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22494584 No.22494584 [Reply] [Original]

So, when Boomers finally die, who will get all the houses? I suppose, most will be inherited but since there are more boomers than any other living generation it should (logically) follow that there will be an over-supply of housing, making them much cheaper and accessible to Millenials. However, I am 100% certain that it will not happen this way simply because Millenials are cursed and this would be much too beneficial for them. How will banks / government fuck up real estate once boomers are dead?

>> No.22494623

Easy, flood the USA with even more immigrants to buy houses at high prices!

>> No.22494685

Yup, already been going on for years on the left coasts.

>> No.22494719

reverse mortgage, some jew bank will get it.

>> No.22494789
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Boomers are taking out reverse mortgages or selling up and buying a luxe caravan/cruise ship tickets to blow the kids inheritance. If questioned why they will say they "worked hard" all their life and deserve it. The concept of intergenerational wealth is lost on them, don't expect a cent but maybe think about how you want to treat your children and grandchildren.

>> No.22494873


>> No.22494952

The lender or their spoiled zoomer offspring

>> No.22495020

I wish covid was allowed to surge and kill the majority of boomers. House prices would be dumping to heaven.

>> No.22495116
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>Still believes in the Covidhoax.

>> No.22495144


Correct. The banks will win again, the rich will get richer. Many of these houses will be sold off to pay for late-life care, as Boomers cling to life by their fingernails, having never imagined dying. They will exhaust every last bit of wealth they have for a couple more rattling breaths. Meanwhile, they continue propping up their stock accounts with the wealth of future generations.

Remember anon, whoever dies with the most toys wins! Live hard play hard! Life's tough, wear a helmet! What's family? What's community? I made it 100% on my own, with no help from anyone! I wasn't born into the most prosperous civilization in human history, I just used a little willpower and grit.

Will there ever be a generation in history whose demise is more celebrated? A horde of rapacious locusts, hyper-individualist to the last.

>> No.22495197

>reverse mortgage so houses go to Jews
>forcible redistribution of houses so wealthy pajeets and poor pacos all get a house at a 50% discount for being non-white

>> No.22495403

I love zillow and real estate threads. They're so comfy. Post comfy houses, frens.

>> No.22495454

Stupid nigger. The population is gonna increase thanks to immigration, which will lead to increasing demand for housing

>> No.22495608

real estate is just getting consolidated. landlords will own 95% of the homes in a decade

>> No.22495631


I will add to this with my own personal experience, interesting difference between generations

Moms side:
>Grandparents born in the 30s
>Had 9 kids
>Grew up poor but hard working, Grandmother stayed at home but eventually became a teacher and worked until she was in her 70s
>Volunteered a lot in local community helping the poor etc...
>Always wanted to be involved in my life, loved all their children and grandchildren
>Never had fancy shit, always prioritised visiting family even when they lived across the world
>Left a modest inheritance to a large family that loved them dearly

Dads side
>Grandparents born in baby boom
>4 kids, raised fairly poor as well
>Grandmother never worked ever
>Grandad worked military (peace time), retired at like 50 on a pittance/pension
>Owns a boat, ATV, all sorts of stupid shit, only spend time/money on new era pentacostal church
>Could never be bothered being involved in my life, parents had to make it all happen
>Because they retired early they are always complaining about money, never come visit unless we pay
>Havent worked in like 25-30 years, Dad had to join military to pay for college and become something
>Other kids are fuckups
>Still plenty of life left, they will burn through the money before they die

>> No.22495650

History will forget them. It's not like they did anything great.

>> No.22495676

Sliver tsunami check it out its real but isolated to only some markets

>> No.22495692


>> No.22495749

I put my first offer down on a house recently. Escalation clause with my max offer at $25k over the asking price. Didn't get the house, my realtor said they accepted an offer at a lower price from a buyer who chose to waive inspection. This shit is nuts, do I really gotta pay $30k over the asking price AND waive inspection?

>> No.22495790


Fuck waiving an inspection, just asking for trouble

>> No.22495794

Cant waive unless youre cash buyer

>> No.22495840
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I only have 2 Boomer relatives that really piss me off. They were both born into money, had a successful business handed to them, and have never been out in the real world. The one is old and bitchy with no children. There was a handsome man that really loved her when she was in her 20's but she fell for the "I thought I could do better, now I'm old and alone" meme. Now she has no friends. The other one is a piece of shit too, so she married an ambitious prick that just used her for her money so he could start his own business. Both of their kids are teenagers now, and he's just waiting until the one kid turns 18 in a few years so he can divorce her. He's at the point where he's so done that he doesn't even give a fuck if she takes half of his shit. He just wants out. It's actually really entertaining watching the two of them argue and try to hold the marriage together because I hate both of them. Kek

>> No.22495855

Apparently waiving inspection is common in my city lately. Houses selling in 3-7 days on average. What a nutty time for me to try to get my first house. I could try to wait it out, but what if this is just the way the real estate market is evolving towards?

