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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22497341 No.22497341 [Reply] [Original]

>just wageslave until you're 65 and no longer capable of playing sports or even enjoying video games properly anymore since your mind will decline. Also your parents will be 90 and you'll have to take care of them so you're still a slave but unpaid this time

>> No.22497606

save half your income =retire in 12 years

>> No.22497628

>bro why would I want to contribute to society at large when by the time im done ill be too old to play video games and ill have to take care of my elderly parents! fuck this shit man i'm gonna go spend all my time on a bangalese tranny drawing forum and talk about smart contracts

>> No.22497648

get a mortgage goy

>> No.22497652

I really dislike this term. Working for a living is not necessarily the horror you make it out to be.

>> No.22497653

>just be ignore your natural homosexual impulses to fit in with (((society)))
do cishets really...?

>> No.22497666

Maybe I’m lucky but I don’t look at my job as something I needed to escape, I just wanted money to do what I actually enjoy but all the good shit outside of video games is expensive as fuck

Oh well

>> No.22497700

I've been to jail and working is worse by far - ESPECIALLY """office jobs"""

>> No.22497705

Boomer detected.
Try living without wageslaving. I’ll wait.

>> No.22497718

>contribute to society at large
The society that pushes fags, niggers, and muslims into my life every chance it gets?

>> No.22497766

Either that, become a welfare queen, or get lucky with crypto. Your choice

>> No.22497796

Get a fha, rent it out wallah free money

>> No.22497811

unless you work directly for nancy pelosi or larry silverstein you are contributing to your immediate community

>> No.22497875

nah, I'm 31

>> No.22497909

Chico need your help to get refund 500$ marijuana ph meter.

Favor chico army. Just got totally disrespected, and ripped off by this business in Chico. Bought a 500 dollar ph meter, which has already broke I went in and tested both pieces, the probe and testing body. Both things passed on their tester, individually, but when you tried with them both connected, it wouldn't read. He told me they couldn't refund, as both pieces passed the test. even though he was sitting their watching it not work. He then told me, I should maybe take better care of my ph meter and to get the fuck out. Told him he will regret being a shitty merchant. Time to bombard his business with 1 star reviews. Go army


>> No.22497970

I mean its a pretty accurate term. You are indeed slaving for a wage. If it bothers you its likely because you recognize some level of truth to it that makes you uncomfortable. I wage and the term doesn't bother me, I say it myself as a joke.

>> No.22497971

for most mentally balanced people, being a corporate number or cog to be disposed of when a more financially lucrative unit comes along is unfulfilling. you represent a minority view. probably in control of others or so deep in the matrix that you can't be woke up.

>> No.22498074

Oh noes! I can’ts handles all these peoplinos that have slightly different belieferinos than me!

>> No.22498226

65? It's 75 for me FML I might as well do a flip when I jump

>> No.22498315
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>> No.22498320

maybe don’t work in a shitty industry then?

You could be an emergency response person or something and actually be prideful about what you’re doing. Or you could just be negative and look at it like “oh boy another fatass gave had a heart attack”

It’s not entirely a meme to say do what you enjoy. Personally I’m ok with where I’m at. I have a cozy job I can take pride in, it pays middle of the road (enough to own my house, pay off vehicle, vacations etc), and I work 40 hours a week.

If I wanted to be miserable I’d pursue money+80 hour work weeks+ the shittiest soulless job I could do. But that’d be my own fault

>> No.22498387

Why even post when the whole point if the whole point of your post is just to reassure yourself that your life is a-ok
good for you mate but your post was clearly for your own benefit not for anyone else's

>> No.22498441

>didn’t refute anything I said

Underage And b& pls go, you r9k losers have made this board insufferable

>> No.22499141
File: 30 KB, 412x599, Adam-Curry-Bitcoiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all are going to need at least 1 Bitcoin to survive the apocalypse.

>> No.22499344


>> No.22499398
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>> No.22499405

not even that anon but "cringe" is the final refuge of the incompetent

>> No.22499429

wont matter the world is fucked...a job will be long gone in 40 years.

>> No.22499490


>> No.22499524
File: 78 KB, 1128x1002, 1590250116277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your mind will decline
Only if you become a lazy faggot and stop training your mind

>> No.22499534

There was no logic put forward to "refute", just empty claims. You sure are puffed up for a retard

>> No.22499546
File: 131 KB, 756x768, tax_dollars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your tax dollars directly subsidize all the human trash in his post. If all white men skipped work for a month this country would grind to a halt.

>> No.22499556

There was no logic put forward to "refute", just empty claims. You sure are puffed up and self righteous for a run of the mill retard

>> No.22500475

Please go back to pleddit you complete and utter faggot.