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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22459811 No.22459811 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realize tons of shitcoins will make more gains than LINK in the bull run

>> No.22459852


Link isn't hot and popular enough neither lowcap enough to make anymore gains.
And the community and developer behind it are utter trash who do nothing but dump and hold, you really expect such kinda "traders" to make the price go up? Get real.
YFI goes up because it steals money from other pairs via farming and actual smart people got into it, not noodle arms who dump after a crappy 10x like LINK.

>> No.22459879

Then sell and buy those shitcoins. And go home to your mama

>> No.22459890
File: 43 KB, 549x534, YAMERO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAND made in 3 months what Link took 3 years fuck you /biz/ and every linkmuhreen faggot for gaslighting me into holding link instead of taking other opportunities what does it say when a chink coin matches the gains of "the coin for 4th ir!" In such a short time frame? FUCK YOU for convincing us that somehow its ok for professionals and people who develop and use link to sell huge bags while we retail normies have some super duper secret knowledge so we should buy their dumps FUCK YOU

>> No.22459907

yes sell and buy xrp

>> No.22459935

This is why this board is all in on XRP. There wont be any coins making more gains than XRP.

>> No.22459941

>he bought band

Even worse than link, literally a chink copy

>> No.22459962

good luck picking the right ones and not getting rugpulled

>> No.22459978
File: 40 KB, 750x605, nothingpersonalkid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link had its run, we all just saw it.
Just another tradable shitcoin now.
Its over...

>> No.22460026

So when is this bull run? I need to put the date in my calendar.

>> No.22460074

April 2089
Screencap this

>> No.22460223

Exactly. Now is as good of a time as any to take the xrp pill

>> No.22460374

Kek imagine he actually does and remembers to post this cap 69 years from now

>> No.22460393

If i am around I'll post this

>> No.22460924

checked, same was true in 2017
Now, tell me how many of those projects are still in the top 100? Tell me how many are currently doing better than x70, or have been more than x100 within the past month
Feel free chase shitcoin pumps as a means of further accumulating Link, but realize we're not talking about a get rich quick scheme anymore. Link marines are proud of the project, proud of being early, proud of finding something world-changing that they get to be a part of. And yeah, the money, but the money doesn't come close to explaining it all. We pieced together breadcrumbs together before anyone was talking about Link, even in the crypto space. We memed it and bought in together. And soon the whole world will know about Chainlink
You're welcome aboard if you want to join us but like I said, it's no get rich quick scheme. The ogs are already x50 or more over a 3 year period
$1000eoy is just 50x on from ATH

>> No.22461080


Yeah anon, but are you really going to be comfortable holding six figures in those illiquid scams and maybe lose it all? Of course not. There’s a tradeoff of % gains vs security and Link is the best balance of the two. Oh and if your stack is less than 6 figures your opinion is literally irrelevant because you don’t actually know what gains or losses really are.