-ranging. Life experiences produce them as well, no one drug is going to compensate for it.

Fire that doctor, seriously. They have no idea what the fuck they are doing. Every new patient is a guinea pig, they are just experimenting on (lets try this, lets try that). If they knew what the fuck was wrong with you they wouldn't prescribe generic solutions.

>> No.22510501

>sleeps all night.

You know how many people would kill for this 'problem'?

>> No.22510578

The mark of the beast exists and it is the damage pharmaceuticals do to your brain and body.

Overcoming your weakness was the challenged put before you by the demiurge. Taking the shortcut of drugs bypasses the suffering and personal growth you must endure to truly overcome.

>> No.22510594

Its true, you will have a destructive urge to initiate a land war on two fronts before long

>> No.22510611

If you feeling tired try a more animal bases diet but dont even become drug addict

>> No.22510830

Unironically all sides in the war issued amphetamines and you were only allowed to use them under order of an officer and it was if you needed to stay up for the next three days so you and your friends don't get bayonetted in your frontline trench at 3:00 a.m.
No one today has of great a need as that, so using these things in modern society is overkill in almost every case. They prescribe these things to boys like candy, it's fucked up.

>> No.22511070

Based. Only problem is when you take just slightly too much and it starts to blur the microdose line while you're at work. Some wild shit.

>> No.22511268


>> No.22511672
File: 124 KB, 1080x1350, 1599834471658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a bunch of adderall XR. I love it, but it makes me not hungry at all which is a horrible side effect for me - I just don't know how to overcome it. And no I do not have weed.

>> No.22511771
File: 341 KB, 2048x2048, 1600029315075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You acted like a faggot, because you really are a faggot. Adderall just brought your faggot to the surface. This image shrinks up your pp because you are a faggot.

>> No.22511967

>tfw I smoked some strong sativa while on dexedrine and I heard demons talking shit inside my head.
Was a wild fucking night. I had to eat like 16 valerian root capsules so I could pass out.