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22485607 No.22485607 [Reply] [Original]



The FIRST staking protocol on Moonbeam. The ERC20 burn tokens will be able to be swapped 1:1 ratio for the Moonbeam staking tokens upon Moonbeam main-net. The first of its kind on Moonbeam/Polkadot.

>ERC20 with 1% burn per TX
>Connectivity with Moonbeam/Polkadot
>Code allows for token swap between ERC20 and Polkadot/Moonbeam
>When live on Moonbeam, Staking will be available
>ERC20 holders will be able to swap 1:1 their ERC20 tokens for Staking tokens on Moonbeam

-30k total supply
-10k reserved for staking
-12k Presale
-3k Uniswap
-3k DAPP development
-1k Marketing / Listings / Exchanges
-1k Team


>> No.22485695


Another YF clone? Is this shit even profitable anymore?

>> No.22485705

If people were losing money they wouldn't keep making these clones.

>> No.22485714

I’m assuming it’s going to moon

>> No.22485982

spamming is against the rules retard
also the logo is fucking shit, pay me a few eth and ill make you a whole brand and website, fucking hell


>> No.22485999

all the y clones have failed lately but they weren't buzzword salads like this

>> No.22486039


I see that you’re upset on biz

>> No.22486092

shit like that makes me actually mad, i have yet to learn to just ignore threads like this

there are three things i hate
>people scamming innocent anons
>scammers putting no effort into said scam
>crypto YouTubers and "influencers"

>> No.22486178

I got scammed on a Y clone a couple weeks ago still seething so I know the feeling

>> No.22486380

How much for a make it stack?

>> No.22486666


The strategy is so simple and chad any retard here with half a fucking brain can do it

You throw 1-5 eth into each of this YF shit. 20% will rug, 50 will go up, 30 will sell faster than you can buy so you ride for small gains

>> No.22486763

Holy shit satan quads.... going to hell if you don’t buy. Also every Y clone I hop on going fucking bonkers so I have no problem buying.

>> No.22486953

5 eth

>> No.22486980

nah its closer to 50% that rug I keep track of it

>> No.22487098

Y clones don’t rug that fast because of the pumpability, could be a hold even looking at the economics

>> No.22487136

well there have been 4 rugs the last 4 hours and 2 of them were Y clones

>> No.22487257

also it doesnt have to rug for one to be a scam there are some that are still in exchanges they were pnd's nothing but wash trading going on

>> No.22487388

Y clones that actually have discord’s and websites aren’t lol

>> No.22487523

I've yet to be exit scammed. The worse I got was -20%.

>> No.22487537


Please provide your rug excel sheet with rugged projects so I can rug it into my eye sockets

>> No.22487713

I tried to make a criteria for buying Y scams but it lead to lots of lost eth an frustration

>> No.22487985

>he doesnt just buy shitcoins


>> No.22488246

There’s pretty clear evidence that these guys made good crypto projects. Look at the dev wallets.

>> No.22488256

i am saving my eth to stake not to give to pajeet scammers

>> No.22488341 [DELETED] 

There’s pretty clear evidence that these guys made good crypto projects. Look at the dev wallets..

>> No.22488405

Are you not checking

>> No.22488434


>> No.22488442

Are you not checking the dev wallets?**

Pajeets aren’t this breaded

>> No.22488465

rich people scam people too moron

>> No.22488562

The devs are connected to squirrel finance if you know what that is

>> No.22488573


This is how poor people always think. You gonna vote for Bernie too?

>> No.22488690

I am ridin with Biden.

>> No.22488757

Is much rather invest with people that have money over pajeets that will leave when they reach a 100 eth hard cap lol

>> No.22488768

ill bite. why is this not like every other presale scam that steals the eth?

>> No.22488780

The discord is running up quick, when are they giving out early adopter roles to the OGs?

