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2246788 No.2246788 [Reply] [Original]

Bought 1 ETH and it arrived. Its slowly been increasing in value, which is cool. I'm kind of stuck now and not sure what to do next. I don't have the most money to invest, but I want to keep going. What should my next move be?
inb4 "we're not gonna spoonfeed you reeeeee" I've actually been doing a lot of reading that other biz bros mention (Gavin Wood's Yellow Paper, Investopedia's candlestick guide, and other stuff okay, just still kinda stuck). Obviously the goal is lots of money, but the knowledge / steps to get there is also very important.

>> No.2246812

I'd recommend doing back exercises each morning for those heavy bags you're holding.

>> No.2246817

Can you say what the biz bros have mentioned to you and what you've read? Help another anon out

>> No.2246823

LOL GOOD ONE DUDE. Okay but seriously, yeah I also have 100k Moon and 100k HTML5 coin, which only cost like $4 but aren't going anywhere anytime soon. But I did learn valuable lessons from each.

>> No.2246830

Well, they didn't specifically tell me to read them, but I've been taking what I feel is valuable information. I just remembered one book is "The Intelligent Investor", which I haven't gotten around to reading yet.

>> No.2246837

You're not going anywhere with 1 eth. Buy more then put some of them in 3-4 coins that interest you. But keep most in btc/eth.

>> No.2246860

You're right. I'm kind of attached to my first ether in a stupid way. I should get more.

>> No.2246877

Keep that first ether if you can, get a couple more if you have the money.
If not, sell the eth for btc on an exchange and diversify around like 2-3 coins for a long-term hold (that you think will do well).
Don't fall for shitcoins, don't buy at an all-time high.
Frankly, I've made tons of money and haven't read shit, it's either common sense or experience, and in a market like this you really can't lose.

>> No.2246894

I'm not telling you to sell it you sentimental faggot. It's a pack animal, it needs friends. In fact, never sell your fucking crypto got it? Lurk this board and elsewhere, look at how many sob stories there are about not holding some shitcoin that exploded for no reason. Just don't fall for literal shit and you'll do fine. Remember. It's not about making all good trades, it's about making at least a few damn good ones.

>> No.2246911

I like your pack animal analogy. Can I have some examples of literal shit coins? Would you say Mooncoin, Esp and Esp2, and trumpcoin are shitcoins?

>> No.2246926


>> No.2246945

Yes, those are shit. Anything that has an anime mascot is probably shit, but even that stupid dgb has one and it's making me $$$. Look for low priced coins with a consistent history of high volume, not just massive thin peaks and crashes. That means a good number of people think it has potential. If a bunch of threads appear about a coin that don't really say anything, stay away. You're too small right now to chase pumps.

>> No.2246952

Think ETH will go up much higher? Debating waiting for it to go down a bit or buying now.

>> No.2246962

No real reason for it to crash, eth token market going crazy, most bullish chart on the fucking planet right now. Don't Jew yourself by looking for the absolute bottom, I bought some more at 194 a week ago because I don't give a fuck, it dipped, but who cares? Look where it is now.

>> No.2247004

What coins have an official anime mascot? Bitbean is kind of a cartoon...
Also, I thought a lot of the anime arts I've seen in biz were made my biz posters and not the official dev or teams.

>> No.2247026

Mooncoin and esper used a lot of anime, just anything that seems extremely memey with zero substance. They're made by discord shills who want to trick biz posters into buying their shitcoin for a high price

>> No.2247063

Hmmmm too bad those coins are "shit", I thought it was smart / a good opportunity to get a coin at a 1 sat price, but if it never moves then what's the point.

>> No.2247106

You need to take a giant step back from that line of thinking. Trading is a zero sum game. You are buying from a real human being who thinks what he is selling is overvalued. If there's selling happening at that low of a level in this bull market, the coin is dead. Like I said, stock up on ethereum, bitcoin, and a few of the high volume alt coins on poloniex/bittrex that appeal to you.

