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22486535 No.22486535 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think? I started accumulating a few months ago. Thoughts ?

>> No.22486673

It's ok at least you didn't fall for shitcoins, you at least have enough intelligence to buy into good projects.
My opinion is lose the RSR and buy an XSN masternode.
PNK and LINK are good, PNK is a gamble though the project is good but we never know might not be adopted, if you want a normie friendly project go for SXP, I would never touch SXP since it's a pump based on binance backing it, and I would personally go for xsn and pnk for real tech and decentralization but sxp and those defi shitcoins might be good depends on how you see it.

>> No.22486747

>pnk is a gamble
I suggest you do more research. The Godfather of ODR said it’s only a matter of time.

>> No.22486810
File: 362 KB, 220x140, 457324698.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's ok at least you didn't fall for shitcoins
he has LINK, PNK, and RSR? he literally bought 3 shitcoins

>> No.22486911

This is your brain on biz

>> No.22486927
File: 13 KB, 233x217, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't fall for shitcoins
enjoy your fartless bean soup

>> No.22486992


>> No.22487024

dump the link for more RSR.
Link has run its course.
RSR is not even on coinbase yet.

>> No.22487036

newfag here (pls no bully) why are so many coins not tradable on coinbase?

>> No.22487089

do NOT listen to this guy, OP. if you want to gamble with your money, fine, go ahead. LINK is here to stay. RSR is a very unsafe bet.

>> No.22487300

Yeah def not buying anymore RSR maybe try to get my LINK to 1 stack and then just ride it out.

>> No.22487302

no Vybe in it, not gonna make it sry

>> No.22488398

What's with the sudden change to a negative sentiment with RSR? Still has a ton of growing room for whatever the drive.
And as for the 100bn total supply FUD, fucking look at the release schedule - it's incremental, over YEARS. XRP also has a 100bn supply and reached $3.40 peak bull-run, so eat my short pajeets

>> No.22488420

throw it all on the next yield farming token and get out before the farmers dump on you

>> No.22488451

all in xrp

>> No.22488457

Not bad. Keep accumulating and add Some ocean

>> No.22488485

It's good but I would add some btc and eth

>> No.22488504

anons are accumulating.

>> No.22488521

You know that you at least need a 1000 link right?

>> No.22488579


I personally made the fart soup meme pic today. Just having a bit of fun.. I actually own over 1M.