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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2248458 No.2248458 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that millionaires, on average, spend only around $30000 on car purchases. They certainly aren't buying childish "lambos".

>> No.2248481

That's a nice looking Volvo

>> No.2248489

That is because they worked hard for their millions and dont wanna waste it on a stupid fucking car.
Us crypto millionaires dont give a shit.

>> No.2248490

I actually dont even think about buying any car if I was cryptorich. I know, those are practical and fun, like cigarettes, but also a big money-eater. Would rather ride with a bike or ask my neighbours with their big suv vehicles if I could come along shopping to transport my groceries.

That volvo looks stylish tho

>> No.2248495

Boys and people who think they know about cars buy lambos ect , a real car guy will buy something like that volvo or r32 skyline or a datsun ect lol

>> No.2248519

Can confirm, volvos are true rich man cars

>> No.2248522

>driving in general
>leaving your house in general
lmao what would you need a car for anyway? driving to your wagemaster?

>> No.2248528

>tfw saving up for an S2000

>not enjoying a nice late night drive
top pleb

>> No.2248534

>front-wheel drive
Why would you buy a car that can't drift?

>> No.2248564

S2000 can drift there rear wheel drive not front

>> No.2248597

Im planning on buying something i can fix myself by watching YouTube videos, tutorials etc

>> No.2248955

lambo is just a term for wealth here we dont actually plan on getting lambos we just want to have enough that we could

>> No.2248962

You can buy a sick car for only 20k in the states.

I bought a fully loaded, leather interior, all wheel drive sedan for 20k.

The trick I used was filtering AutoTrader results to find preowned vehicles with under 15,000 miles on it.

Buying a brand new car is for complete fucking suckers!

>> No.2248968

I see you're a man of taste as well.jpg

>> No.2248983
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Good choice

>> No.2249015

no i'm actually fucking considering doing it and forgetting about all of this forever.

>> No.2249577

Reminder that millionaires, on average, are 62 years old and mostly do 62 year-old-people stuff. Like play golf and shop for adult diapers.

>> No.2249590

I could have a billion dollar and I'll still drive my POS pickup, just to piss off normies.

>> No.2249591

No, thank you i'll keep taking the train.

>> No.2249615
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>I could have a billion dollar and I'll still drive my POS pickup, just to piss off normies.
Same here. I smugly grin as I park my econobox next to a "premium car", aware of debt statistics :)
Must be nice being bound by a 5 year loan, slaving 50 hours a week for Mr. Noseberg, to pay off that status symbol.

>> No.2249632

>drive a 2,000 shitbox for years
>the money saved on that goes 10x+ on crypto
>guy beside you in BMW is working every day to pay off interest on his debt

top jej. why do normies literally enjoy being slaves?

>> No.2249822
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nocoiner cope.

>> No.2249876

Gucci mane and other rappers have many cars tho!!!!

>> No.2250097

Those grapes were probably sour anyway.

>> No.2250130

I'd just buy an Audi. Something that says upper management but not flashy.

>> No.2250185

Where I live that could get you a really fancy used car. Lots of wealthy people selling their 4 year old cars so they can get the next new shiny one.

>> No.2250191

tfw just want a used s class and an xj

>> No.2250219


I just want enough to buy longevity treatments.

>> No.2250258
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Same, and signing up with Alcor.

The 1st person to ever receive a Bitcoin transaction, Hal Finney, had his body cryogenically preserved.

Cryogenic treatment is surprisingly affordable. Around $100k for a head.

>> No.2250274

If I was a millionaire I'd buy an apartment in NYC, where a car is entirely useless anyway.

>> No.2250283

I would like a nice 4x4 truck with some creature comforts. Lambo doesn't do much in the mountains of WV.

>> No.2250349
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I'd unironically be driving this as a crypto millionaire

>> No.2250358

>tfw just want to 2jz swap my lexus

>> No.2250571
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Once you hit the $50k point you're pretty much at the point where everything is just an add on. If you don't know or care about cars it's not really worth it. If you're a real gearhead it's worth it.