>> No.22495874

I live in CA and still live at home with my parents since I'm going to inherit the house when they pass. Why the fuck should I move out and waste money renting a room or apartment?

>> No.22495984

Me and my brother get my parents house. We will sell it.
Nothing for you to concern yourself with as you will not be able to afford it.

>> No.22495999

>So, when Boomers finally die, who will get all the houses?

People with tons of money

>> No.22496028

I dont understand this scam?
I would NEVER buy a house without and inspection.

>> No.22496037

That's fine, just don't sell it to foreign chinks.

>> No.22496043

not even joking

>> No.22496052

Ditto. Feel bad (but not that bad) for poorfags I guess.

>> No.22496102

They cant let rich people ever take a loss by ever letting you have life changing shit cheap.


>> No.22496121

>If they have a will
Their loved ones

>If they don't have a will
The state, which in turn means banks

>> No.22496160

Forgive your parents.
Learn from their mistakes.
Be the change you wanted them to be.
Create generational wealth.
If you don't plan to have a family or children then benefit your blood relatives.
Keep money within your family.
You won't die alone.
You won't die in vain.

>> No.22496186

fuck they stll plan to live another 17 years?

>> No.22496233

How is that handled?
A decent solution might be putting any houses that fall under gov ownership up for auction for which only US citizens are eligible.
Something tells me that's not how it's handled in real life though...

>> No.22496234


Incidentally, this is why it's critical to buy Bitcoin now. There are only three valuable assets in life that are hard-capped: time, real estate, and Bitcoin. Getting in early on digital scarcity is like buying a piece of coastal land in California in the early 1900s. Get there before the masses and you've made it, fail to do so and you'll want to kill yourself.

>> No.22496248
File: 27 KB, 704x337, Screenshot_2020-09-14 When Baby Boomers die, their homes hit the market Nowhere more than Tampa Bay .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

move to florida
>By 2037, one out of every three homes in our metro area will have sold because an owner aged 60 or older died, downsized or left some other way, Zillow found. That placed us tops among 59 large cities in the study. Tucson, Ariz., ranked second. Miami and Orlando filled out the top four. Jacksonville placed 23rd.

>> No.22496291
File: 196 KB, 800x856, Screenshot_2020-09-14 When Baby Boomers die, their homes hit the market Nowhere more than Tampa Bay (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22496321

>So, when Boomers finally die, who will get all the houses?
Most of them have re-mortgaged them so all they'll leave behind is debt. The banks will get them.
Boomers are like locusts, they leave nothing behind.

>> No.22496356


Seems more like capital flight/storing money instead of living in it. If its just a vehicle for your money to hide in why care about the inspection? That or they are just rich as fuck and will knock it down anyway. Being a first home buyer is fucked these days, you are competing against some serious craziness

>> No.22496385

>crash the markets
>all the boomers who were depending on 401ks and pensions get nothing
>have to refinance their mortgages to turn their built up home equity into purchasing power
>new estate tax law raises rates to 10% and doesn't let you deduct the cost of debt associated with the asset
>millenials now have to either pay so much that the house isn't worth it (for the privilege of taking on their parents' debt) or let the house go to the bank
>nothing personnel kid

>> No.22496391

>hyper-individualist to the last
Sounds pretty based desu
Wait and see, us millenials are going to make boomers look like love-filled socialist hippies once we start taking over the institutions. Zoomers are too caught in the high empathy collectivism trap to ever make it, Gen X are too indifferent and lazy.... Millenials are a different breed. We're full on schizophrenic, narcissistic with divine understandings and a sociopathic ability to adapt to any situation. We lived through the end of the offline world and the start of the online world.
We. Will. Run. Everything.
And when we do, we'll do it all for our own self interest.
.. Fuck yeah.

>> No.22496422

It's chinks parking their ill gotten money, they don't even care what condition the house is in and they don't even care about paying 20% over asking price.

Whoever made foreign ownership of american property legal was a traitor to the USA.

>> No.22496469

the funny thing is that all of the people that complain about boomers would have done the exact same thing in their position. boomers suck, I get it, but you all are no better. the only reason you all "seem" better is because you all have experienced hardship (relative to boomers), but without this experience of hardship you all would have acted the same way as boomers did if put into their situation, probably worse desu

>> No.22496488

I would but I can't afford to have kids so I'll just liquidate my assets when I die and give them to charity or something.

