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File: 110 KB, 2540x3176, 1516906386035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22458704 No.22458704 [Reply] [Original]

why is it crashing? I thought it was the bedrock of the 4th industrial revolution

>> No.22458728

Its still overbought on the weekly. Give it 6 months to consolidate between 7 and 15

>> No.22458753

it's literally a scam u fucking idiot newfags coming on biz and not knowing this will cost u big

>> No.22458802

It's not crashing, we're crabbing. We're stuck in 12-13$ limbo until EOY.

>> No.22458833

Parity with ETH / stuck in pocket - crabbing for a while

>> No.22458839

Markets fluctuate. Buy when they go down you retard.

>> No.22458845

6 months?!

>> No.22458846

When there is no news, we run on bitcoin strength

>> No.22458858

Lol fell for the memes. You think ppl are gonna give a shit about oracles during pandemic selloff

>> No.22458869

You should have bought went it was at 10 cents. Not now. Their 4th on market cap, the fuck else do you want it to do? It's time to sell.
You're one of those morons who joined bitcoin when it was at 15k?

>> No.22458892

it's over, everything is bearish sell sell sell!

>> No.22458968

this but 10 and 15

>> No.22459017

How low are we gonna see link get, looking to get in (never invested in crypto). 5 dollars and I'm in, any lower and I'm definitely in.

>> No.22459098

yes, 6 months. Building and testing a sustainable support, regressing back to the current log accumulation zone and then going for another price discovery, up or down, can't really tell as I'm not a fortune telling gypo

>> No.22459132

Chainlink always dumps on good news, so I assume the Fed partnered with Chainlink as its oracle network or something.

>> No.22459196
File: 356 KB, 495x556, 1567021172213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's fucking dropping like a rock wtf!

>> No.22459214

next stop $3

cope shitcoiners

>> No.22459241


>> No.22459256

Remember when it was one of the only coins that moved by itself around a month or two ago. Now it’s chained to BTC like all the others.

>> No.22459355

>limbo until EOY
No no... please no

>> No.22459377

it's soul destroying :(

>> No.22459381

those who believed this 3 years ago are now dead. Every last one of them an hero. Will you be next, anon?

>> No.22459405

Dream on faggot

>> No.22459446

Shit better not hit $7 or i get liquidated on AAVE

>> No.22459540
File: 394 KB, 4001x2251, chainlink labs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink is full of promises, but it just fails to deliver. What Ari is doing with Chainlink Labs is great, but there's no real world application really. I guess they could pivot to being a think tank, or a blockchain consulting firm, would make more sense really. Inb4 fudding, no I'm not fudding, just a little bit concerned for all the anons that invested their life savings in this R&D circlejerk

>> No.22459999

you just posted this FUD in another link thread, c'mon man. you're better than this.

>> No.22460146

Buy signals are strong tonight!

>> No.22460171

Cant wait for this coin to drop to 3 dollars so I can rack up a nice stack

>> No.22460178

yes sell and buy xrp

>> No.22460188

garbage project is garbage.

>> No.22460214

this is worse.... XRP it's just devil's cum

>> No.22460238

>get liquidated on AAVE
why? could you explain to a brainlet?

>> No.22460248

Can chainlink do anything better than flare? Can chainlink do anything better than algorand?

>> No.22460260

>tfw i can only buy 3k link with 10k even if it crashes all the way to 3 dollars
i wish i could go back in time bros

>> No.22460361

I wish I could as well even though I was all in. The dream of LINK mooning was much better than the currently limp dick price action of LINK. Can't even surpass $10b market cap.

>> No.22460389

Imagine investing in a fatso who hasn’t actually delivered anything meaningful to the business world. Defi does not mean shit to big $

>> No.22460400

Give it time. Its on its way. Once eth 2.0 releases and btc is 100k LINK will go ballistic.

Hell BTC hitting 20k may usher in a 100$ LINK.

>> No.22460442

smartcon was bullish as af

>> No.22460454

>btc is 100k
Loldo you really believe this

>> No.22460479
File: 58 KB, 612x612, tumblr_oki00yLXsS1v380tyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice quads

>> No.22460490
File: 181 KB, 480x360, 1599712048557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're one of those morons who joined bitcoin when it was at 15k?

>> No.22460496



>> No.22460498

Old fag here.
You fucking idiots don't learn anything.
Btc is going to crash to 7k-8k, crashing the whole crypto market, including link.

Only after this healthy price correction, btc and link, along with all other cryptos can soar into another bull run. Link $40 summer 2021

>> No.22460517

Yeah you're right no chance it reaches that by late 2022. Better sell everything now.

>> No.22460520

>muh parabola
*breathes in* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHAHAHAHAHAA

>> No.22460531

All in LINK not selling but hard to believe btc is going to be 100k anytime soon lmao

>> No.22460558

Too many whites. That’s the problem with your company is full of incompetent muricans. They should have learn from the ethereum team and build a diverse slave/dev team.

>> No.22460583


This, just look at the log chart (weekly) its way above the MA25. We have to wait until it touches for it to pump again (it pumped immediately after touching the line every single time over the past 2 years), because this chart is painted by bots to mimic a perfect parabola.

>> No.22460633

Btc going to 20k was more impressive than it possibly going to 100k.

Considering crypto and the desire to safeguard wealth are much larger than they were 3 years ago, Im going to assume these two things will continue to grow into the next two years.

Have you learned nothing from the previous reward halvenings?

>> No.22460681

Now that I became a millionaire I don't need to spend so much time here and there are too many pajeets shilling scams and greedy people with a poor man's mindset.

>> No.22460686

a lot of the talks were super nice, looking forwards :)

>> No.22461219

Not a linkfag, but why are you guys despairing so much and blaming LINK? BTC is down, and so is pretty much everything else, even stuff that was parabolic yesterday. Why blame LINK and make things about it? Did you guys actually expect LINK to stay strong by itself,and not reflect BTC like everything else? That's preposterous.

>> No.22461307

Bro... is just a joke. Man. Chill. No one excepts anything at all from crypto, we are just gambling our future like the bunch of degenerates that we are.

So in middle of our misery, at least...
Let us have this small laugh.

*Puts the gun on his mouth*

>> No.22461426

Get whatever you want, I don't care, just asking what is your guys' point and reason to think of LINK as something so isolated from BTC's value? Even YFI, which was the most consistent high recently has taken a bit of a turn because of BTC. What makes LINK so special, to expect anything different?