>> No.22488789

thats not bad logic actually

>> No.22488850

Other anon said to look at the dev wallets and they are connected to squirrel finance

>> No.22488888

Fr. Like looking at all the projects that rug this month alone are from garbage wallets that only retards throw money at

>> No.22488938

i will ask the dev some stuff and see if this is legit

>> No.22489076

Hop in the discord, he’s replying to my DMs actively

>> No.22489106 [DELETED] 

if this is a scam why is the XIOT guy on the team?

>> No.22489231
File: 60 KB, 512x512, 0C9DA5FD-C4C5-4DA7-AE67-51DD4D8E6563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling this a scam when Babagoose is on the dev team

There’s a reason I get into these discord servers ASAP to sniff out the shit. Anyway, the baba guy was on xiot and squirrel

>> No.22489268

who the fuck is that?

>> No.22489272

Just saw that


>> No.22489287

satan quads buying 20 eth worth

>> No.22489298

Discord tranny with big inner circle clout>>22486666

>> No.22489330


>> No.22489441

When presale?
Xiot team?

>> No.22489791

They didnt announce anything yet

>> No.22489887

so why is this being shilled if the presale isnt happening

>> No.22490108

i join every discord on biz and it's made me 50K in the past month i will join this but u will not scam me

>> No.22490110


anyway, joined the discord so I’ll know when they announce

>> No.22490142

Babagoose should n dev means 5x on uniswap listing guaranteed

>> No.22490215

and another dead thread with the majority of legit non pajeetgram poster telling you to get lost. Stay in your circle jerks

MODS range ban them all

>> No.22490218

Join the discord if you dont want to get scammed by whatever the fuck these pajeets are doing today. This coin is 100% legit just ask about them in the moonbeam telegram.

>> No.22490252

Why do you have the worst English in this thread?

>> No.22490485

That is a fucking retarded reason to buy something. How are they "connected"? They just hold a stack?

>> No.22490517

That is the same shit they said about DINO, which is basically dead

>> No.22490611

I made alot of money on the DINO listing are these the same guys

>> No.22490743

>13c for two days
Dino was a scam

>> No.22490803

Thank you

>> No.22490925

so is this a scam then? telegram seems decent for questions

>> No.22490960

Admins are active and answering my questions, have excellent English and I’m seeing lots of familiar faces in the discord. It’s looking more like a buy.

>> No.22490993

Never give an anonymous person crypto based on the promise that they will develop a product in the future.

I don't understand why this needs to be explained.

>> No.22491047

But 2017 made 100s of thousands from products that weren't built

>> No.22491048

But anon, I’ve made tens of thousands off anon teams that are discord active this summer. How is that possible?

>> No.22491076



Someone audit this contract so we can either start buying or fudding

>> No.22491087

LOL WOW. Even more proof that these are scripted jeets

>> No.22491115

Ok you can fuck off and stay poor

>> No.22491137

No thanks, I'll stick around and call out your scam AND keep my money

>> No.22491285

how did you prove this is a scam tho cus the discord is bullish

>> No.22491334
File: 107 KB, 1323x415, Screenshot 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the discord is bullish
People are chomping at the bit to buy every scam shilled on biz. Check out the dev's other projects. pic related

>> No.22491370

these are completely different messages you idiot LOL

>> No.22491390

As long as I get a 3x I don’t give a fuck

>> No.22491434

are they good or bad?

>> No.22491435

Yet they are almost identical in timing and verbage. That was my point, you dumb nigger.

>> No.22491476

>A coin called LetsfknGo
I'll give you two guesses

>> No.22491516

thats a uniswap meme tho did it rug?

>> No.22491553


you sure do talk a lot for a guy that’s not making money on easy YF clones

I stick 3 eth in each other’s and make out like a bandit. Dogshit or not who gives a fuck. It’s all scams. I’m gonna make money yall can stay poor

>> No.22491557

I’ll tell you what. You show me a contract with no mint function and locked liquidity I quit BZRX and buy your coin.

>> No.22491656

Go back to FaceBook buddy, this isn’t quit your speed.

