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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22498382 No.22498382 [Reply] [Original]

I put my last 2 ETH on print.finance when i left for work this morning.

I have 4.5 of them. Will i make it?

I bought for $160. They are currently $1300 and rising. Only 500k in volume still.


>> No.22498405

hell ya! What color lambo?

>> No.22498416

hooooooo shit take profits dumbfuck its gonna dump soon.
but you wont and than you'll be crying cuz your 1300 per token went to 43$ per token.

>> No.22498449

It will be invisible because >>22498416
is right. I ain't selling


>> No.22498468

but lets be logical for a second. It only has 600k in volume right now. how the FUCK is this happening.

>> No.22498525

I don't think whales have even found this coin yet

>> No.22498770

it can only go UP. How can you farm print without print? And we need to print money.

>> No.22498793

how do i farm? I'm basically retarded. i have alot

>> No.22498923

why would you buy a token with literally no fundamentals?

why are all scams that are simply "lol number go up" pumping?

what the fuck is wrong with this market?

yes im mad i ignored this at $300. ive seen a dozen+ scams that i checked out early and it looked like a scam so i didnt buy in and they all 3-10x

>> No.22498962

Its a scaaammmm. Who cares motherfuckers I am making mucho dinero. hahshshhahahahahaaha

>> No.22498994

Best decision of your fucking life OP!!!

>> No.22499005

it's PUMP AND DUMP you fucking moron. get the hell out, NOW.

>> No.22499024

Honestly I would sell. There is a 0 percent chance that this project has any future. Probably doesn’t even have a 3 day lifespan

>> No.22499053

Swap 1 for Eth, and then add liquidity. Strike while the iron is hot my man!

>> No.22499060

see >>22498793

do i farm?

you'd think right? but it still has under 1mil in volume... big boys will see how far they can push this i think for at least 3 days like you said.

>> No.22499247

Sell half now or you deserve whats coming you absolute mongoloid

>> No.22499465

where o you guys find these new each day popping up meme defi?

>> No.22499547


Actually Twitter

People shill stuff by tagging lots of cryptos

>Buy this gem/scam
>Only 5000 tokens
>100k markedcap
>No one ever tags xrp

>> No.22499622

well do really anons put money on hings called ''moon.finance'' ?
Do they really lend there? Aren't they afraid of rug?

>> No.22500011


>> No.22500079


>> No.22500158

Found it on Reddit

>> No.22500166

Idk. My guess is op is part of the scammers who created this useless shitcoin. And it now baiting you to buy in with his zomgsmszibg profits.

>> No.22500174

Actually going to lose everything.

Have you ever read 1 single board, looked at a single shitcoin? 1/3 of all boards posted to biz are crying about loosing it all to a shitcoin gamble. And you are going to be that soon. There has never been a board about someone unironically pulling out at the right time and making money, and you will not be the first. Pull at least a large portion of your profits before you shoot yourself in the head you fucking retard.

>> No.22500302
File: 36 KB, 700x394, print.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22500353

Hey bro don’t fucking sell. Farming starts in about 20 hours and you need print to yield farm. I bought 10 at a little over $300 and feel like I don’t have enough.

>> No.22501030

>Farming starts in about 20 hours
why farming there if you can get rugged?

>> No.22501234


Communities have started saving pulls aswell now. Was it $YKZ?

Don' be a hater and call everything a rugg pulk. Gonna miss out

>> No.22501863

you have much to learn my sweet summer child

>> No.22501947

dude i was a top 10 printer holder and got pussied out because someone told me muh take profits

>> No.22502028

explain please...

>> No.22502070

>Communities have started saving pulls
How do they save pulls?