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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22469369 No.22469369[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Stop being a beta virgin and come join the chads. From telegram:

>Yesterday after launch, we locked the virgins in the basement and told them they couldn't come out until they answered a single question
How do we chadify the Cryptoverse?

>Today, we have our answer. Introducing chadswap, a cross-parachain exchange built on the chaddest blockchain around, Polkadot.

>To bootstrap liquidity to chadswap, we will be introducing a staking program. You will now be able to yield farm STACY using Uniswap LP tokens from various prominent ERC-20 token pairs (TBD). To ensure that more chadly LP providers earn more STACY, we will introduce a liquidity locking multiplier, the longer you stake your LP tokens, the more STACY you will earn. STACY always picks the biggest chad.

>We will also be introducing incentivized CHADS/ETH, CHADS/STACY, and STACY/ETH pools. These pools will have higher rewards relative to other staking pools, as well as including a liquidity locking multiplier.

>Finally, we will introduce a lottery mechanism for distributing the funds in the chads burn reserve account. Once a month, a portion of the reserve will be randomly given to a CHADS/ETH LP staker. The more LP tokens you stake and the longer you stake them, the higher your chance of winning. The random function will be powered using a chainlink oracle, the chaddest option available.

>Once the Polkadot ecosystem can support our full cross-chain AMM, we will migrate all LP tokens to wrapped tokens on Polkadot. From there, it will be possible to seamlessly trade between ethereum tokens, parachains, and wrapped equivalents of other blockchains - chadifying the cryptoverse as it has never been before. CHADS holders will accrue fees from these transactions.

>Our virgins are hard at work writing up the technical details of chadswap. More details to follow on Medium.

Info: chads.vc
FAQ: celibate.info

>> No.22469395
File: 168 KB, 1080x1802, Screenshot_20200913-204121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks

>> No.22469429


>> No.22469513

And it could easily go to the CHAD 100x with staking just announced

>> No.22469530
File: 164 KB, 1080x1792, Screenshot_20200913-204858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol nope

>> No.22469562

You'll fomo in a few days,virgin.