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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22456295 No.22456295 [Reply] [Original]

Just a reminder that holding rari tokens is boring and wont get you anymore
Buyers and sellers on the platform get rari tokens each week from an airdrop
Buy my washing machines to get some rari on Monday ;)
Also have some more expensive pieces if you want even more rari.

Washing machine: https://app.rarible.com/token/0xd07dc4262bcdbf85190c01c996b4c06a461d2430:9174:0x33afc45defd8578b9c19c9b7610d19fbdf02f1b3
Raricoin: https://app.rarible.com/token/0xd07dc4262bcdbf85190c01c996b4c06a461d2430:8326:0x33afc45defd8578b9c19c9b7610d19fbdf02f1b3

>> No.22456696


>> No.22457525


>> No.22458187

i'd rather trade cryptopunks

>> No.22458248


>> No.22458388

Is it true that the more expensive the NFTs the more RARI earned?

>> No.22458402

yes, airdrop is worked out based upon your total spend

>> No.22458427

brought and sold
plus you can always resell the ntfs for more money if you time the listing right
rari has a surprisingly active buyer/collector market

>> No.22458623

airdrop tomorrow. dump it under $3 pls

>> No.22458650

buy and sell some of my shit to get more from the airdrop ;)

>> No.22458742

>Also have some more expensive pieces if you want even more rari.
How much Rari?
Exactly how much do I have to buy and hopefully sell back to you (the ETH gas costs almost 15$) to get Rari?

>> No.22458791

the exact math isnt public pretty sure, its just 75k rari tokens divided by the active user base, the more you buy and sell the more tokens you get each airdrop

>> No.22458818
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>> No.22459218

>every Monday

>> No.22459238

yep, so not long to buy and sell to increase your airdrop amount :)

>> No.22459263

shutup pajeet

>> No.22459278

How much rari do you receive for each creation?

>> No.22459297

you get rari for buying and selling on the platform
75k tokens get split between the buyers and sellers.

>> No.22459439

Whats stopping me from buying my own stuff and receive rari airdrop??

>> No.22459465

their analytics company picking up on it and banning you from the airdrop so youre essentially just wasting money on gas

>> No.22459466

try it. use vpn and stuff see if you can do it

>> No.22459657

big dump there we go. 4.21 i saw. i want lower!

>> No.22459700


>> No.22459717

I assume it depends on the volume, but there has to be a minimum and a max limit for diminishing returns. It would be painful to trade 100 ethereum just to get 0.01% extra when you could have traded for just 10 ethereum volume.
Can we bounce back and forth the same asset to inflate the volume?

>> No.22459747

Yes but thats washtrading and will get you blocked from the airdrops unless you done it properly and on the super low, otherwise youre just wasting eth on gas fees and ntfs for nothing.
Youre honestly just better off buying a bunch of cheap shit, then reselling, if you can catch the market at the right time you can resell for a lil bit of profit too whilst doubling your airdrop amount.