>> No.22491665

I dont think liquidity can be locked until it lists on uniswap

>> No.22491727

YIIFI son. pump it

>> No.22491725

Seething pajeets lol

1 transaction a day. Clearly abandoned

>> No.22491805

Pretty sure they can lock up tokens before listing

>> No.22491853

How am I seething? I just understand the economics behind this project while you shotgun FUD because you lost everything on a Y clone earlier this month.

Seethe much, Reddit?

>> No.22491865

What about the farm project? Dead too?

>> No.22491991

I don't know but it is a retarded clone

Can you link the whitepaper on those economics?

>> No.22492079

dude how the fuck can you lock uniswap liquidity before it lists. you can lock wallets, fine.

>> No.22492101

All these clones are retarded but can this pump?

>> No.22492145

Maybe a little if the "dev" doesn't walk away with the money. You are sending eth to an anonymous person in hopes that they create a product sometime in the future

>> No.22492255


You’re investing into flipping your cash for more cash rest is bullshit

>> No.22492263

This is the risk in all the projects isnt it? Since the liquidity has to be listed by the team?

>> No.22492332


>> No.22492365

No, they could not have a presale, have a verified contract, and lock liquidity
It isn't that difficult to make sure they can't scam, yet THEY WON'T DO IT. Why is that?

>> No.22492393

how do you lock liquidity with a presale raise?

>> No.22492406

You’re clearly here to fud so pearls to swine


>> No.22492413

You don't. There is no reason to have a presale.

>> No.22492436

Are you even in the telegram or discord? You do know you can talk to the dev team, right sperg?

>> No.22492460



>> No.22492467

Yes, I am. And they haven't answered my questions

>> No.22492478

ah. you're new around here -- not that you're wrong though

>> No.22492534

No, I am not new, there is just no reason to have a presale on a project that doesn't even have a line of code written. It costs nothing to write code, so why raise money first and then code later?

>> No.22492639

its simple, because you can make more money selling dreams than you can an actual product. cycle repeats itself

>> No.22492642

not sure if you know this - but people have bills to pay. time isnt free

>> No.22492645

the team said they have a github have you asked them?

>> No.22492667

They can't code in their spare time? If I knew I could make a coin that could make me 6 or 7 figures, you better fucking believe I could make time


>> No.22492671

No you aren’t, because no one is spergging out in the discord with your verbiage.

Now I’m only going to tell you once, if you don’t understand then I don’t have time to explain it. Time to move on.

>> No.22492690

we dont want 'spare time' devs.

>> No.22492731

>he cant code

Then wtf are you saying bout this?

>> No.22492746


you’ve clearly never worked a day in tech industry in your life

not only does it cost money to write code the average software developer makes more than your entire bloodline. Stop coping

>> No.22492747

Is this guy >>22492667

>> No.22492769


you’re the type of dude that makes your websites through godaddy

>> No.22492779

Not sperging out, just asked questions. Please ask the dev for a github link

You want "pay me a bunch of money and MAYBE I will write some code"?

Are you a fucking retard? Nearly every presale like this is a scam that never gets a line of code beyond a basic copypasta erc20

Then why does he need to raise money for food and rent if he is an uber developer making bank?

>> No.22492790

Show me his code

>> No.22492793

Danika Patrick is a babe bro

>> No.22492968

Reading this whole thread and your replies are making me cringe dude. All I can think is you don’t have capital available for early adoption or you were paid to spout off low iq fud

>> No.22493031

Can you link the github? ANY code the dev has written? Previous projects? Anything?

>> No.22493042

I followed their eth addresses around they control at least 100K in ETH but around 80K is in an liquidity pool so they probably arent scammers unless that pool gets rugged

>> No.22493080

It’s literally in the discord faggot LMAO

>> No.22493123

Link please?

