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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2245652 No.2245652 [Reply] [Original]

my dad just gave me $3000 to invest

tell me why I shouldn't dump it all into ETH

>> No.2245658

But you should. ETH is a very safe bet.

>> No.2245665

ETH too close to ATH wait for a dip to buy.

>> No.2245669

i got fucking cucked hard

a year ago I knew ETH was going big time but I didn't think to ask my dad for money.

now that it's like $230 a coin he gives me money.


>> No.2245678

Eth isnt going to multiply anytime soon. The marketcap is already too high.

Buy Waves instead. Its still underrated and will multiply to 1billion pretty soon. Its now at 300m.

Waves is up 20% today.

>> No.2245685

I'm waiting for a dip to buy $3000

If the flippening happens then I get a really old used lambo.

>> No.2245695
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See pic
If you still think it's a good idea, then I'm sure your money will be at the right place ;)

>> No.2245710

what do then

>> No.2245719

Buy waves. Its gonna be the new eth.

>> No.2245730

>my dad just gave me $3000 to invest

just kill yourself for being an over privileged whiny permavirgin

>> No.2245738

Why should I buy waves?
I live in a trailer

>> No.2245746

To be fair, if you're using monthly charts, you're moving too slow for this game.

>> No.2245778

Wait for the dip of course! But till then read about oother coins too, at least about the top 10.

I just posted that because last month was insane and there wasn't a correction yet.
It's not to smart to buy the top when you can get it a lot cheaper soon.

>> No.2245780


you absolutely should

>> No.2245783


>> No.2245785
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Invest in education, then git a job.

>> No.2245888

blow his fucking mind by shoving that in shitcoins and making 15 grand by next week

>> No.2245939

give me a basic gestalt on how to get started in shitcoins

>> No.2245953

>give your son a little money learn to invest
>he immediately puts it into a ponzi scheme

>> No.2245962

buy Golem before it gets on coinbase. They are already accumulating

>> No.2246112

buy ETC instead, much more potential

like, after it dips hard though

because it's going to dip VERY hard

>> No.2246124

wewlad i know enough about crypto to know that one is a scam

>> No.2246130


>> No.2246134

Can you give me a rundown on golem?

>> No.2246215
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Golem is an asset of ETH
It is going to be the first super computer that uses decentralized power for multiple purposes.
The first attempt will be Brass Golem which is going to come out next month, it allows Blender to render video and 3D graphics through the global farm of computers.
The price currently is about $0.44 per coin, there is plenty of space for growth still with a tiny market cap of only $362,993,172 (not even on a billion yet).
Currently it's in the 11th place, but you will often see it on the 10th. Although it is already the number one biggest asset.
A month ago there was a rumor of Golem going on coinbase, there have been more and more discoveries that consolidate the rumors to seem like they will be true.
Because coinbase already has ETH on their framework, it's much easier to add an asset than a coin. Further improving the possibilities of actually happening, plus the fact that they already started talking on their blog.
It's been known that any coin that gets added on coinbase gets a 500% increase almost immediately.

>> No.2246241

wait for the dip

>> No.2246246

actually this is a much better idea. Buy GNT, enormous upside

>> No.2246258

Why is Golem worth investing in and why would it ever get on coinbase?

>> No.2246264

niga learn to read >>2246215

>> No.2246275

hmm okay
From what it seems though Golem isn't an actual currency though just some kind of add-on to ETH?

also he just said brass golem is coming out next month, is brass golem a new "coin" or just the next evolution of golem

either way thanks for the heads up ill throw some money its way

>> No.2246296

Your mother knows how to read.

>> No.2246311

He spoon fed you a link to the Jewbase blog that explains what Ethereum tokens are. You're dumb. Dumb dumb dumb.

>> No.2246334

Wtf.. I think you should give the 3000$ back to your dad.

>> No.2246416
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>> No.2247512

Use half to setup a miner

>> No.2247523

If you want to make money you should put it all into gnt

>> No.2247527

Spread it out amongst like 10 coins on poloniex (ones that have dipped). Then when you get up 5 percent or more on a coin, sell. Take the money you made and buy another coin in the dip, rinse repeat. It has worked for me. I only have one rule, I never sell below what I bought for.

Also, because my portfolio is spread over ten coins, I'm not obsessing over one going up or down. It is the best of hodling and day trading in one strategy.

>> No.2247602

>It is going to be the first super computer that uses decentralized power for multiple purposes.
You're such a fucking idiot

Do you really think an AWS cluster can't eclipse the computational power of Golem in like 2 seconds?

>> No.2247635

i like this strategy. what's your success been like vs say having just held ETH?

>> No.2247710

I've only been doing it for two weeks or so, I made enough mistakes trading at first too devise a way to spread out my money and only trade once profit hits.

It's a slower, more sustained way to make money. You'll still have wild fluctuations at times but nothing like when one of the two crypto you are holding decides to tank on the stupid shit this market is at whims to. So while you might do better if your one crypto does amazing long term, this is way too spread out your risk.

>> No.2247770

will give this a shot too, thx for bringing it up

>> No.2247906
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I'm a newbie here, so don't take me seriously (I started with infinitely less money than you). But according to this place...
>Buy when it's low and red.
>Sell when it's high and green.
>Have patience.
>Don't really trust /biz/ at all.

>> No.2247956

buy high sell low

>> No.2247971

I'd spend it on Golem.

>> No.2248055
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So what you're saying is buy now?

>> No.2248068
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And sell here?

>> No.2248103

I can't answer to that. You should make your own research about what you're buying.

Don't take me seriously. I started with 100€, and I still there (102-108).

>> No.2248293

Oh ok hombre.