>> No.2247121

You have a point. However, what about trading bots and people who bought a large volume of the coin at 1 sat and are fine selling it at 2 or 3 sats for a quick 2x or 3x profit? Does it really still mean the coin is dead forever?

>> No.2247144

there was a thread on /pol/ about bitcoin and eth when btc was hitting 2600 and it was all just anti-crypto shills saying it's a bubble you're all fucked and stupid if you buy the cryptocurrency meme. they are just salty fags who never got into it or are poorfags who can't in2 the market. or they are fed bank shills who have an interest in crypto not exploding. who knows. If you listen to these faggots you will regret it. Keep your crypto, invest more. You will only gain, big time.

>> No.2247146

You are not going to properly time pumps if they ever happen, which they almost certainly won't. Buy higher up on the satoshi ladder,many coins out there at 1000 sats now are going to be 50 cents in a year. Or more. There is plenty of growth at somewhat higher prices, and that growth is actually based on something real.

>> No.2247156

can you define pump please

>> No.2247165

just put it all in golem and it might double when its added to coinbase

>> No.2247179

Okay, thanks for the answer. Also, do you know if the price movements of cryptocurrenies follow the same patterns as the regular stock market? Do things such as candlestick analysis(dojis, tops, etc). still work on cryptos?

>> No.2247180

I imagine he means where the currency starts dipping and then quickly after surges, possibly due to someone purposefully selling off a large number of coins to create the impression that it's time to sell in others so that he can then buy their coins cheaper and turn a profit.

>> No.2247191

NO, pump refers to pump and dump, p&d, a whale buys a bunch at steadily icreasing prices to create the illusion of demand. People fomo in, believing the coin to be rising, then the whale dumps all the coin he bought cheaply to the losers he fooled.

>> No.2247194

yeah I mean economics is a science just like physics. The laws are laws in no different sense, and will function in any market - probably more fluently in the crypto-market because there are less/no regulations and crony capitalism (to my knowledge) is eliminated.

Actually, to be completely honest, I have no fucking idea. I don't know anything about economics or stocks or daytrading. Someone else will have to provide an actually informed answer on that. Sorry...

>> No.2247204

...if only I had the capital to play these Jewish tricks on the goyim

>> No.2247209

i just wanna know when this bullshit is gonna crash to 180 so i can buy back in. bullshit hovering at slightly below ATH all fucking day.

>> No.2247210

So essentially the opposite of what >>2247180

>> No.2247218

What he described is an equally common event that also involves a whale fooling the market, but a p&d is strictly what I described.

>> No.2247222

maintain vigilance my friend. keep an eye on the charts regularly. every hour. more frequent than that even. the big moves can happen at any moment, in the span of milliseconds. Someone should make an alarm which sounds off to wake you up when the value adjusts beyond a certain level.

Guys, how does it feel to be the robber barons of the future? Pretty good.

>> No.2247224

you sure you read investopedia? because if you did you would not have bought ETH

>> No.2247233

I was just on there for TA terminology I wanted to further understand. Nothing specific or pertaining to ETH.

>> No.2247237

thanks. Wishing I didn't fucking put 200$$ in litecoin when it was at 26 and has been a dud for the past month. should have added to my over 100 eth coin collection. LTC did get to like 36 but I held it thinking it was the next ETH. wrong. It's a turd. Stick with ETH. BTC is 4 fags.

>> No.2247238

I think Blockfolio has an alert you can set for an alarm to go off at a set price. Also (not 100% sure), on Bittrex you can set a buy order at a certain price. If any Anons with bittrex experience could chime in here that'd be appreciated.

>> No.2247240

You will hear about wall street guys laughing at us. Ignore them. They are the people who told Henry Ford they wanted better horses, not cars

>> No.2247241

yeah...I know.

Did you read about gravestone dojis? Or MAC-D? Or Bollinger bands?

All of these indicators are red for ETH

>> No.2247242

Why would he not have bought ETH? Did they advise against it? Not familiar with investopedia.

t. pleb who knows way more about crypto than fiat/stock market

>> No.2247245

That's why you do your due diligence, don't do anything just cuz I told you to, even though I'm a real ass nigga we are still competitors. Do what you are confident in. If you had read more you would have found that litecoin has no future.