>> No.22493141

Danika Patrick is ugly af nigger

>> No.22493174


It’s growing fairly quickly, see if you can still get the early adopter role

>> No.22493185

Faggot alert!!!!! We got a faggot over here

>> No.22493214

It could be legit, but it has the exact M.O. of every presale scam that has come out in the past few months, and I have watched quite a few (probably 20 or more).
I am not unreasonable, if I see an actual product (beyond a basic token), I will stop fudding

>> No.22493217

where to buy? it's not on gecko?

>> No.22493232

no proud black man would be caught dead near that surfboard

>> No.22493260

Please don’t say that word thanks


>> No.22493261


presale in the discord

>> No.22493295

presale hasn’t been listed all they have is the discord that’s blowing up and their telegram

>> No.22493341

Link it nigger. Erc20 doesn't count, I can create that from a token generator in 10 minutes

>> No.22493385

gg/yMRACqj Now dyor baby dick

>> No.22493410

Wont be listed until after presale

>> No.22493444
File: 281 KB, 452x586, 234324554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you can't link it? What a surprise.

>> No.22493468

Based. It looks like the dev is pretty active in the general chat.
Anyone know if there will be a pledge channel before the presale listing?

>> No.22493509

Dude, do you not know how to use discord? You’ve asked for a link so many time and people keep giving it to you, yet you KEEP ASKING...???? faggot.asc

>> No.22493563

I am asking for a link to the code, not the discord nigger. You keep saying I am blind because the code is apparently freely available, yet you can't post a fucking link? This is the same shit that pajeet shills do EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. I call out a presale scam

>> No.22493609


>> No.22493647

Bro just join the discord and destroy the devs if you can

>> No.22493718

I AM in the discord and there is no code, no github link, no whitepaper, no roadmap, no dev identity
What am I supposed to be seeing?

They ban me every time I do, and then they recognize me on future projects and ban me preemptively. I only have two or three alts

>> No.22494062

Website creation date
>September 13

>> No.22494408

This is definitely a lie. The moderator just posted the ban log when he was asked about banning FUD.

>> No.22494526

No, he hasn't banned me yet, I get banned for calling out rugpulls and presale scams on other projects identical to this. I don't see that ban list in either the discord or the tg. You wouldn't be LYING would you?

>> No.22494565

Is this your full time job?

>> No.22494670

Just a hobby. I enjoy knowing that there is some pajeet child going to bed hungry while listening to his parents argue in the other room because the dad isn't bringing home enough money

>> No.22494824

That's actually based af. Got a discord account?

>> No.22494896

Yeah, it's @NotThatGullible

>> No.22494910

damn guess they were in a hurry

>> No.22495098

We can't be bros and roast jeets together?

>> No.22495129

Wait is that your Twitter? I need more bros

>> No.22495160

lol, no, I was @RabbiJamarcus until I got banned for doxxing a mossad agent

>> No.22496005

Based antisemite anon

>> No.22496534

after reading this entire thread I think this coin might be legit after all. the discord has some fud and its all been answered by the team.

>> No.22496662

What about the project gives any sort of indication that it isn't a scam?

>> No.22497446

That's what I though, Rajesh

>> No.22497877

I’ve been slowly making my way through this thread and the content provided. Fuck it, joined the discord and pledging 5 eth. It seems unique.

>> No.22497893

You’re not an early mover, I see

>> No.22497894


>> No.22497912

Not at all, I’m 7/7 on calling projects early. Who are you?

>> No.22497927

>joined the discord and pledging 5 eth
No you didn't, there isn't even a pledge yet.

I'm 30/30 in calling out scams

>> No.22497932


>> No.22497963

I am 50/50 in calling scams and this coin is not a scam.

>> No.22497984

He called us both samefags kek

>> No.22497988

That you didn't pledge? There isn't a place to pledge in the discord you disingenuous dot-head. Anyone can join and see that there are no pledges and the dev isn't even in there

>> No.22498019

You obviously didn’t get the early adopter role. Start talking to the devs, maybe being hostile isn’t the best route.