>> No.2250679
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e32 750il ayy

>> No.2251376
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i have a paid off house and around $200k in crypto, still drive pic related

i always smile when i pass a nice house with shitboxes in front

>> No.2251432

>he got FiSTed

>> No.2251447

> Ask your neighbors if you can come along shopping

How fucking gay are you

>> No.2251459
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>tfw no SAAB

>> No.2251463


Even though the dude with the garage has his cars loaded up on a truck to be shipped out to San Diego, so he can drive them there instead of putting miles on them to get there.

Literately pays a wageslave to drive his exotic cars to San Diego, so he doesn't put miles on them.

And here you are saying rich people don't buy childish "lambos".

People who aren't worth much, but are considered "rich" to wage slaves buy shit tier luxury cars to jelly all the normies.

>> No.2251500

I dont think this board understands the difference between Warren Buffet Rich and Joe Millionaire Rich. Warren Drives a brand new caddy.

>> No.2251605

>Buying a brand new car is for complete fucking suckers!

Nonsense. I'll pay a few $K more for that new car smell. Don't judge me. It's my money.

>> No.2251648

Most of those millionaires lived frugally for their entire life, waged slaved, saved and invested their entire life in safe money market mutual funds and Roth IRA's. Now they're 55 and finally have a million dollars. They don't COUNT. They LOST the game. They wasted their lives.

>> No.2251661

Isn't it funny that only poor people wear gucci?

>> No.2251672


I wageslaved and then retired at 42. Do I count? Please tell me I count. I really want to count.

>> No.2252565

This right here.

>> No.2252604
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super comfy looking car tbqh

>> No.2252630

Jesus, that monthly payment is killer. My $360 (with like $600 interest total over 5 years due to great credit) on my econobox ain't bad I suppose.

>> No.2252661

>that huge increase in loan term length

fucking hell, I already complain about my 0% interest 60 month loan

>> No.2252832

>this is what 20 something frogposting manchildren NEETs who will never amount to anything and die childless and alone so they cling to their shitcoin fantasies actually think

>> No.2252951

>Now they're 55 and finally have a million dollars
again, the average age of millionaires in the US is 62.

half are younger, half are older.
but not much younger or much older.

>> No.2252988

thats the definition of median not average ya dingus

>> No.2252997

>mfw my wife a doctor and we're already calculated we'll be millionaire by the age of 35

>> No.2253003

in a normal distribution those are the same thing.

>> No.2253013

most grocery stores will deliver food for you. just order it on your phone and theyre at your door the next morning

>> No.2253024

>again, the average age of millionaires in the US is 62.

All they worked for their entire lives was a slightly comfortable death. And a small inheritance for their shitty children to fight over. And then they write this shit in thousands of financial advice books as the holy pinnacle of what you can hope for.

>> No.2253031

Why whould anyone ever buy a lamboÉ it is probably the most tasteles super car that one could buy.

even ferraris and the new corvettes are nicer and thats saying something.maybe not corvette...

ill be buying a mazaratti

>> No.2253040

that will place you in the 99th percentile of millionaires- just 1% make it by 35.

that number is rising fast because of inflation and increases in home values though. Your kids will probably be millionaires in their 30's or 40's.

Your generation would probably already be there if not for the cost and time invested in education as well as the dismal employment rates.

>> No.2253045

>buying a rebadged VW

>> No.2253066

>All they worked for their entire lives was a slightly comfortable death
Many of those presumably just paid off a house in So-Cal or something. Paying off your house is key to retirement and in some places that'll make you a millionaire by itself. Even in places with cheaper houses people tend to trade up though. So if your average house is worth 1/4 million you may very well find people still retiring in million dollar houses.

>> No.2253748

same guy with the bagel? I want to hear his backstory.

>> No.2253837

99% of the people on /biz/ aren't going to buy a Lamborghini if they get cryptorich.

It's a meme. It's just the representation of the idea of "making it."

>> No.2253848

"millionaires", on average, are poor as shit

>> No.2253859


we have a winner!

bonus points if it's paid 100% in cash once you get it

>> No.2254799

Paid in full is a good strategy.