>> No.22496493

>move to florida
>wait 17 years for an affordable house
by then I'LL be the boomer, my nuts won't work and I won't be able to start a family. I want an affordable house fucking now.

>> No.22496578

based and wholesome

>> No.22496661

Get to waging then.
boomers are one of the most resilient generations there are so far in the history of America. They have the money and the information to keep them going forever. And who knows what kind of medicine or steroids will be coming out in the next 20 years. These people could live til 2050. And by then chinks will have already own over half of america.

>> No.22496733

um, sweetie, those houses will never go on the market. they'll be reverse mortgaged to banks and then the government will turn them into section 8 housing :)

>> No.22496751

No, I would not have wasted vast amounts of resources and rack up debt so that I could have a new car every year and keep the grass neon green.

>> No.22496801
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>Boomers are so delusional that they think they're all going to live to 110 while their 80 year old kids take care of them.

Hate to break it to you, but no matter how much money a person thinks they can hold over your head, you reach a point where it just isn't worth it, because all of that time spent ass kissing an elderly relative for money could have been spent building your own success.

>> No.22496834
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This is probably what will happen. The forcible redistribution won't bee too apparent, though. It will be shrouded in bureaucracy.

>> No.22496851

That's a big bag of assumptions you have there. I'd argue it's more about their patents being fucking retarded, almost moreso.

>> No.22496875

you cant say this though because your experiences growing up in the time that you did shaped you, you have no idea what you would be like under different circumstances. the fact that the boomer phenomena happened in the first place says a lot about the underlying society and quality of human capital that it initially arose from. Do you think youre so genetically different from the boomers? what makes the boomers so genetically different from their parents? what about your children, can you guarantee that they will act properly? what about your childrens children? and their children?

the truth is, you dont know what you would do if you had grown up under different circumstances. therefore its stupid to blame the boomers when the very people blaming the boomers most likely would have done the exact same thing

>> No.22496877

those houses will be reverse mortgaged into the ocean kek

>> No.22496882

They will go to banks and management companies who will make you slave away to afford to live in them.

>> No.22496886

At that point its their grand children taking care of them, and for sure i see it happen, well except latin people dont have actual boomer grandparents and actually love them... mostly, in wealthy families who actually act like real boomers they cant wait for them to die. At least according to mexican telenovelas xD.

>> No.22496928

that doesnt disprove the crux of the argument then, it just shifts it up a generation. we could say the same thing, what about the generation that were the parents of the boomers, if you were in their situation and lacked the knowledge that you have now, would you have raised your children any differently than they did? maybe, maybe not, but you dont know since you never grew up in that time period without the benefit of having hindsight like you do now

>> No.22496981

What reason would I have to make my wife shit out 6+ children, when I know that I probably wont have a whole lot of money?

>> No.22496992

Charities are scams, when do you idiots learn?

>> No.22497044

Imagine a world where charity organizers, or CEOs, or whatever they're titled, only took enough to make a livable wage? Like 50k max, with all the extra funds going towards the cause, and the remaining labor being volunteer work.

>> No.22497095


And yet Millennials will raise their children the same way the Greatest Gen did -- indulging them. It's one of the ironies of life, a generation always produces its archetypal opposite. Gen Alpha will be like the Boomers and lead a spiritual awakening against the established norms of their Millennial parents. Read Generations by Strauss-Howe, it's fascinating.

Greatest Gen (Civic) > Boomer (Idealist) > Millennial (Civic) > Gen Alpha (Idealist)

Silent Gen (Adaptive) > Gen X (Reactive) > Gen Z (Adaptive) > Gen B (Reactive)

>> No.22497135

are you seriously going to even bother arguing your point anymore? times were different back then, you're assuming that if you grew up in your grandparents generation that your priorities and way of thinking would be the same way LOL. things were different back then dude, we are individuals yes but we are also shaped by the times that we grow up in too. even if for some reason you were able to do things differently (most likely not though), this doesnt account for the rest of your generation. Boomer blamers are speechless and cant formulate a decent argument when they realize that all the complaints they have about boomers are only valid via having the benefit of hindsight, without that hindsight you all would have most likely done the exact same thing, this goes for whether you were growing up under the same circumstances/time as the boomers or the parents that raised them. humans are no different than animals, feed a colony of rats as much food as they want and the colony will grow and become gross and decadent (or whatever rat colonies do), starve the colony and you'll see a different set of behaviors. humans are not much different, things happen, we react, and so on so forth

>> No.22497144

There are a lot of local charities and religious organizations which do this, but you have to do your research