>> No.22498031

I'm 30/30 in calling out scams. would rather hold BTC,ETH and Stake on POOL-X exchange.

>> No.22498050

>he didnt pledge yet

>> No.22498065

He’s not an easy guy to work with. Probably poor.

>> No.22498185

I have talked to the dev and got no answers. It is funny watching you guys try to get me to out myself in the discord and tg

>> No.22498193

is there an airdrop or is it just the presale we buying?

>> No.22498222

You are sending your ETH to an anonymous person on the internet in the hopes that he can/will do what he says he will

>> No.22498273
File: 243 KB, 680x709, 896DF847-6A71-4292-99AA-76C0E7203DE1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22498297

buddy have you never done an ico it's all the same dog and pony show

>> No.22498318

Nope, but I have watched dozens of them where the "dev" walked away with everyone's ETH.

>> No.22498355

poorfag detected

>> No.22498357

I’m related to the lead dev

>> No.22498433

been saying that

>> No.22498434

What's his name

Poor because I have never once been rugged?

>> No.22498563

Oh look, another presale just rugged

>> No.22498723

Keep coping poorfag

>> No.22498748

You know you can pay me to fuck off. I'm not above extorting scammers.

>> No.22498788

How much

>> No.22498802

5 eth and I will fuck off for a month

>> No.22498822


4 eth? What do you need 3 eth for? Best I can do is 1

>> No.22498864
File: 675 KB, 765x923, 1523399392428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22498951

Be realistic tho why aren’t you buying this project

>> No.22498972

if less than 2K is enough to buy you off you need to go to college

>> No.22498983

Because it is an obvious rugpull. All the signs are there. If it was legit, the dev would have created it first and then did a presale after.

That's for a month. It's a good deal considering how much some of these rugs make

>> No.22499348


I come to biz every time and I see the same shit

New coin projects
People making money
People talking rugs

I’m gonna buy this shit, 2x, and sell. You bitching about rugs is stupid. Go back to shreddit

>> No.22499418

You won't sell at 2x because there will very likely never be a product or a launch, but I suspect that you are part of the group that makes these scams en masse, so you already knew that.

Is this that French scam group?

>> No.22499489

You need to relax

>> No.22499620

Oh, I'm sorry, am I costing you money?

>> No.22499939

I haven't bought this because its not possible. How could you cost me money?

>> No.22499945

Holy shit bud. YFBR pumped and it didn’t have shit.

>> No.22500016

Interesting because you seem pretty fucking invested in how many people buy the presale scam

>> No.22500052
File: 65 KB, 800x800, 20200912_110647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look for easyfi.
Easyfi is first dual framing lending protocol of layer 2 solutions coming up on matic network.
First project in crypto space to give dual farming. It means if one farms easyfi and stake it, then he will be rewarded with both easyfi as well as partnered token at the same time.
It's like buy 1 get one free concept.
You invest and farm one project and get rewarded with partnered token too.
It's a low cap defi gem. Easyfi has no public or private sale . An awesome support from matic network. Easyfinetwork is backed up by matic and koinfox
Soon listing coming up
Tg: easyfinetwork

>> No.22500067

Layer 2 and lending is fucking killing features

>> No.22500109

See, look at this shit.
Without knowing anything else about it, I can be reasonably confident that it isn't a scam. It is that fucking easy.

>> No.22500148

$easy is going to rock the crypto world because of their concepts

>> No.22500641

Naa that's a scam

>> No.22500646


>> No.22500683

Why are you shilling here pussy?

>> No.22500711

how do you shill a worse project and talk shit?

>> No.22500801

I love biz, thank you anon this is going on the hire board

>> No.22500837

>hire board

>> No.22500949

If you know, you know.

>> No.22500959

White board

>> No.22501197

That is not what I thought you meant....

>> No.22501365

Shut up pussy

>> No.22501376


just got burnt on YFV
got 4 eth left
I need a fucking home run here anon