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22473267 No.22473267 [Reply] [Original]

What's her problem?

>> No.22473280

Her ancestors weren't gassed in 43

>> No.22473297
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>> No.22473364

She's a closet white supremacist attempting to externalise inner guilt just like a homophobic gay priest

>> No.22473393

You know what? I'm black, and I've been on 4chan/4channel for years now
I generally don't consider myself racist or antisemitic, at least not on the level of most anons here
But holy shit. I can't deny fucking facts. Almost every time I've seen a thread about a notable white-looking person saying some outrageous anti-white shit and then an anon claiming that person is Jewish, I then google it and find out it's true
This has happened at least several dozen times over the years I've spent on here, if not hundreds
What the fuck is wrong with those people? Yes, I know there are plenty of white liberals who always bring up white privilege and whatnot, saying more tame shit about white society being bad
But the ones who take it a step further, talking about how white people are evil or a cancer and need to die....there usually seems to be a Jewish connection in their background, particularly American Jews

>> No.22473431

why does she call jews the white race?

>> No.22473525

Jewish people are disproportionately well connected, intelligent, and extroverted. This means they tend to be "overly represented" - including when it comes to creating criticism, racist or not. It's no conspiracy. I mean, just look at Peter Schiff if you want an obvious counter-example

>> No.22474264
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>> No.22474293

I don't have a problem with black people Anon.
As a white guy I know what its like to be demonized. Anyone who can see/understand that is ok with me.

>> No.22474306

Jews projecting again.

>> No.22474338

It always seems to be Jewish people. Can you imagine replacing the word white with anything else in that paragraph, and it coming from any other person that a jew, and it be ok?

>> No.22474421

>As a white guy I know what its like to be demonized.
no you fucking don't. people on twitter joking about white people not using seasoning on their food isn't and will never be on the same level as black people's oppression for centuries. you don't get watched when you're in a store for being white. you don't have a 50x higher chance of getting shot by a cop

>> No.22474453

Whites are more likely to be shot by cops than blacks you moron.

>> No.22474502

because whites bug out with privilege and do dumb shit like quickly reach under their seat for their cellphone they dropped or into the glove compartment for their vape while the officer is trying to talk to them and he sees a black object and shoots

>> No.22474611

And what, these are the only ways to measure these things?
As others have pointed out, are debatable.
If you would look at the picture OP posted, and who I'm responding to then it would have cued you into a larger dialogue.
But instead you bring it back down to subjective and emotional arguments because why?
Because society tells you that you're right? Because unverified people on a psyops platform are guaranteed to take your side about popular issues?
Of course you would use those situations as examples because you know the mobs of online opinion have your back.

>> No.22474724

It's a jew projecting
Jews are the true cancer since they can only live siphoning life force from their host nations
Inb4 Pissrael (its kept up and backed by American tax dollars)

>> No.22474858

>Inb4 Pissrael (its kept up and backed by American tax dollars)
this is what i don't get. if the US fall, it will be the carthaginian solution for israel

>> No.22474926

>If you would look at the picture OP posted, and who I'm responding to then it would have cued you into a larger dialogue.
I mean she's not wrong. White people have been a major contributor to destruction and devastation. Even if you disagree we should still be able to talk about it.

>> No.22474993

If you don't want to be watched them don't act like you're in a zoo

>> No.22475093

You're still missing over half of what I said so its obvious you're trolling and or larping.

Look at where you are and what platform you're using. What technology it takes for you to even press the "post" button so I can read these opinions of yours.

Even the tech that you're on this board to try and profit from.
Made by white people. Don't strum on about arbitrary and subjective wrongdoings like "cultural appropriation" and forget about the entire suite of western civilization that everyone benefits from. And in that list, includes the abolitionism of slavery.

>> No.22475112

>people on twitter joking about white people not using seasoning on their food isn't and will never be on the same level as black people's oppression for centuries.
people call openly for violence against whites on twitter and whites have ancestry that have been enslaved same as everybody else. niggers are not special in that regard
>you don't get watched when you're in a store for being white.
also not for being asian. might have something to do with behavior. pretty sure people won't trust you if you act like a nigger while being white
>you don't have a 50x higher chance of getting shot by a cop
whites have a higher chance of getting killed by a black than the other way around

>> No.22475137
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>lived in million dollar mansions

>> No.22475159

Lol people will call you a monkey in a suit regardless.
Considering that blacks are shit, Asians are shit, and Latins are shit and western/european powers are at the helm globally it’s a hard to fud.

You have the destruction of South America,Trail of Tears,Destruction of Africa, multiple conquests in India/Japan, middle eastern wars, now a trade war with China because they are catching up to the us in various sectors..then you have the holocaust which idk some people think it’s not real and climate change deniers(even tho billionaires are buying bunkers) idk people forget their history and say whatever belief makes them happy.

>> No.22475178

interesting how (((lady))) in OP turned anons to fighting white vs black

>> No.22475192

Are there any reputable stats on these claims?

>> No.22475265

the fbi

>> No.22475283

instructive thread

>> No.22475300


>> No.22475449

Isn't it great that the American public school system has raised black people to be forced to reconcile that they are and will only ever be inferior slaves?

No I mean seriously, the schools systems of america have made sure black people understand that they should feel like slaves, isn't it great black history is only about slavery and how they have always been oppressed. Enjoy having the media claim black people are more likely to be killed by police because of discrimination and continue to peddle that idea for eternity, rather than fixing retarded black crime culture.

Fucking pull yourself together and stop sobbing about historical oppression, literally not a single fucking normal white person gives a shit if you're black.