>> No.22497316

Chico fans we are making this virol, help if you have the time to gain reapect

Favor chico army. Just got totally disrespected, and ripped off by this business in Chico. Bought a 500 dollar ph meter, which has already broke I went in and tested both pieces, the probe and testing body. Both things passed on their tester, individually, but when you tried with them both connected, it wouldn't read. He told me they couldn't refund, as both pieces passed the test. even though he was sitting their watching it not work. He then told me, I should maybe take better care of my ph meter and to get the fuck out. Told him he will regret being a shitty merchant. Time to bombard his business with 1 star reviews. Go army


>> No.22497439

>I will overindulge my future children and turn them into iZombies, sugar fiends, or even disallow any fun whatsoever and turn them into whatever other flavor of retard you can imagine
If someone cant see that shit miles away even without being familiar with the tech or anything, then they may have actual brain damage. I know you're speaking in general, I just have a small sliver of hope that people are not that retarded. I refuse to believe that cycle cant be broken in some way.
I just really cant imagine any circumstance where that would be an acceptable life path unless I was totally financially inept. This shit is common sense no matter what time you are born in, or who your parents are. You look at how many Gibs you have and how many you could reasonably expend without going flat broke.
I meant all of them, I dont think I was clear about that. My bad.

>> No.22498047

Marx was unironically right

>> No.22498475

You mean banks and chinks

>> No.22498566

I have to rentcuck my entire life because the idea of putting together 350k~500k seems nigh impossible by its own merit - and there's no way I'm spending half a million bucks on some big wooden box and a slab of grass to stick it on. This is fucking retarded. Decent houses with a reasonable lot size should cost like 50k~100k max.

>> No.22498596

yeah, for the most part

by "landlords" I mean, increasingly, joint stock ownership corporations with shielded liability. Banks will still, by and large, sell mortgages instead of managing the properties directly.

>> No.22498626

But I grew up wealthy and people around me spoiled me and I didn’t enjoy it. When I became an adult I starting living my life frugally and don’t spend my money on unnecessary things even though I could.

>> No.22498674

This. So much this. Also nice dubs

>> No.22498720

Quit being commie fags. Provide value to society and you will be rewarded. Don't try to jew your neighbor or celebrate parents/grandparents. Have some dignity.

>> No.22498755
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I have honestly held this as my long-term plan (barring a miracle that the right gf is found and we end up marrying) for over a year now, hope it is a true motive.

>> No.22498767

Just an FYI I bought a house with an inspection. The inspection came out great. Less than a year later I came back from vacation to find my whole house and all of my belongings completely soaked because of a plumbing issue.

Fast forward two years later. My house still doesn’t have a floor and I’m suing my insurance company for refusing to pay me what they owe.

So yeah inspections are bullshit. They can’t see in the fucking walls.

>> No.22498792

>I suppose, most will be inherited.
The bank will get the houses. Boomers all have reverse mortgages. They don't plan on leaving anything behind.
They invented the phrase:
>You can't take it with you.

>> No.22498889

Well yeah no shit they can’t see in the walls but inspection let’s you make sure there aren’t massive issues with the integral parts of the house that you can see. That is why it’s worthwhile.

>> No.22498921

Here is what will happen. Boomers will live just long enough to force millenials to buy houses at inflated prices. Then, they will all die, and the market will crash. Millenials will be stuck with massive mortgages, and zoomers will buy up all the super cheap houses with their stock market gains. Zoomers will end up owning like 5 houses each, and millenials will still be paying off their student loans and mortgages. Most of them will probably end up having to rent from rich zoomers.

>> No.22499428

lmao i like this but millenials will never by houses

>> No.22499618

>Forgive your parents.
nah im good. that stupid cunt had 18 years to catch my autism and deal with and completely neglected it on purpose. she can deal with have a 30+ year who doesnt pay rent living with her the rest of her fucking life. im taking my social security payments back earlier. if you guys want to be their cucks go ahead but dont rope me into that stupid shit
>Learn from their mistakes.
you mean stupid self interested shit they did at your expense on purpose?
nah fuck them

>> No.22499640


Banks, a few millenials will inherit some shacks, but the vast majority will go right back to the banks.

>> No.22499656

some rich conglomerate or even the gov. will buy it all

>> No.22499750


If ever there was proof that homeownership is a scam, this is it. Plus the endless forums and Reddit threads filled with people lamenting the massive unexpected repairs they've been hit with since buying.

Renting is hugely underrated. Capital is put to much better use in equity markets and crypto, with the added bonus of complete liquidity and mobility.