Borrowing the money from your loaded boomer parents with no interest and paying straight into their shitty 0.05% APY brick & mortar bank account with direct deposit is a GREAT strategy.

>> No.2254810

that, and a couple of the first BTC backers actually /did/ get lambos for whatever reason, so that's just kinda became the meme-slang of "get stupid rich"

>> No.2254819

You dont trick kids into investing by promising them Volvos.

>> No.2254826

what if you buy your lambo for $30k?

>> No.2254852
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Jealous OP?

>> No.2254878

i have a net worth of almost 2 milli and ive never paid more than $4000 for a car

>> No.2254908
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>> No.2254944

i hate driving

i hate dealing with other drivers

i hate traffic

i hate car maintenance

i hate constantly having to clean the windows and the birdshit

the car is a tool. it's a convenient means of transport.

the fuck are you going to do with a lambo? drive it to work? experience the same shitty commute except /luxuriously/? impress sluts?

the novelty will wear off so quickly then you'll be stuck with the insurance payments and the anxiety that some shithead nihilistic kid is gonna key it.

>> No.2254960

Not all millionaires are car enthusiasts, dumbass.

Nothing wrong with buying a $500,000 car if you can afford it and will get enjoyment out of it.

>> No.2254970

I mean you'd only take it certain places...you'd have at least two cars and you'd only take the lambo to places where you know it won't get fucked with

>> No.2254973

Nice I'm saving for a NSX myself 93 I don't like the new one. Good choice anon

>> No.2254980


i knew some guys from high school who went to those car meetup things and knew all the jargon about cars, so if you're rich enough and your cock gets hard thinking about engines or whatever, i suppose the lambo is acceptable

>> No.2254992

is that fucking doc from back to the future?

also, having doors that raise up always looks retarded, imo

>> No.2255000

>impress sluts?
probably this for 90% of these kinda car owners

other 9% are probably legit, appreciative gearheads

1% are just so rich they don't give a fuck

>> No.2255002

>aving doors that raise up always looks retarded
It's also ridiculously unsafe in accidents. Imagine being flipped over, landing on the roof.

>> No.2255009

The funny part is, sports cars mostly attracts men who want to talk about sports cars.
Most women do not care at all. In fact, most women I know would be disgusted by a Lamborghini.

>> No.2255086

This. Buying a depreciating asset. It's like you don't went to into crypto at all

>> No.2255115

I just like to drive a nice car, what's wrong with it? Don't mind may 1/10 on my monthly income on lease. While investing half of my income.

>> No.2255121

You're also pretty poor by millionaire standards.

>> No.2255132

I just want a Toyota Tundra

Or a new midsize truck :(

>> No.2255151

>mfw I'm making nearly 100k on t4 alone
>never mind investments, crypto mining setup, etc.
>ride my bike to work everyday

If I ever have to meet clients I rent a nice car.

>> No.2255165

I bought crypto with 4k thinking I would turn it into 10k and buy myself a new motorcycle but now I made over 20k in one month. These gains are just too sweet so I cannot sell.

>> No.2255185

Not even slightly

>> No.2255204


Fucking this.

>tfw waiting for gains to be big enough that a motorcycle purchase would be a drop in the sea

>> No.2255324

that's why real lambos have hinges that pop out in the event that ever happens

>> No.2255531


Volvo 240, I loved that car. I had to hotwire the ignition to get it started and had to push it out of intersections when it died, but got some great blowjobs in it.

>> No.2255548

>Cryogenic treatment is surprisingly affordable. Around $100k for a head.

I have a degree in biology, you guys should realize cryogenics is a scam.

The only "drug" for longevity that works is to run for 30 minutes a day, lift weights, go vegetarian, and don't hang out in the sun all day

>> No.2255615

I just want to backpack around the world for a year and then put a down payment on a house...is that so much to ask?

>> No.2255638

then you should know the proper term is cryonics. and the vitrification process is different from "freezing".