>> No.22475525

All of these awards were bestowed on her AFTER she said the white race is a cancer:

1978: National Book Critics Circle Award for On Photography
1990: MacArthur Fellowship
1992: Malaparte Prize, Italy
1999: Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres, France
2000: National Book Award for In America[42]
2001: Jerusalem Prize, awarded every two years to a writer whose work explores the freedom of the individual in society.
2002: George Polk Award, for Cultural Criticism for "Looking at War," in The New Yorker
2003: Honorary Doctorate of Tübingen University
2003: Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels during the Frankfurt Book Fair
2003: Prince of Asturias Award on Literature.
2004: Two days after her death, Muhidin Hamamdzic, the mayor of Sarajevo announced the city would name a street after her

>> No.22475599

Here is the real deep truth: it's the tension between whites and jews (ashkenazis being part white themselves with italian genes etc) which propels them both forward, like the tension between male and female. And 4channers are just resentful about life in general, so they view it all as "evil".

>> No.22475792

>(ashkenazis being part white themselves with italian genes etc)
Nigga what? Ashkenazi are khazars which are part neanderthal which the cro magnon (europeans aka huwhites) hunted to near extinction due to them being predatorous animals

>> No.22476013


But even if you wanna cling to your own theory of their genetics, it doesn't take away from my main point. And thinking there has been no genetical mixing over millenia of living together is just not tenable. Jews with russian family roots look more russian, english jews look more english, etc.

>> No.22476018


How about you act like a normal human being instead of acting like a thug gangbanger everywhere you go.

>> No.22476065

it's called projection and using the position of the victim as a bargaining tool

>> No.22476105

Peter Schiff is a Jew?

>> No.22476157

just fucking admit that you as a white person have had it easier due to your skin color. if there was another 'you' but black, they would have a harder life.

>> No.22476168

Blacks have it easier due to their skin color BY LAW.

>> No.22476202


This is true but this is your race's own fault. Because the majority of black people can't behave properly, people of other colours develop stereotypes about you. Did you know the Chinese are the most racist towards blacks? If you all start to become productive members of society and enjoyable to be around racism will dissappear.

>> No.22476215

She's a putrid kike, I would gleefully cut her throat and set her on fire.

>> No.22476229

>Because the majority of black people can't behave properly
source? 4chan doesn't count

>> No.22476266

Is Chicago enough proof?

>> No.22476302


Just go to any area with a lot of black people

>> No.22476308
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>> No.22476449

Stop being so emotional, bitch boy. I agree with you in the sense that it's principal to treat people as individuals. However, there's no denying black people disproportionately are the victims and perpetrators of violent crime in the west. It's literally statistical fact

>> No.22476451

let me guess, hip hop is degenerate and not real music?
go outside

>> No.22476485
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>hip hop is degenerate and not real music?

>> No.22476505


Hiphop is degenerate yes. Look I liked 50 cent and all the 90s rappers growing up, but looking back at it I can see now how dumb and useless it sounds. And I wish I could go outside to a black neighborhood without getting harassed and robbed.

>> No.22476526


Also compare the 50s black jazz musicians, to todays black hiphop artists and tell me hiphop isn't degenerate. Blacks can be great people if they are not brainwashed by their own victim complex and additional jewish hiphop filth.

>> No.22476528

he said the majority of black people can't behave properly. i asked for a source and of course everyone provided nothing but their own racist misconceptions, nothing factual.

>> No.22476570
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Since you guys can’t source

>> No.22476583

So you're going to ignore Chicago? 48 people shot this weekend alone.. they relish this culture of death too.


>> No.22476602

At least it's a LITTLE more recent than fucking slavery.

>> No.22476616
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>> No.22476639
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>> No.22476660

Uh huh.

>In its consent order with the government, Wells Fargo said it treated all its customers fairly and without regard to race and national origin.
>The bank said in a statement it was settling the matter “solely for the purpose of avoiding contested litigation” with the U.S. Justice Department.

>> No.22476668
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>> No.22476682
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Oh yes, let's believe MSNBC and Ocasio-Cortez on things like race issues.

>> No.22476709

>blacks earn less and lead shitty lives

You don't say.
Maybe if they didn't have things like the DNC, media, ... telling them it's white cops' fault if they get killed resisting arrest, things would improve for them.

>> No.22476726
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>> No.22476735

>financial inclusion

Is that the new euphemism for slavery reparations?

>> No.22476768
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You guys can’t source

>> No.22476782

>hurrr blacks can't get a raise
This is on the same level as the wage gap for women.

>You guys can't source
Can't source what?

>> No.22477144


You could say the exact same thing about thriving white heighborhoods being crippled by black inhabitants forming gangs.

>> No.22477317

I call the cops on every nigger I see

>> No.22477414

She’s Jewish, it can be fixed with one easy trick

>> No.22477438

You cant source bruh biz nood mufugga

>> No.22478105

1. don't dress like a criminal thug
2. don't try to attack police when they pull you over for a traffic ticket

>> No.22478126

I mean if it wasn't white people someone else would have conquered. Fucking hell people just hate whites because they won and they're powerful and successful.

>> No.22478188

Is that better?

>> No.22478295

I’m 25% ashkenazi (the rest is irish/english/Czech), how do I reconcile this with the fact that I hate jews? Also I’m uncut my dad was based

>> No.22478602



>> No.22479636


Well to be considered jewish (according to the halakha) your mother and her mother etc need to be jewish, its matrilineal
One of the greatest chess players of all time was an extremely intelligent jew and an antisemite called Bobby Fischer

>> No.22479919

The quarter jew does come from my mothers side (grandmother), I think it was something she was ashamed of though and never talked about, my brother found out with a dna test. Her maiden name was Wolf, that’s jewish isn’t it?
Anyways Bobby Fischer is based so I have no problem associating with him.