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2245046 No.2245046 [Reply] [Original]

How many ETH wallets are about to get stolen because they were generated with tools that used the crippled node.js library?

A hunting season for node.js-generated wallets is about to begin.

Let's grieve together for the misfortunate owners. A stolen wallet worth of thousands of bucks that you thought was safe is always a terrible, devastating loss.

>> No.2245054

Its still pretty unlikely.

>> No.2245097

is 'myetherwallet.com' one of those?

>> No.2245300


>> No.2245312


>> No.2245330


>> No.2245333

Mines in jaxx should I be worried?

>> No.2245378


Daily reminder that the more wallets you create the more opportunities to screen cap your private key with malware / hack your shit

>> No.2245398



>> No.2245405

is a wallet generated by myethwallet affected?

>> No.2245411


It wont happen. Chill out. It's all #fakenews. If you haven't noticed trends here, why the fuck would anybody care about helping you? Help yourself and hold your ETH. don't fall into a fucking trap. You could sell tonight thinking it will be $10 less in the morning and it goes to $350+ overnight. Stop coming here and having your head filled with shit. Fuck this Op and anybody trying to scare you. Everything is fine guy

>> No.2245419

All wallets will be affected, especially myethwallet. Myethwallet is widely known as the most dangerously generated keypair on the web. The seed for hash gen is just the number '1' three times in a row (111). Please avoid this dangerous wallet, Anon.

>> No.2245420

> Everything is fine guy

>> No.2245432

>used the crippled node.js library
Can I get sauce on that?

>> No.2245440

That's why you keep your coins in an exchange. It's a lot more secure that way.

>> No.2245446


>> No.2245455
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>> No.2245480
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Who cares about node.js collisions when you can just randomly search through addresses on the blockchain and wait until you find one that isn't empty.

>> No.2245521

If this is a real problem why is there no discussion of it in the Ethereum or Bitcoin subreddits?

>> No.2245544

lmao fuck all of you REEEEEE

>> No.2245584
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>> No.2245605

you're right, it's not a real problem. it's "someone wrote a shitty wallet that generates the same addresses" problem. has nothing to do with ethereum itself.

>> No.2245670

Just like mtgox wasn't a problem with bitcoin? If a bunch of people get their wallets hacked, ETH will still go down. Even if it's not the fault of ETH.

>> No.2245734

If this is true how would you use it to get at people's wallets?

>> No.2245748

>please give me the step by step of how to commit a felony

>> No.2245843

Yes, please also give me the steps for this felony. I need a lambo and I need it now!

>> No.2245938

Just wait for the bubble to pop and for everyone to think that crypto is absolute garbage and for no one to care about it anymore then buy in and wait for the next bubble

>> No.2246006

>Just wait for the bubble to pop and for everyone to think that crypto is absolute garbage and for no one to care about it anymore then buy in and wait for the next bubble
pls pls pls I need this to be true. i fucked up by not getting into crypto earlier. i'm not ready for the normie bubble yet, i need more coins