>> No.2247252

Yeah I was looking up gravestone doji's because another anon mentioned it. He was right that it did occur, but ETH still appears to be rising right now.

>> No.2247261

what? No it doesn't

what time are you candle sticks at? Look at the 4 hour ones and zoom out. Huge bear flag, it's like on the precipice of tanking

no, investopedia is for identifying common stock patterns. All signs point to eth about to take a shit, so I was wonder what the hell he read on it to make him think eth was going up

>> No.2247263


That's an interesting idea for a project. I have a shit ton of raspberry pi and arduino hardware and all necessary dev skill. Could work up a small device that would sound off an alarm when a price hits a certain point and insta-buy/sell buttons. even rig up a small OLED display to show prices.

>> No.2247280

Thanks anon. Go for it.
Do you really think ETH is about to tank? Why are you blackpilling us without any evidence? Tryna gaslight us to sell our shit before it peaks big time and you get filthy nigger rich?

>> No.2247281

There is no 4-hour option on Bittrex. Also, still kind of new to reading candlesticks, sry.

>> No.2247288

the fuck are you talking about, I just listed all the the terms/indicators needed to see that eth is about to tank

do you expect me to copy and paste shit from investopedia here for you or draw lines on a chart?

Cuz I drew lines on a chart this morning on eth and said it'll bounce around for a few hours before it tanks, and got called a retard that was randomly drawing lines by some dude

use polo for at least the charts, much easier to read.

>> No.2247293

Will do, but hesitant to send BTC or ETH there, since I read about some bad things going on over there.

>> No.2247300

most exchanges are slow as fuck receiving shit right now, too much volume increase in last few months, servers can't handle it

bittrex is fine because honestly it's garbage and far less people use it

polo suffers the most because its the biggest exchange

and never send in BTC, only send in LTC, ETH or XRP, these are much faster, though everything is limited by exchanges ATM

>> No.2247304
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fair enough homie. I was just bantzin'

Maybe it will tank, maybe it won't. Either way I'll still be nigger filthy nigger rich nigger.

t. nigger

>> No.2247311
File: 140 KB, 1244x500, asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what the ETH charts look like right now in 4 hour 1 month perspective

multiple gravestones, and is about to finish up the triangle. Also way oversold on the bollinger band and MAC-D just crossed over

>> No.2247316

why do you need to send coins to the site to read a chart? what am I missing here? please nobully I'm just a poor boy from a poor family lalalala lalala lalala.

>> No.2247318

way overbought*** on the bollinger and crossed UNDER*** for mac-d

fuck me I'm going to sleep

>> No.2247327

I have no idea what any of that means, or those concepts you're using.

>> No.2247329

oh just saying, I wasn't using poloniex because I read that some shit went down. not sure if it was just insider trading or something else.

>> No.2247347

oh, thank brah. is poloniex basically like coinbase where you can buy and sell coins through them and your bank?

>> No.2247348

gravestone = bad

doji is the candlestick plus sign

if it appears when something is going up or has been up = gravestone. Marks death

Appears at bottom = dragonfly. Will moon.

bollinger is the intenstine looking thing set of lines on the chart. Closer to the top of the intestine = over priced. Bottom=undersold

MAC-D is visualized by the green and red bars are the bottom of the chart. red= bad. It just went red

Triangle= something is about to happen

why the fuck did I just type all of that holy fuck I'm autistic

>> No.2247377

coinbase is more like USD-->BTC/ETH/LTC and an online wallet. I believe poloniex is an exchange + online wallet

>> No.2247381

the thing is gravestone doji's predict a dip, but don't indicate how far down the dip will go...

>> No.2247386


>> No.2247414


>> No.2247608

thanks for your reply

>> No.2247613

I sincerely thank you for writing that out and not just sperging and telling me to fuck off... as most would. Good karma for you, anon.