>When used at high concentrations, cryoprotectants can stop ice formation completely. Cooling and solidification without crystal formation is called vitrification.[29] The first cryoprotectant solutions able to vitrify at very slow cooling rates while still being compatible with whole organ survival were developed in the late 1990s by cryobiologists Gregory Fahy and Brian Wowk for the purpose of banking transplantable organs.[28][30][31] This has allowed animal brains to be vitrified, warmed back up, and examined for ice damage using light and electron microscopy. No ice crystal damage was found;[32] remaining cellular damage was due to dehydration and toxicity of the cryoprotectant solutions. Large vitrified organs tend to develop fractures during cooling,[33] a problem worsened by the large tissue masses and very low temperatures of cryonics.[34]

>> No.2255707

Man of taste right here.

>There's people in this thread right now that don't cruise the streets of their city at midnight on rain filled nights with 80s and sythwave rocking.

I wouldn't mind a NSX but over $100k in dollaroos. Guess I should be thankful we have more jap second hand sports cars than any other country for just a few grand for a R33.

Trying to find an absolute mint R32 that hasn't been molested to shit and back is starting to become a pain but.

>> No.2255785


Cryonics, cryogenics, whatever. Its bullshit. The best chance you have is saving your DNA. It won't provide a continuity of consciousness, but you have a decent shot at cloning yourself.

>> No.2256130

This. I don't even like lambos.

That being said. if I had enough money, I'd buy one just to say I have a lambo. That and a plot on the moon.

>> No.2256133

Same here

>> No.2256172

>Most women do not care at all. In fact, most women I know would be disgusted by a Lamborghini.
Do you actually believe yourself?

Pro tip; There are some studies on this shit.


>1.Women find supercars(and expensive, big cars in general), and men in them, more attractive.
>2.Women find men with money more attractive by default.
I especially like the part where they rate men based on their looks but the same guy with 400k a year job rebranded as a 30k a year guy goes from like 9 to a 6 average score. Not saying all women are like that, but from personal experience, you're picking far more chicks in a new Mercedez than in your rebranded Daewoo Chevrolet shitbox.

>> No.2256181

Those women aren't even worth dating though.

>> No.2256260

Other way around. All women are like this. If you date a woman who isn't like this she is likely defective.

>> No.2256331

I wouldn't trust them on their fresh food selection though.

>> No.2256349


>> No.2256352

Or she's not a whore

>> No.2256380

me when I hodl too long after my coins moon and I have to buy a used Dodge Charger instead of a Lamborghini Gallardo

>> No.2256669

In a mate men require the ability to make healthy babies and women require the ability to provide resources to support said babies.

An expensive car demonstrates the ability to acquire resources and the willingness to spend that money demonstrates confidence for future resource acquisition.

The signal requires some extra filtering but it's a pretty good start.

>> No.2256708
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I think I would just get a 1987 all-black grand national in good condition.

Would rather spend the money on a nice house and a nice condo, lambos are stupid and tacky imo.

>> No.2256711
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>> No.2256716

They're almost as fast as lambos too.

>> No.2256718

honest signals kick fucking ass.

you can't pretend to be hot, wealthy, or intelligent. Not for long anyways.

>> No.2256723

A good woman doesn't care how much money you have. She cares about you

An extremely rare find to be sure, however.

>> No.2256828
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No, shit for brains.

Get a real car.

>> No.2256844


I'll rent a lambo for a day, put a timestamp and upload on biz - for memes sake.

But otherwise i'll buy a Tesla if i'm honest.

>> No.2256893
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Call me a soccer mom, I don't care.

>> No.2257001

Yeah but she cares about (((you))) because of your resource acquisition traits like ambition, status, and intelligence. So you don't necessarily need to have money at the moment but if you don't have the potential to make money you are worth less than an ugly girl.

>> No.2257049

I'm in my 20's and I wear adult diapers though

>> No.2257077

Real Lambos have explosive hinges that blow the door off.
And no, they don't cause fires.

>> No.2257118

All women are whores. Not even trying to sound edgy.