>> No.22499782


This, not buying some Boomers DIY or unqualified tradesman "renovated" property. These fuckers dont do anything right or understand maintenance

>> No.22499918


This sort of shit is why I wanted to build a home from scratch with ICF walls and a metal roof.

I was quoted $100/sq foot by every contractor in my area - BEFORE adding in "upgrades" like ICF and a metal roof.

Fuck contractors. Thieving pissants. At this point I'm going to buy a cheap house and do the renovations myself.

>> No.22499942

Unless your working in fast food or live in Cali you can afford housing. Grow up

>> No.22500769

Banks when they sell them or reverse mortgage them to pay for their end of life care. Why do you think the powers that be are losing their shit about corona. If people don't spend every dime they have clutching onto life, they will pass theit wealth down to their children and grandchildren.

>> No.22500940


Generational wealth is a meme. Three-generation rule means your hard-earned wealth will soon be squandered. I'm the second generation and I know I'm not as capable as either of my parents. In the unlikely event I manage to reproduce, my children will gut whatever I leave behind.

>> No.22501074

They do cost 50-100k anywhere rural. Now days you can telecommute so what's stopping you? I'm going to sell my 300k west coast cuckshed and look for a 100k rural home in northern Maine.

>> No.22501354

I don't expect anything, but I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised.

>> No.22501387

>buying property on the coast

>> No.22501746

>having stock
they wish

>> No.22501812

why? cause global warming?

>> No.22501847


Smart-contract eternal trusts. They're coming.

>> No.22501858

>why? cause global warming?

yeah, rising sea levels. Hell we already build houses where they shouldn't be and the Feds insure them at a loss.

>> No.22501883

>30 years old
>having less than 300k saving up
What are you even doing? stop stealing my oxygen. fag

>> No.22501902

People I know have died from it. Kill yourself schizo.

>> No.22501964


>> No.22501973

well...millenials are the children of boomers, so it stands to reason they you will continue were your mentors left off.
zoomers are split into 2 caste: the children of genx-ers and the children of millenials.
the zoomer-millenials are the most toxic of the group. literally the shit your see of netflix.
the zoomer-xers are the most hardcore rightwing generation that has existed since the 30s. they are going to build camps and shove millenials in them to be organ harvested

>> No.22502059

>Hate to break it to you, but no matter how much money a person thinks they can hold over your head, you reach a point where it just isn't worth it, because all of that time spent ass kissing an elderly relative for money could have been spent building your own success.

Going from net 0 to net 200k in a little over 2 years gave me the confidence to tell my parents (with their own narcissistic problems) that I wasn't going to be attending any sort of video conference with our grandparents.

I said "I don't really have a relationship with them. They never cultivated it, so I don't feel a need to be there". These dumbass grandparents gave so much to my deadbeat uncle that it's unbelievable. They're starting to breakdown, but are resilient

>> No.22502219

People die from influenza and have been dying from the common flu forever. How old were these people you knew? Be honest

>> No.22502262

>Boomers will live just long enough to force millenials to buy houses at inflated prices.
How does this part work?

I'm a millenial and ain't touching any of this high priced housing until I see some of this list being checked off

* Real estate market tanks (unlikely to be allowed to happen)

* Boomers are at least half dead

* How remote work becoming more mainstream will affect housing prices

>> No.22502316

>How does this part work?
print trillions of dollars every month.

>im not buying a house because they are over-valued
ok. well just be prepared for rents to go up 10x during the next 20 years.

>> No.22502360

Don't pretend like you wouldn't be exactly the same.

>> No.22502362

>print trillions of dollars every month.
That's how the price goes up, but how does more complex motion-the forced sale-happen? lol

>ok. well just be prepared for rents to go up 10x during the next 20 years.
I won't even be in this country in 20 years, but I doubt non-metro rent will 10x in that period. It's only going to be shitty pricing in urban areas, if you remote work doesn't disrupt the whole urban game.

>> No.22502710

>does more complex motion-the forced sale-happen
very very simply.

"oh you wanted to live by the lake, sea, mountain view? yeah us boomers already own that....oh no you can't build over there its a (((environmentally protected))) area....thank god for our progressive environmental laws, right anon?"

"oh you want to live in a low-crime white area with hoa that prevents nig sec-8 housing? yeah you'll have to move to Boomer Gates gated community. Oh by the way, we vote and encourage sec8 housing in all areas except those deemed (((private communities))) funny how that worked out!"

>> No.22503182

they must be executed lads. gerontogenocide when?

>> No.22503969

great post and checked.

millenials are too braindead and literally gay to do or understand anything, let alone the operation of power. you'll be brushed aside like dust by the first zoomer who comes into power.

>> No.22503996

Why does the boomer die off feel like an eternity