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2247599 No.2247599 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you have any odd or unexpected experiences that result from talking about crypto to people you know?

I just got home from probably the strangest evening of my entire life directly because of this...

It's quite a long story, but I had been telling my parents and some of their friends about cryptocurrency somewhat regularly for a couple of years now. Recently with Bitcoin in the news again one of them basically arranged for me to give a speech at his company about cryptocurrencies which I reluctantly agreed to do... Anyway I started off with a quick joke about the Bogdanoff twins that ended up taking a lot longer than I expected, and a couple of people googled them before I was finished with that part and started whispering and one of them asked if this was "a fucking prank or something" and I ended up just having to cancel the whole thing.

My parents are visibly pretty uncomfortable with me talking about cryptos now and so I stopped but I did see people on here mentioning having casual conversations about it so I am curious how that usually works.

>> No.2247615

>Anyway I started off with a quick joke about the Bogdanoff twins that ended up taking a lot longer than I expected
post of photo of yourself, anon, so I can imagine this cringe murder scene more perfectly.

>> No.2247620

My dad took the plunge into crypto with 300 yuros, it's not much, but still a start.

Even managed to convince him to buy a crypto mining rig 1.5 months ago, before the eth boom, but that somehow went to the back of our heads. Kinda kick myself for it for not pushing more.

>> No.2247623

also please tell me there's a video of it. i would love to edit it like it's a TED Talk.

>> No.2247624
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> Does a speech on crypto for a legit company
> Tells joke about a couple twins
> Doesnt say shit about crypto

Man, the autism.

>> No.2247629

>Anyway I started off with a quick joke about the Bogdanoff twins that ended up taking a lot longer than I expected, and a couple of people googled them

RIP in peace anon.

>> No.2247630


You can't talk to people that don't understand autist, rookie mistake pal.

>> No.2247645
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What the fuck. What exactly was your joke?

>> No.2247650
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I love a good Bogdanoff joke, let's hear it OP.

>> No.2247662

I've talked some about my dad and mom, they seem to be willing to give me 1,5k to invest in cryptos.
I've been making some profit with the initial $150 I invested myself. If I get to turn that 1,5k into 6k they are going to let me buy a car with it. If else their profit is theirs.

>> No.2247688
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>mfw tell normies crypto is a scam and their money is safe in real estate

>> No.2247689
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I'd have been convinced

>> No.2247700

>casual conversations
Yeah I don't know how that works either. There's too much to know before Bitcoin/Monero sounds like a logical sensible thing. I actually feel like a retard when explaining it to people because it just sounds like a scam to them and they think I'm a moron getting scammed. I'm sure they'd feel differently if I told them I was worth 500k but they don't need to know that. Dumb normies.

>> No.2247715


>> No.2247726
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>Anyway I started off with a quick joke about the Bogdanoff twins that ended up taking a lot longer than I expected, and a couple of people googled them before I was finished with that part and started whispering and one of them asked if this was "a fucking prank or something" and I ended up just having to cancel the whole thing.


>> No.2247729

A guy who works in the coffee shop I go to every day calls me the "bitcoin guru" when he says hi to me and some guy overheard him the other day and asked me if I was seriously into bitcoin.

Ended up talking for like an hour about crypto in general and he told me he bought 200 BTC when it was around $100, while I'm sitting here with 10. Kill me now

>> No.2248137

That's rough.

>> No.2248157

The only people that understand me are computer science majors.

>> No.2248159

Don't. This is still the wild west, if they lose all in a >crash or to scammers you'll receive a good chunk of the blame.

>> No.2248185
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>> No.2248193
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>> No.2248195
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damn anon, nice job unintentionally scaring the normies away!
i need a few months more to accumulate some nice and fresh cryptocash, so u did me a favor!

>> No.2248216

>I started off with a quick joke about the Bogdanoff twins that ended up taking a lot longer than I expected

how fucking autistic are you

>> No.2248297


We don't need normies around here for another couple years, OP. I'm glad your talk crashed and burned and kept them away.

>> No.2248311

My family thinks I'm crazy but they trust me enough to invest. My friends also think I'm crazy but I showed them my gains and I think I got through to them. It's hard to not get excited when talking about this tech and the market but try to stay as neutral as possible.

>> No.2248314
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Wow, sounds like you really took that one on the chin!
Still, it's a good opportunity to turn the other cheek.